a&p exam 4 review

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The structure attaches a muscle to bone and helps stabilize a synovial joint?

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The structure attaches a muscle to bone and helps stabilize a synovial joint?


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the study of the muscular system


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Whether secretion is one of the muscular system functions

No? – (they secrete an unidentified hormone they coined musclin)

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The term that best describes muscle fibers arranged in bundles

Fascicle (can also be called myocites) – is a bundle of muscle fibers bound together bound by tissue that provide pathways for blood vessels and nerves

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The muslce shape of which the rectus femoris is an example of


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The name of the tissue sheet that seperate individual muscle fibers from each other


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The term that refers to a muscle that prevents a bone from moving during an action


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The name of the prime mover muscle for inhalation


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The structure that connects the frontal and occipital bellies of the occipitofrontal (Epicranius) muscle

Epicranial aponeurosis or also called galea aponeurotica

<p>Epicranial aponeurosis or also called galea aponeurotica</p>
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The name of the deepest muscle of the muscles of the abdominal wall

Transverse abdominis

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From a list of muscles, select the muscle that is not externally visible on the trunk of the body**

Transverse Abdominal

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The muscle that is divided by the tendinous intersections into segments that are externally visible on the abdomen of a well-muscled person

Transverse abdominis

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The antagonist muscle to the triceps brachii

Biceps brachii

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The longest muscle in the human body

Sartorius muscle

<p>Sartorius muscle</p>
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From a list of muscles select the muscle that is/isn’t part of the SITS muscles.

Muscles of the Rotator cuff

(S)ubscapularis (I)nfraspinatus (T)eres Minor (S)upraspinatus

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From a list of muscles select the muscle that is/isn’t part of the quadriceps muscles

  • Rectus Formus

  • Vastus Lateralis

  • Vastus Intermedius

  • Vastus Medialis R.TRIPLE V

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From a list of muscles select the muscle that is/isn’t part of the hamstrings

  • Biceps Femoris

  • Semimembranosus

  • Semitendinosus B.S.S

<ul><li><p>Biceps Femoris</p></li><li><p>Semimembranosus</p></li><li><p>Semitendinosus B.S.S</p></li></ul>
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From a list of muscles select the muscle that is/isn’t part of the mastication muscle

  • Temporalis

  • Masseter

  • Medial pterygoid

  • Lateral pterygoid muscles o Secondary muscles/accessory  - Buccinator  - Suprahyoid muscles  - Mylohyoid  - Geniohyoid  - Infrahyoid muscles

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The names of the muscles that form(s) the calf muscle

2 main muscles

  • Gastrocnemius

  • Soleus

<p>2 main muscles</p><ul><li><p>Gastrocnemius</p></li><li><p>Soleus</p></li></ul>
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The property/characteristic of muscle tissue that gives all muscle types the ability respond to electrical stimulus.

Excitability – the ability to respond to stimulus delivered by a neuron or hormone

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The property/characteristic of muscle tissue that refers to the ability of a muscle to stretch

Extensibility – ability to be stretched (Elasticity – ability to recoil back to its original length)

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**The type of conscious control of the skeletal muscle

Voluntary control

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**The number of nuclei contained a skeletal muscle fiber has

Can contain up to several tens (invertebrates) Or several hundred (vertebrates)

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The type of myofilament that runs through the core of a thick filament and anchors it to a Z disc

Elastic filament

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The purpose of the Triad

Allows for Ca2+ to release when a muscle fiber is excited(responding to stimuli)

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**The sarcoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber corresponds to what type of cellular organelle in other tissue cells

Endoplasmic Reticulum

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**The components of the triad

T-tubule and 2 adjacent terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum

<p>T-tubule and 2 adjacent terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum</p>
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The type of filaments that are predominantly made of myosin

Thick filament

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**The structure that marks the boundaries of a sarcomere

Z-Bands or also called Z-Lines or Z-Discs

<p>Z-Bands or also called Z-Lines or Z-Discs</p>
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The band that contains overlapping thick and thin filaments


  • Be thought of as stack of sarcomeres

  • The A-Band (has thick filaments) partly overlapped with thin filaments

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The name of neurons that are specialized to detect stimuli, vs the name of_ neurons that send signals to the effectors of the nervous system.

Specialized to detect stimuli – afferent Neurons that send signals to effectors - efferent

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**The type of neurons (sensory, motor, afferent, efferent, interneuron) that make up more than 90% of the functional neurons in the nervous system


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  1. The most common structural type of neurons (multipolar, bipolar, unipolar, anoxonic)


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**What the term ”nerve fiber” refers to?

