IB Bio: Human Physiology

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Gastrointestinal tract

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Gastrointestinal tract

aka alimentary canal, long continuous tube connecting the mouth and the anus

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accessory organs

organs related to digestion not in the GI tract, secrete enzymes and digestive molecules into the GI tract

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4 stages of digestion

  1. Ingestion 2. Digestion 3. Absorption 4. Transport

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mechanical digestion

physically breaking food into smaller units

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the tongue pushes food around the mouth to be chewed by the teeth, mixes with saliva to create a bolus

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structure at the back of the mouth, prevents the bolus from entering the nasal cavity

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a mixture of chewed food and saliva

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a structure that prevents bolus from entering the trachea

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stomach churning

  • the stomach has 3 layers of muscle, all moving in different directions that churn/squeeze the food

  • creates chyme by mixing bolus with gastric juices

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created by the stomach churning the bolus with gastric juices

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Cardiac sphincter

valve at the top of the stomach

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chief cells

secrete pepsinogen (zymogen of pepsin), present in the stomach

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goblet cells

secrete mucus, line stomach to protect it from acid, in small intestine to aid movement

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pyloric sphincter

between the stomach and the duodenum of the small intestine

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continuous segments of longitudinal smooth muscle rhythmically contract and relax along the oesphagus, moves food in the caudal direction, also present in the small intestine and stomach

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caudal direction

movement down the GI tract

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circular and longitudinal muscle moves food in both directions, performing mechanical digestion and mixing with secreted enzymes

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Pulmonary system

blood pumped from right ventricle, to lungs, then returned to left atrium

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Systemic blood system

oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle is pumped all around the body, then returned to right atrium

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left ventricle has a thick muscular wall because…

it has to pump to the entire body

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arteries structure + function

  • carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to body tissue

  • the thick outer wall contains collagen for stretch and so it won’t rupture

  • contains elastin, elastic recoil helps move blood

  • the muscular wall allows it to transport blood at high pressures

  • autonomic nervous system regulates the lumen diameter using the smooth muscle

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elastic recoil

the movement of arteries, created by the presence of elastin, that helps to pump blood

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capillaries structure +function

  • one cell thick for efficient exchange

  • has a diameter of 1 RBC for efficient exchange

  • connects the veins and arteries

  • has low blood pressure

  • exchanges nutrients and waste

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veins structure + function

  • has wide lumen to maximize blood flow

  • carries oxygen-poor blood to the heart

  • carries blood at a low pressure therefore walls are very thin and contain little muscle

  • located between skeletal muscle, relies on contraction for blood flow

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fenestrated capillaries

has many pores, located in the intestinal villi and endocrine glands

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continuous capillaries

have tight junctions which reduces the permeability, located in fat, muscle, and nervous system

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discontinuous capillaries

have intercellular gaps so permeable to large molecules and cells, located in liver, bone marrow

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myogenic muscle contraction

contracts independent of nervous system, performed by cardiac muscle of the heart

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SA node

the sinoatrial node, located in the right atrium, sends electric signals for atria to contract every 0.8 seconds

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AV node

the atrioventricular node, located in the septum, receives a signal from the SA node, then transmits a signal for the ventricles to contract with a 0.1 second delay

  • sends signals down the septum via a nerve bundle (Bundle of His)

  • The Bundle of His innervates nerve fibres (Purkinje fibres) in the ventricular wall, causing ventricular contraction

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vena cava

  • large vein going back into the heart

  • inferior vena cava = lower body

  • superior vena cava = upper body

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the response of the heart to exercise

  • demand to remove CO2 and intake O2, triggers the medulla to send a signal to the SA node through the cardiac nerve to increase heart rate

  • when CO2 levels go down, medulla sends a signal through the vagus nerve to decrease the heart rate

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any living organism or virus that causes disease (eg. virus, bacteria, fungus, worm, protozoa)

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condition that disturbs normal body functioning (interrupts homeostasis)

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deterioration in the normal state of health of an organism

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zoonotic pathogens

  • can cross species barrier

  • an increasing problem as contact between humans and animals increases via animal husbandry

