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Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
What sermon illustrates that the only reason man is not thrown into hell instantly is God's mercy?
A spider
What creature does Edwards use to illustrate how God holds us over the pit of hell?
Selfishness Not True Religion
Which sermon says that to have a supreme regard for our own happiness is unlike God?
Employments of Heaven
Which sermon discusses what departed friends are now doing in heaven?
Conjugal Harmony
The importance of a happy home is the theme of what selection?
They are too lazy to study it
According to "Nuts for Skeptics to Crack," why do some people not understand the Bible?
What is the wonderful temple that Billy Sunday preached about?
According to R. G. Lee, is evolution scientific?
Why something is done is more important than what is done
What is the theme of "The All-Importance of Motive"?
I Saw God Wash the World
What poem gives a fresh outlook on God's creation after a storm?
Which poem says that God wants to bless us if we will let Him?
My Advocate
What poem shows the conversation between Satan and Jesus over a Christian who had sinned?
The Bent Twig
Which poem shows the importance of training children about God?
God had a plan for our lives before time began
What is the theme of "Long and Long Ago"?
Jonathan Edwards
Who preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?
Charles G. Finney
Who preached "Selfishness Not True Religion"?
T. DeWitt Talmage
Who preached "Employments of Heaven"?
T. DeWitt Talmage
Who is the author of "Conjugal Harmony"?
Billy Sunday
What preacher was once a ball player that became one of the greatest revival preachers in America?
Billy Sunday
Who preached "Nuts for Skeptics to Crack" and "This Wonderful Temple"?
R. G. Lee
Who preached "Evolution"?
A. W. Tozer
Who preached "The All-Importance of Motive"?
William L. Stidger
Who wrote the poem "I Saw God Wash the World"?
Martha Snell Nicholson
What poet was an invalid whom God used to write hundreds of poems of praise and encouragement?
Treasures, My Advocate, The Bent Twig, Long and Long Ago
Name the four poems from the text written by Martha Snell Nicholson.
An expressed comparison of unlike things
A phrase or sentence which is repeated at intervals
An implied comparison in which one thing is described in terms of another
A meaning in itself which also represents another thing as well
A comparison in which human qualities are given to an inanimate object or an animal
The writer's or speaker's attitude toward his subject and in turn the response which the writer intends for his readers
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
"The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given."
Selfishness Not True Religion
"A supreme regard to our own happiness is inconsistent with true religion."
Conjugal Harmony
"A church within a church, a republic within a republic, a world within a world, is spelled by four letters—home!"
Nuts for Skeptics to Crack
"Can to tell me why it is that a black cow can eat green grass and give white milk?"
Nuts for Skeptics to Crack
"I do not believe that grass and flowers and trees grew by chemical force any more than I believe that a book on botany describing flowers came from chemical forces."
"'You cannot be an informed Christian and a logical evolutionist.'"
"That God COULD not pour His riches
Into hands already full!"
The Bent Twig
"The twig was bent, the tree inclined,
And so his heart and soul and mind
Found it too hard a thing to do . . ."