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What is the biggest linga Francas
offical langauge of US
Now it is english
before, none
What is dialect leveling
reduction of marked differences in dialects over time through nore contact bewteen speakers
norman conquest
1066 - french normans invaded england
German english became more french influenced
made what is modern day English
what language became offical after conquest
french became mor enforced, needed for trade and food
made English
Double modal
two modals
might could, might should
northern cities vowel shift - where was it
in a northern region - inland north
chicago, detroit, buffalo,
know term used for collection of language variation and dialects spoken in a geographical area
regional dialect?
Pidgins and creoles - which have no native speakers
which is a contact lnagauge
no native speakers
upon which langauges are most of the world lnagauges based
romance langauges or Proto-Indo European
which of the two has native speakers
what does AAVE stand for
af american venacular English
AAVE speakers use f instead of th - what is this type of change
th- fronticity
what can be inferred from the documentary perspecative on the importance of understanding and appreciating AAVE
AAVE is a real lnaguage
it is not inferiro
it is important to their culture and their cultureis is in AAVE
Lingutici society of aneruica states that all human lnagauge systems are fundementally regular and calledsome virtues like ebonics broken englisha nd defective. true or false
language purist
beleive only the standard should be spoken
what is a negative concord
when you put multiple negatives for emphasis
i aint do nothing
is AAVE and ethnolect
yes - of an ethnic group
ted talk
chandra aurthur
deflault conformity
code switching
what was her experince
because she learned to code switch she had increased access to opportunities as a minority woman in the tech industry
what does she discuss
urbanization - AAVE in urban areas infleunce those who speak AAVE in rural areas
what is urbanization
when a dialect in a large urban area influences the dialect in a smaller rural area
code switching
when people who speak multiple lnagauges alternate between the two oftent imes in the same sentence
school that taught AAVE in Minnesota
lucy lane
which city reffered to aave as ebonics and considered to teach ebonics
talking black in America
what standard sialect was discusses in the doc
name 2 verbal skills considered sig in the AAVE spoken communities
rolling of the dozens - verbal battles
call and response , preaching
what is the nons tsandard dialect the doc is on
what 2 lanaguges influence the gullah langauges
english and west African? creole?
sentence that contains a third person singular gender neutral pronoun
my cowoker was tired today so i told thme id cover their shift
3 phonologuical differences in AAVE and SAE
metathesis - switching counds like ask and aks
th -frontiicuty - replecae th with f
non rhoticity - drop the r from words that arent followed by a vowel
write a sentence with a null copula
they going to the store
Kids who grow up in aave communtiies are able to become so skilled at lanaguge use becasue of AAVES rich history. Boring born out of slave culture and oppression, aave and its communtiies have the ability to use lnagauge and words in specific ways to reflect values like to be able to defend themsevles verbally, as well as express and praise themselves as standard american english did not achive this for them. SAE was used to opress them. Kids who use aave, which is rich in these abilites, are able to become skilled at using langauge to do these things, crealtibley defedning or praising themslves on the spot. The genre of music that develped out of aave pioneers is blues, which cam from songs expressing feelings and emiotns because of opression. AAVE has this in it, the ability to express things thorugh langauge and words.
write a question
which one of these cities was NOT part of a specific vowel shift that took plac ein a specific region that spread from more urban to more rural area
mash pilon
hot comb
african American
west africa
double models
should could would might can may
which is more grammaticaly complex