The threadlike structural part of the nerve cell

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The name of the glial cell that wraps around nerve fibers in the PNS

The threadlike structural part of the nerve cell

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The name of the glial cell that wraps around nerve fibers in the PNS

Schwann cells

<p>Schwann cells</p>
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The name of the primary site on a neuron for receiving signals from other neurons?

Dendrite Receive synaptic inputs from axons

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The name of the cells forming myelin sheath in the spinal cord

Oligodendrocytes but schwann cells for the peripheral nervous systems

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The ion that has the greatest influence on the resting membrane potential


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The event resulting from opening sodium gates

Depolarization When positively charged ions rush into a neuron with the opening of a voltage gated sodium channels

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From a list of inflowing & outflowing ions, select the one that causes hyperpolarization


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The event resulting from the shifting of the voltage of the plasma membrane from +35 to 0 mv


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From a list of events, select the one that can occurs during the absolute refractory period

  • Action potential leaves the Na+ channels inactivated and the K+ channels activated for a lil bit

  • This makes it harder for the axon to make subsequent action potentials during this interval (i.e. refractory period)

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The property of neurons that allows them to respond to changes in the environment


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The term that describes the alternating light and dark bands in a skeletal muscle


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The protein that acts as a calcium receptor in skeletal muscle


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The number of somatic motor neurons needed to stimulate one muscle fiber

Only one

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The structure from which acetylcholine is released to stimulate muscle contraction

The postganglionic

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The effect on the permeability of the sarcolemma to Na+ when acetylcholine stimulates/binds its receptors in the neuromuscular junction

The permeability of the sarcolemma to Na+ increases

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**Choosing the statement that best describes the resting membrane potential in terms of charge type in the intracellular /extracellular membrane environment

Resting membrane potential is the electrical potential or voltage That’s in a plasma membrane of an unstimulated nerve cell

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**The effect of the absence or inhibition of acetylcholinesterase at a synapse

Tetanus would lead to

  • Flaccid plaralysis

  • Tetanus

  • Atrophy

  • Numbness

  • Muscle wasting

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The muscle type that depends solely on the sarcoplasmic reticulum as its calcium source

Skeletal muscle

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The movement of which structure that uncovers the binding sites of myosin during muscle contraction


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The structure that forms cross bridges with binding sites on actin myofilaments

Globular heads of myosin

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The part of the muscle cell along which action potential is propagated

the neuromuscular junction (motor end plate or myoneural junction)

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The traveling stimulus that causes the increased calcium ion permeability of the presynaptic terminal cell membrane


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The structure to which calcium ions bind during muscle contraction

The troponin molecule

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The terms that describes the minimum stimulus needed to cause muscle contraction

The threshold

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Whether isometric contraction change/does not muscle length

No change in muscle length

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Definition of isotonic contraction

Change in muscle length

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The number of ATP molecules produced by aerobic respiration

38 molecules

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Definition of motor unit

Combination of individual motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it innervates

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Definition of acetylcholine

A type of neurotransmitter – important in the central and peripheral nervous system

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The descriptive term for the difference in electrical charge from one point to another

The potential difference (btwn those points)

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The descriptive term for excitation-contraction coupling

Referring to series of events that link the action potential (excitation) of the muscle cell membrane (the sarcolemma) to muscular contraction

<p>Referring to series of events that link the action potential (excitation) of the muscle cell membrane (the sarcolemma) to muscular contraction</p>
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The descriptive term for the ability of muscle cells to shorten


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The connective tissue layer bundles muscle fibers together into fascicles

Perimysium and/or endomysium tissue

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The cellular source for calcium needed for contraction in skeletal muscles

The sarcoplasmic reticulum

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The role of acetylcholinesterase

An enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of acetylcholine and some of other choline esters that work as neurotransmitters

To terminate neuronal transmission and signaling btwn synapses to prevent Ach dispersal and activation of nearby receptors

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The characteristics/features of the cardiac muscle tissue

  • Striated

  • Branched

  • Have mitochondria

  • Under involuntary control

  • Single nucleus an centrally located

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The characteristics/features of the smooth muscle tissue?

  • Non striated o Thick and thin filaments that aren’t arranged into sarcomeres

  • Spindle -shaped

  • Have a single central nucleus

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The way by which action potential enters the depth of the muscle fiber

Through the t-tubules system (t=transvers) Starts in the sarcolemma and penetrates the heart of the fibre

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The ion that the sarcolemma of a resting muscle fiber is most permeable to

Potassium – K+

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