World History Unit 4 Test

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gaining new sources of wealth, finding faster trade routes to Asia, spreading Christianity

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gaining new sources of wealth, finding faster trade routes to Asia, spreading Christianity

The three main reasons for European exploration were ___, ___, and ___

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caravel, triangle-shaped sails, magnetic compass

Advances in technology like the ___ with ___ and the ___ made European exploration possible

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Prince Henry, navigation, sea captains, mapmakers, navigators

The son of Portugal's king, ___, started a school of ___ where ___, ___, and ___ met and exchanged ideas

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Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama

Portuguese captain ___ reached the southern tip of Africa and ___ led a ship around Africa to India and back

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Spain, Portugal, Treaty of Tordesillas, Portugal, eastern, Spain, western

After Christopher Columbus reached the islands of the Americas, ___ and ___ signed the ___ that divided the world into two areas: ___ got the ___ parts, and ___ got the ___ parts

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Indian Ocean, Spice Islands

After the Treaty of Tordesilllas, Portugal moved to make the ___ route pay off and used military might to gain power over the ___, which made them very wealthy

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East Indies, East India Companies, Asian, governments, money, treaties, armies, Dutch East India Company

In the 1600s, the English and Dutch entered the ___ and set up ___ to control ___ trade. These companies acted like ___ and had the power to make ___, sign ___, and raise ___. The ___ was richer and more powerful than England's company

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Hernando Cortés, conquistadors, gold, silver, Mexico, South America, United States

Spaniard ___ landed in Mexico, and ___ were motivated by rumors of ___ and ___ and created colonies in the future regions of ___, ___, and ___

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Tenochtitlán, Montezuma II, God, gold

Cortés marched with 600 men to ___ where they met Aztec emperor ___, who was convinced Cortés was an armor-wearing ___, so he agreed to give a share of the empire's ___ supply

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payments, tribute, invading, ally

The Aztecs gained power by demanding ___ from conquered cities, but the Spaniards disrupted this ___ system, ___ these areas and convincing many to ___ with him

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codices, history, economy, religious beliefs, daily life, temples

The Spaniards destroyed almost all Aztec ___, which were painted books that described ___, ___, ___, and ___, and they also destroyed ___ and other significant places

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Montezuma II, religious ceremony, rebelled, conquered, weaponry, Malinche, diseases, natural immunity

Cortés captured ___ and killed other Aztec warriors and chiefs in a ___. The Aztecs ___, but the Spaniards ___ them because of their advanced ___, a native woman interpreter ___ helping side the Natives with the Spaniards, and ___ brought by the Europeans that reduced the Aztec population because they didn't have ___

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Francisco Pizarro, Atahualpa, Cajamarca, kidnapping, gold, silver, temples, buildings

Spanish conquistador ___ conquered the Incan Empire in South America, meeting Incan ruler ___ near the city of ___ and crushing the forces he brought with him while ___ him and then plundering the surrounding Incan cities for ___ and ___, destroying ___ and other ___

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gold, silver, ransom, strangled, burned, forbidden

Atahualpa offered to fill a room once with ___ and twice with ___ for his release, but after the Spanish received his ___ they ___ him and ___ his body, which was culturally ___ by Inca

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Cajamarca, Cuzco, government, conquerors, Maya, Yucatan, Guatemala

After Atahualpa's murder, Incan forces retreated from ___ and Pizarro captured Incan capital ___ without a struggle, establishing a new ___ and offering Incan lands to Spanish ___ who also conquered the ___ in ___ and ___

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reconquista, peninsulares, mestizo

The Spanish drew techniques used during the Spanish ___ to conquer the Americas, and because the Spanish settlers, or ___, were mostly men, relationships between Spanish men and Native American women created a ___ population

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Native Americans, encomienda, landlords, abused, worked, death

The Spanish enslaved ___ and forced them to work within the ___ system where they farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish ___ who promised the government they would respect the workers but often ___ or ___ them to ___

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Pedro Álverez Cabral, Brazil, colonization, political system, world power

The Portuguese king ordered ___ to further explore Africa and Asia, but he landed in ___ instead and Portugal claimed the land, but ___ took decades because the ___ was poor and Portugal, a major ___ at that time, had larger concerns

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gold, silver, forests, sugar plantations, Native Americans, Africans, Bandeiras, Natives, skimishes