  • eg. west nile virus, rabies

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Species specific pathogens

  • can infect one species but not another

  • based on optimal body temperatures, presence of cell receptor molecules

  • eg. frogs cannot suffer from TB

  • eg. gonorrhea, polio, syphilis, measles

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Primary defence: Skin

  • While the dermis is alive with sweat glands, sensory receptors, dermal cells, etc., the epidermis is mainly dead cells on the surface

    • since many pathogens enter living tissues, as long as dead epidermis is intact, it acts as a primary defence

  • Sebaceous glands in skin secrete lactic acid and fatty acids which makes the surface of the skin acidic and prevents growth of most pathogenic bacteria

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Primary defence: Mucus

  • Entry points of the body (urethra trachea, nasal passage, vagina) are heavily lined with goblet cells —the mucus they secrete can trap pathogens

  • Cilia may also be present which “sweep” the pathogens out the body

  • Lysozomes may be present in mucus, their enzymes can kill bacterial pathogens

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  • sealing the hole in a blood vessel to keep pathogens out and prevent blood loss

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  • cell fragments produced by bone marrow

  • have no nucleus

  • live for 8-10 days

  • undergo a structural change when activated to form a sticky plug at the damaged region

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Coagulation cascade

  • Clotting factors are released by platelets when a blood vessel is damaged

    • they also initiate localised vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow through the damaged region

  • they trigger the conversion of inactive zymogen prothrombin to activated enzyme thrombin

  • thrombin then catalyzes the conversion of soluble plasma protein fibrinogen into insoluble fibrous form fibrin

  • fibrin forms a mesh of fibres around the platelet plugs and traps RBCs to form a temporary clot

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Coronary Thrombosis

  • Formation of a blood clot within coronary arteries

  • occlusion of a coronary artery by a blood clot may lead to an acute myocardial infarction

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  • Blood clots form in arteries when vessels are damaged as a result of the deposition of cholesterol

  • Stenosis - The diameter of the lumen is reduced by atheromas the increased pressure results in fibrous scar tissue forming in damaged areas

  • atherosclerotic plaque forms as smooth lining degrades

  • if the plaque ruptures, blood clotting forms a thrombus that restricts blood flow —forms an embolus if it is dislodged

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  • White blood cells, includes phagocytes and lymphocytes

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Phagocytes role in the immune system

  • Ingestion of pathogens by macrophages gives non-specific immunity to disease (part of the innate immune system)

    • They do not differentiate between different types of pathogens

    • They are also non-adaptive; they respond to an infection the same way every time

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Mechanism of phagocyte’s ingestion of pathogens

  • Macrophages circulate in blood and move into body tissue (extravasation) in response to infection (damaged tissues release chemical signals to draw in white blood cells via chemotaxis)

  • They recognize that a pathogen is “not-self” based on protein molecules on its surface (generally glycoproteins)

  • Use phagocytosis to ingest pathogens —pseudopodia extend from the cell membrane and surround the pathogen, eventually fusing to form an internal vesicle

  • This vesicle fuses to a lysosome to form a phagolysosome which contains enzymes to digest the pathogen

  • Pathogen fragments (antigens) may then be presented on the surface of a macrophage to form a dendritic cell and stimulate the third line of defence.

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Mechanism of inflammation

  • tissue damage signals leukocytes called mast cells (localised) and Basophils (circulating) to release histamine

  • histamine is recognized by some cells and causes local vasodilation which increases capillary permeability to improve the recruitment of leukocytes to the region

  • this also causes increased blood flow (redness/heat) and release of fluids (swelling/tenderness)

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Antibodies definition and structure

  • specific protein molecules that are produced in response to a pathogen’s specific antigen

  • Y shaped, four polypeptides with disulphide bonds between them

  • antigen binds to a variable region specific to it

  • constant region serves as a recognition site for the rest of the immune system

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Antibodies functions

  • recognizes and attaches to foreign antigen proteins on non-self cells

  • Precipitation: Makes soluble antigens insoluble to aid elimination

  • Agglutination: links cell-bound antigens together, causes clumping, restricting mobility

  • Neutralisation: Masks dangerous parts of pathogens (eg. exotoxins)

  • Inflammation: Triggers histamine release, increases immune mobility

  • Complement: complement proteins perforate cell membrane, can lead to cell lysis

