boreal forest
aka taiga
canada, alaska, russia, scandinavia
long harsh winters, short cool summers
moose, wolves, bears, lynx
occurs in small patches across the world
mild wet winters, warm dry summers
frequent fires
grassland with some trees
africa, south america, australia, india
dry seasons and rainy seasons; only precipitates during rainy season
safari animals
some completely bare, some vegetated
the americas, south asia, south africa, australia
hot dry days, cool dry nights
mostly nocturnal animals
plants adapt to protect their water reserves
contains permafrost
russia, canada, scandinavia
long cold winters, short cool summers
polar bears, oxen, caribou
little vegetation
temperate grassland
aka steppe or prairie
europe, north america, south australia/new zealand
cold winters, warm summers
large temperature difference
bison, ground-nesting birds, cattle
temperate rainforest
coastal pacific northwest of us
long wet winters, short dry summers
constant rain during winter
moisture-loving bugs and animals
temperate deciduous forest
mid-latitude forests in europe, eastern china, eastern north america
year-round even precipitation
four seasons- cold winters, warm summers
frogs, turtles, squirrels, deer, foxes
tropical dry forest
aka tropical deciduous forest
india, africa, south america, north australia
wet and dry seasons
dry season lasts about 5-8 months
monkeys, parrots, wild rodents, ground-nesting birds
tropical rainforest
southeast asia, west africa, central and south america
year-round precipitation and warmth
little seasonal difference
jungle book kind of animals
lush vegetation with acidic soil