Colonists in Brazil found little ___ or ___ so they instead cleared out ___ and built giant ___, using enslaved ___ and ___ to work for them. ___ were slave-hunting expeditions that explored ___ Brazil and searched for ___ to be captured, but this often led to violent ___

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2, Bahamas, East Indies, gold, resource poor, India, inflation

On October 12, 1492, Columbus reached the ___ after a little more than ___ months, but thought he was in the ___. He was looking for ___ because Europe was ___ and it could be used for trade in ___, but this influx caused ___

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Amerigo Vespucci

___ was the explorer who discovered that the "East Indies" were actually a whole new land

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technology, demographic, disease, ecological

Interactions between humans and the environment in the Americas caused ___ advances, ___ shifts, the spread of ___, and ___ shifts

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___ is why we see growing gap, an economic theory relationship between two trading partners (mama country to baby territories, mama gets whatever for as little as it takes, sells it back for high cost), all about creating high profits out of closed trade relationship

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Columbian exchange

the ___ is global transregional trade from the new world to old world

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economically, spiritually

Spain was ___ and ___ motivated to colonize the new world

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Juan Ponce de León, maritime empire

In 1513 ___ landed in modern Florida and claimed it for Spain, and this was before Spain ever dreamed of building a ___

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Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, empire, gold, priests

___ led an expedition through what is now the southwest United States, searching for a wealthy ___ to conquer, and because little ___ was found, the Spanish monarchy assigned mostly ___ to colonize the land

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priests, converts, Pedro de Peralta, tributary, Santa Fe, Pueblo

___ accompanied conquistadors from the beginning in search of ___ and found success among the native people, and after ___, the governor of Spain's New Mexico holdings, led settlers to a ___ on the upper Rio Grande, the capital ___ was built and Christian missions arose among the native inhabitants, the ___

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encomienda, work, abused, Popé, Pueblo, warriors, New Mexico, New Spain

Spanish priests criticized the treatment of Native Americans under the ___ system, but even after it was abolished in 1542, Natives were forced to ___ for the Spanish and were sometimes ___, so ___, a ___ leader, led a well-organized rebellion against the Spanish involving more than 8000 ___ from villages all over ___ and drove the Spanish back into ___ for 12 years

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diets, population explosion, ecological, crops, nutrients, soil, forests, farmland, disease, 50, 90

The Columbian Exchange diversified the ___ of people in the Old World and led to a ___, but caused problems in the Americas including ___ problems due to new ___ depleting the ___ in the , ___ being cut down to make , and ___ (-% of the native population died)

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wealthy, resources, global trade, business, trade

Because of the Columbian Exchange, European nations grew ___ off of the availability of ___ from the Americas and ___ grew, leading to new ___ and ___ practices

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Capitalism, private ownership, governments, investment, profit, economic, inflation

___ rose as a result of the Columbian Exchange, and this economic system was based on ___ and no longer just ___, as well as the ___ of resources such as money for ___. This led to an increase in ___ activity which led to an increase in ___

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Joint-stock companies, interest, money, Columbian Exchange, colonize the Americas

The Columbian Exchange led to ___, which were partnerships of investors who bought shares of stock in a company hoping to make a profit with ___, because Europeans had more ___ after the ___ and the common purpose of these companies was to __

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mercantilism, wealth, gold, silver, trade, resources

The Columbian Exchange caused the growth of ___, where a country's power mainly depended on its ___ so they wanted to obtain as much ___ and ___ as possible and establish a favorable balance of ___ for mother countries, which in return depleted the colonies of ___

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Islam, Muslim, non-Muslim, prisoners of war

The spread of ___ into Africa ushered an increase in slavery because ___ belief justified that ___ ___ could be bought or sold as slaves

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legal rights, social mobility, influence, power, generals, army, marrying

In African and Muslim societies, slaves had some ___ and opportunity for ___, and a few could even occupy positions of ___ and ___, serving as ___ in the ___. These slaves could escape bondage by ___ into the family they served

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Portuguese, gold, Americas, natives

The ___ were the first Europeans to explore Africa, and traders were more interested in trading for ___ than captured Africans, but this changed with the colonization of the ___ and ___ dying by the millions

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immunity, diseases, farming, land, escape, skin color

Advantages of using African slaves in the Americas included they had built up ___ to European ___, they were experienced in ___, they didn't know their way around the ___ so they were less likely to ___, and their ___ made it easier to catch them if they tried to live among others

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Atlantic slave trade

The ___ became a massive enterprise where about 9.5 million Africans were transported to the Americas when it ended