  • all of these functions aid in destroying pathogens, or enhancing immune system to aid phagocytic leukocyte’s recognition of pathogens

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Adaptive immune system description

  • 3rd line of defence, differentiates between particular pathogens and targets response specific to the pathogen

  • Immunological memory: The adaptive immune system can respond rapidly upon re-exposure to a specific pathogen

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Explain the process of forming immunological memory

  • Dendritic cells present antigen fragments on their surface, they migrate to the lymph nodes and activate specific helper T lymphocytes by binding to them

  • The TH cells then release cytokines to activate the B cell capable of producing antibodies for the antigen

    • Some of the T cells will then from memory T cell’s (important upon re-exposure)

  • Clonal selection: triggered by the cytokine, the specific B cell will then divide and form clones

    • Some of these clones will form mature but short lived plasma cells, which are capable of producing large volumes of the antibody

    • others will form memory B cells which will be able to swiftly produce antibodies upon reexposure (allows for immunity)

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Polyclonal activation

often pathogens contain multiple distinct antigenic fragments, so a single pathogen is likely to activate many different T and B cells to produce a variety of antibodies

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Mechanism of vaccines

  • Contain an attenuated version of a pathogen with a recognizable antigen that will stimulate an immune response (initiate a primary immune response), but not cause the disease

  • Memory cells are produced, creating long-term immunity

  • Length of time someone is immune after an injection depends on the lifespan of memory cells

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Significance of smallpox in vaccination efficacy

  • first disease of humans eradicated (disease stops circulating worldwide) via vaccination

    • last case was in 1977

  • Possible because: easily identifiable; direct transmission without animal vectors; short infection period; virus did not mutate; population was cooperative

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Antibiotics function

  • only blocks processes in prokaryotes (only works for bacterial pathogens, not viruses, and doesn’t affect eukaryotes)

  • each antibiotic is specific to the pathogen it attacls

  • they block processes such as protein/cell wall/nucleic acid synthesis, metabolism, and cell membrane integrity

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  • First chemical compound found to have antibiotic properties, identified by Alexander Fleming (1928)

  • Discovered by unintendingly contaminating a dish with s. aureus,

  • penicillin mould growth caused a halo of inhibited bacterial growth around the mould

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Florey and chain experiment

  • discovered medical applications of penicillin

  • eight mice injected with pathogenic bacteria, four treated with penicillin survived

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  • human immunodeficiency virus —retrovirus that infects TH lymphocytes, results in a loss of antibody production.

  • following infection, the virus undergoes a period of inactivity (clinical latency) during which TH cells reproduce

  • once the virus becomes active again, it spreads, destroys T lymphocytes in the process (lysogenic cycle)

  • Body then becomes susceptible to opportunistic infections -AIDS

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  • Acquired immuno-Deficiency syndrome, a result of HIV

  • It describes the inability to produce antibodies some period after an HIV infection

  • There is currently no treatment for AIDs (however PrEP is an effective preventative treatment for HIV)

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Allergic reactions

  • mast cells release histamines that cause inflammation to improve immune response

  • allergens are antigens that produce an abnormal immune response fighting a perceived threat

  • the abnormal inflammation results in sympmtons in nose/throat and rashes

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Monoclonal antibodies description

  • antibodies artificially derived from a single B cell clone (ie. identical specific antibodies)

  • an animal (usually a mouse) is injected with an antigen and produces antigen-specific plasma cells

  • Plasma cells are removed and fused with tumour cells (myeloma cells) capable of endless divisions

  • results in a hybridoma cell which is capable of synthesizing large quantities of monoclonal antibody

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Therapeutic treatments with monoclonal antibodies

  • injecting purified antibodies is an effective emergency treatment for rabies

  • can be used to target cancer cells that the body’s own immune system fails to recognize as harmful

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Diagnostic uses of monoclonal antibodies

  • used in pregnancy tests —tests for the presence of hCG in urine

    • hCG is a hormone produced by women during fetal development

    • uses the enzyme ELISA to identify the substance via a colour change

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3 processes of respiration

  • external respiration (including ventilation): exchange of gasses b/n air and blood (via alveoli)

  • Internal respiration: exchange of gasses b/n blood and cells

  • cellular respiration: formation of ATP molecules (using O2 and producing CO2)

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Ventilation and concentration gradients in alveoli

  • process by which the body maintains a concentration gradient in alveoli to facilitate passive respiration

  • flow of O2 into alveoli and removal of CO2

    • O2 levels must be higher in alveoli so they diffuse into blood

    • CO2 levels must be lower in the alveoli so CO2 diffuses out of the blood into alveoli

  • lungs function as a ventilation system by continually cycling fresh air into the alveoli

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  • alveolar cells, line the alveoli and comprise of the majority of the inner surface of the lungs

  • divided into type 1 and type 2 pneumocytes

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Type 1 pneumocytes

  • squamous (flat) and very thin to maximize diffusion

  • involved in gas exchange between blood and capillaries

  • connected by occluding junctions to prevent leakage of tissue fluid into alveolar air space

  • amitotic, but type 2 can differentiate into type 1

  • cover around 95% of the alveolar surface

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Type 2 pneumocytes

  • responsible for the secretion of pulmonary surfactant, which reduces the surface tension in alveoli

  • cuboidal shape and contain many granules for storing surfactant components

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Pulmonary surfactant

  • secreted by type two pneumocytes

  • manipulates surface tension (can spread out across moist lining to increase surface tension and slow rate of expansion) so all alveoli inflate at roughly the same rate

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Alveolar fluid

  • lines the inside of alveoli

  • moist surface is conductive to gas exchange (easier for O2 to dissolve across membranes when dissolved in liquid)

  • however, it creates a tendency for the alveoli to collapse and resist inflation (which is counteracted by pulmonary surfactant)

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Relationship between pressure and volume in relation to ventilation (think thoracic cavity)

  • contraction of respiratory muscles changes the volume of the thoracic cavity

  • Boyle’s law P proportional to 1/V

  • gasses will move from an area of high P to low P

  • Inspiration: When P in thoracic cavity < atmosphere, air moves into lungs

  • Expiration: When P in thoracic cavity > atmosphere, air moves out the lungs

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Respiratory muscles for inspiration

  • Diaphragm contracts, causing it to flatten

  • External intercostals contract, pulling rips up and out

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Respiratory muscles for exhalation

  • diaphragm relaxes causing it to curve upwards

  • internal intercostals contract, pulling ribs in and down

  • abdominal muscles contract, push diaphragm upwards during forced expiration

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Lung cancer causes and symptoms

  • since lungs are very vascular, there is an increased probability of metastasis, so most common cause of cancer related deaths

  • Risk factors: radiation; aging; pollution; environment; diseases; genetics; occupation; asbestos; tobacco; smoke

  • Symptoms: coughing blood; wheezing; respiratory distress; weight loss; chest pain; difficulty swallowing; heart complications

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Emphysema causes and symptoms

  • chemical irritants (eg. cigarettes) damage cells of alveolar walls, causing them to lose their elasticity

  • phagocytes release elastase at damaged region, breaking down elastic fibres

  • sometimes caused by a gene mutation

  • symptoms: short breath; phlegm; expansion of ribcage; cyanosis, increased susceptibility to chest infections

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short branched fibres from the soma that receive chemical information from other neurons or receptor cells and convert it into electrical signals

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elongated fibre to transmit electrical signals to terminal branches to be passed on

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Myelin sheath

  • in some neurons, the axon is surrounded by a fatty white layer made of glial cells (oligodendrocytes in CNS and Schwann cells in the PNS)

  • improves conduction speed of electrical impulses via saltatory conduction

  • However, myelination takes up significant space within a closed environment

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Saltatory conduction

  • propagation of action potentials along myelinated axons, from one node of Ranvier to the next

  • increases conduction velocity of action potentials by up to 100x

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Resting potential

  • difference in charge across the membrane when a neuron is not firing (-70 mV)

  • neurons pump sodium and potassium ions across their membranes to generate a resting potential

    • more negative inside the neuron than outside

  • maintained by the sodium-potassium pump

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Sodium potassium pump

  • maintains the resting potential by expelling sodium ions and admitting potassium ions through the hydrolysis of ATP