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Spanish, mainland, slaves, Portuguese, slaves, Brazil, cheap labor

The ___ began to colonize the American ___ and imported thousands of ___, but the ___ surpassed them in the importation of ___ because ___ dominated the European sugar market and the demand for ___ grew

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civilize, Christianity, women, non-consensual, intermixing, laws, wives, two

In early colonial society, the Spanish wanted to ___ the natives which really meant convert them to ___ using any means necessary, and few Spanish ___ came to the new world meaning mostly ___ ___ was common which led to the Spanish creating ___ that banned men from traveling without their ___ or they had to send for their wives within ___ years

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intermixed, sex, wedlock, marriage policies, Decree, land, New Laws, Bartolomé de las Casas, King Charles, Native Americans

In early colonial societies in the new world, the Catholic Church supported ___ marriages to stop ___ out of ___, which led to the 1503 ___ and the 1539 ___ where men could only get ___ if they were married. The 1542 ___ followed when ___ told ___ he go to hell if he didn't pass these laws that said ___ should be treated as people under the crown

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Sistema de Castas, Spanish blood, rights, professions, institutions

The ___ was created to preserve Spanish wealth, power, and privileges, and was based on the percent of ___, determining access to certain ___, ___, and ___

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Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Natives, Free Blacks, Slaves

The Basic Sistema de Castas was as follows: ___ had 100% Spanish blood and were born on the Iberian Peninsula, ___ had 100% Spanish blood and were born in the Americas, ___ were offspring of a Spaniard and a Native American and had 50% Spanish blood, and ___, ___, and ___ all had 0% Spanish blood

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Casta paintings, 16, race, intermixing

___ were inspired by the Sistema de Castas and came in sets of ___, showing the Spanish fascination with ___ and ___

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direction child is facing (towards dad good), child's behavior

Happiness in Casta paintings is based off of ___ and ___

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clothes (European good), food (fruits good, root veggies bad), background

Prosperity in Casta paintings is based off of ___, ___, and ___

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skin color and facial features of child (lighter than darkest parent good)

Where a Casta painting would fit in the hierarchical order is based on ___

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dark marks, lightness of skin, Spanish blood, avocados, uterus, children

Symbols of importance in Casta paintings were ___ drawn on faces to show ___ and some ___, and ___ which are in the shape of a ___ and showed that the couple should keep having ___

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triangular trade, manufactured goods, captured Africans, Atlantic, West Indies, sugar, coffee, tobacco

Africans transported to the Americas were part of the ___, where Europeans brought ___ to the west coast of Africa and exchanged them for ___, who were transported across the ___ and sold in the ___, where merchants bought ___, ___, and ___ and sailed to Europe

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Middle Passage, transatlantic trade triangle

The ___ was a voyage that brought Africans to the West Indies and later North and South America, and was considered the middle leg of the ___

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whippings, beatings, diseases, fed, suicide, 20%

Africans were packed into ships and endured ___ and ___ from merchants, ___ were spread easily, they were not ___ well, and some committed ___, with about ___ dying aboard every ship

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high office, oppressed, Latin America, Europe, Enlightenment, revolution

Creoles could not hold ___ but were the least ___ of those born in ___, and many traveled to ___ for education, adopting ___ ideas and bringing back ideas of ___

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Spain, revolts, Ferdinand VII, Joseph, creoles, French, Locke, consent of governed, rebellion

Napoleon's conquest of ___ in 1808 triggered ___ in colonies because he removed King ___ and made his brother ___ king, and the ___ felt no loyalty to this ___ king and used ___'s idea of ___, saying power shifted to the people when the real king was removed, causing ___ to brake out in 1810

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Simón Bolívar, José de Martín

Creole generals ___, a wealthy Venezuelan, and ___, and Argentinian, led the Spanish wars of independence

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Venezuela, defeats, exile, Andes, Columbia, Bogotá, victory, Venezuela, Ecuador, José de San Martín

Native ___ declared independence from Spain in 1811, but Bolívar's army suffered ___ and Bolívar had to go into ___ twice, yet eventually in August 1819 he led a march through the ___ into now ___ where he took the Spanish army in ___ by surprise and won a ___. After ___ won its independence in 1821, Bolívar marched south into ___ and met ___

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Argentina, Chile, Peru, Andes, Chile, Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile, San Martín, Ayacucho, Gran Colombia

___ declared independence in 1816 but Spanish forces in ___ and ___ posed a threat, so San Martín led a march across the ___ into ___ and when joined by ___'s forces, they finally freed ___. ___ left his forces for Bolívar to command and he defeated the Spanish at the Battle of ___, after which Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador were united into a country called ___

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mixed, Indians, mestizos, creoles

In Mexico, ethnic and racial groups ___ more freely, so ___ and ___ led revolutionary movements instead of ___

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Miguel Hidalgo, Enlightenment, Spanish, grito de Dolores

___ was a priest in the small village of ___ in Mexico and believed in ___ ideals, ringing the bells of the village ___ and calling for rebellion against the ___, which in known as ___

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Indian, mestizo, Mexico City, army, creoles, property, land, lives, Hidalgo

The day after grito de Dolores, ___ and ___ followers began a march toward ___ which soon numbered 80,000 and alarmed the Spanish ___ and ___ who feared the loss of ___, control of ___, and ___, and the army defeated ___ in 1811

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Padre José María Morelos, revolution, Agustín de Iturbide, independence, Spain

After the defeat of Hidalgo, the Mexican rebels rallied around another strong leader, ___, who led the ___ for 4 years but was defeated by the creole officer ___ who later ironically was the one who declared ___ from ___

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revolution, liberal, creoles, privileges, united, independence

Mexico's independence came about when a ___ in Spain put a ___ group in power and Mexican ___ feared a loss of ___ in the Spanish-controlled colony so they ___ in support of Mexico's ___

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viceroyalty, New Spain, Spanish, colonial government, Iturbide, self-proclaimed, declarations of independence, overthrown, Central America, United Provinces of Central America

Before the Mexican Revolution, Central America was part of the ___ of ___ and was governed by the ___ from a seat of ___ in Mexico, and ___, the ___ emperor, refused to recognize ___ but was ___ in 1823 and ___ declared absolute independence from Mexico, taking the name ___

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bloodshed, Napoleon, Spain, Portugal, British, Prince John, Portugal, Brazil, Rio de Janiero, 14

Brazil's quest for independence occurred without ___, starting when ___'s armies invaded both ___ and ___ in 1807 and aiming to close ports to ___ shipping, but ___ and family boarded ships to escape capture and took the court and royal treasury to ___'s largest colony, ___, where ___ became the capital and the empire was run for ___ years

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King John VI, Dom Pedro, King John, petition, creoles

After Napoleon's defeat, ___ and the government returned to Portugal, but ___, ___'s son, stayed behind in Brazil and declared Brazil's independence officially after eight thousand signed a ___ asking him to rule after ___ demanded independence from Portugal

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Ming, vassal states, tribute

China became the dominant power in Asia under the ___ Dynasty, and ___ from Korea to Southeast Asia paid overlords ___

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Hongwu, Mongols, Ming, Nanjing, agricultural lands, Mongolian, fish farming, commercial crops

___ commanded the rebel army that drove the ___ out of China in 1368 and became the first ___ emperor, continuing to rule from the former Yuan capital ___, and he began reforms designed to restore ___ destroyed by war, erase ___ past, and promote power and prosperity, as well as encouraging ___ and growing ___ like cotton and sugar cane

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traditions, institutions, Confucian, civil service examination, ruthless tyrant, purges

Hongwu used respected ___ and ___ to bring stability to China, encouraging the return to ___ moral standards and improving imperial administration by restoring the ___ system. However, when problems developed, he became a ___ and conducted ___ of the government

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Yonglo, Ming, Beijing, seven, voyages of exploration, tribute

After Hongwu's death, his son ___ emerged as the next ___ emperor and moved the royal court to ___. He launched ___ ___ to impress the world with the power of Ming China and expand China's ___ system

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Zheng He, Indian Ocean, silver, silk, tributes, barbarian attacks, isolation

Chinese Muslim admiral ___ led all seven of Yonglo's voyages, sailing from port to port along the ___, distributing gifts of ___ and ___ to show Chinese superiority and more than 16 countries sent ___ to the Ming court, but some still complained that the voyages wasted resources that could be used to protect against ___, so after the 7th voyage, China withdrew into ___

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foreign trade, silk, porcelain, Europeans, silver, Americas

After the Chinese isolation, only the government conducted ___ through the ports of Canton, Macao, and Ningbo, but merchants still smuggled ___, ___, and other valuable goods to ___ who paid with ___, much of which came from mines in the ___

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economy, Confucian, agriculture, taxes, agriculture, taxes, manufacturing, trade

The demand for Chinese goods effected the ___, but ideas of commerce offended ___ beliefs and Chinese economic policies traditionally favored ___, so ___ on ___ stayed low while ___ on ___ and ___ skyrocketed

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Christian, traders, Christianity, science, technology, Matteo Ricci, intelligence, fluency, Chinese, European, Christian

___ missionaries accompanied European ___ into China, bringing ___ and knowledge of European ___ and ___. The first impactful missionary was Italian Jesuit ___ who gained special favor in the Ming court for his ___ and ___ in ___. However, many educated Chinese were still opposed to ___ and ___ presence

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Great Wall, Mongol, wall

The ___ saw its greatest extension during the Ming because they feared ___ invasion and ordered the ___ to be maintained and strengthened

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government, Confucian, head of state, ineffectual

Hongwu reorganized the ___, replacing Yuan laws with codes based on ___ teachings, and establishing the emperor as the ___, but this worked less well for later ___ leaders

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examination, Confucian, literate, Confucian

The Ming government required candidates for high civil office to pass an official ___ based on ___ text which assured administrators were highly ___ and well versed in ___ ideals

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Han Lin Academy, Tang, Confucian, political, secretaries, aspects, directly

An institution in China called the ___ was established by the ___ dynasty and issued official interpretations of ___ books, but the institution became more ___ under Hongwu, transforming into six ___ that governed various ___ of the empire and the reported ___ to Hongwu

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Censorate, anti-corruption, inspections, corrupt, laws, honestly

By 1430 the department in the Han Lin Academy called the ___ was created to enforce ___ laws, and officials would travel to provinces to complete ___ and remove ___ officials from office, which encouraged officials to obey ___ and deal ___ with others

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military, ethnic diversity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, religious diversity

Ming leaders used the ___ to manage China's ___, but religions like ___, ___, and ___ flourished, with Ming politics and society reflecting the dynasty's ___

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rulers, officials, money, taxes, harvest, starvation, Manchus, non-Chinese

The Ming decline was caused by ineffective ___, corrupt ___, government with no ___, high ___ and bad ___, and peasant , so in 1644 ___ () invaded and defeated the Ming

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rebellions, Confucian, isolation, cultural center of the universe, Europeans, ports, tribute, kowtow, submission

Under the Qing, ___ flared up for decades even though they upheld traditions of ___ beliefs and social structures and continued ___ and although China was considered the "___" if ___ wanted to trade they could only do so at special ___ and had pay a ___ as well as perform ___ which showed ___ to Chinese

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population explosion, food production, nutrition, sons, daughters, religious rituals, families, parents, education, finances

Under the Ming and Qing dynasties, there was a ___ because ___ increased and ___ improved, but ___ were favored over ___ because they could perform certain ___ and would raise ___ under their ___ roof. Women's jobs were to supervise the children's ___ and manage the family's ___

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traditional, technique, creativity

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, artistic styles were based on ___ forms of art and valued ___ over ___

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french, Saint Domingue, independence, sugar, outnumbered

Haiti is also the ___ colony of ___ and the first colony in Latin America to gain ___ because the Africans who worked on ___ plantations ___ the whites

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Toussaint Louverture

___ was a former slave and the self educated leader who led a revolt on Haiti and took control of the island and freed the slaves but was arrested and sent to a French prison where he died

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On January 1st, 1804, ___ declared its independence

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pilgrimages, Mount Tai, imperial legitimacy

Throughout Chinese history, emperors made ___ to ___, which emphasized their ___

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civil service exams, meritocracy

The Qing continued the tradition of ___ to build a ___

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centralized, force, eliminated, Buddhists, equality, Korea

In Japan, ___ rule collapsed and a ruler ruled the empire by ___ and ___ enemies who were mostly ___ who wanted ___ and in 1592 invaded ___

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Tokugawa shogunate, shogunate, Edo, Daimyos, stability, prosperity, isolation

The ___ was the last ___ of Japan with the capital city ___ and ___ governing at the local level with ___, ___, and ___ occurring in society

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European, Portuguese, manufactured goods, firearms, Christian missionaries, traditions

In 1543 Japan had the first ___ contact with the ___, who brought foreign ___ and ___ which merchants and daimyos welcomed, but then ___ came and threatened Japanese ___

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Closed Country Edict, Nagasaki, Dutch, Chinese, cultural diffusion

In 1639 the Tokugawa Shogun issued the ___ where one port, ___, remained open to ___ and ___ traders so that ___ was controlled

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