    • 3 Na+ ions our for every 2K+ in

    • some K+ ions also leak back out of the cell

  • This imbalance and the presence on negative ions (eg. chloride ions) and negatively charged proteins in the neuron maintains a negative interior environment

  • Creates an electrochemical gradient

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Action potential

  • rapide changes in charge across the membrane that occur when a neuron is firing

  • caused by depolarisation and repolarisation

  • allows the axon to propagate an electrical impulse along its length

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  • sudden change in membrane potential from a negative to positive internal charge

  • in response to a signal at the dendrite, sodium channels on axon membrane open, causing a passive influx of sodium ions due to concentration/electrochemical gradient

  • results in a membrane potential of +30mV

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  • restoration of the membrane potential following depolarisation (restoring negative internal charge)

  • potassium channels open following the sodium ion influx (triggered by a change in voltage), causing a passive potassium efflux

  • causes voltage to reach -80 mV

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Refractory period

  • period of time following a nerve impulse before a neuron is able to fire again

  • sodium-potassium pump actively transports sodium ions out and potassium ions in to restore the resting potential of -70mV

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Threshold potential

  • minimum stimulus to open voltage-gated channels; combined stimulus from dendrites must exceed minimum level of depolarisation

  • an action potential of the same magnitude will always occur no matter the magnitude of the stimulus provided the threshold potential is reached

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self-propagation of nerve impulses

  • action potentials that move along that length of the axon act as a self-propagating wave of depolarisation

  • the ion channels that occupy the length of the axon are voltage-gated (open in response to changes in membrane potential)

  • hence depolarisation in one point of the axon triggers the opening of ion channels in the next segment

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  • gaps that separate neurons and other neurons/receptors/effector cells

  • electrical signals are converted to chemical signals to transmit a message across the synapse

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Description of process of synaptic signal transfer

  • Action potential arrives at the axon terminal of the pre-synaptic neuron

  • depolarisation causes voltage-gated channels to open, Ca2+ ion rushes in and signals to synaptic vesicles to move and fuse to the membrane

  • neurotransmitters are released by exocytosis and diffuse across the synaptic gap

  • specific neurotransmitters bind to specific receptors on the post-synaptic neuron

  • sodium channels on the post-synaptic neuron open, causing a sodium ion influx and depolarisation

    • action potential is initiated, leads to propagation of nerve impulse if above threshold potential

  • enzymes in synaptic gap break down neurotransmitters and the products are reuptaken by pre-synaptic neuron by active transport

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  • chemical messengers released from neurons

  • bind to receptors on post-synaptic neuron to trigger (excitatory) or prevent (inhibitory) response

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acetylcholine functions and structure

  • used by both CNS and PNS, commonly released at neuromuscular junctions to trigger muscular contractions and also commonly released by autonomic nervous system to promote parasympathetic response (rest and digest)

  • created in the axon terminal by combining choline with an acetyl group and stored in a vesicle

  • binds to either a nicotinic muscarinic receptor on post-synaptic neuron

  • must be continually removed from the synaptic cleft bc overstimulation leads to fatal convulsions and paralysis

  • broken down by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which is either released into synapse or embedded in the membrane of post-synaptic neuron

  • liberated choline can reform acetylcholine when returned to pre-synaptic neuron

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Neonicotinoid pesticides

  • irreversibly bind to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to trigger a sustained response

  • AChEs cannot break them down, so they lead to fatal convulsions and paralysis

  • insects have more acetylcholine receptors which bind to neonicotinoids more strongly so they are more toxic to insects than mammals

  • linked to reduced honey bee populations and bird populations (since insects are their food source)

  • has been restricted in some countries

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endocrine system

collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate homeostasis and essential life processes

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Secretion of thyroxin and target cells

  • secreted by the thyroid in response to signals initially from the hypothalamus when thyroxin levels or temperature levels are low

  • hypothalamus stimulates thyroxin release at low temperatures and inhibits it at high temperatures

  • requires iodine from the diet, if iodine levels are too low, the thyroid cannot complete the synthesis of thyroxin, so will store intermediary molecule which forms goiter

  • targets all cells

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Functions of thyroxin

  • regulates metabolic activity (eg. rate of cellular respiration) and body temperature

  • increases basal metabolic rate (amount of E used by body at rest) by stimulating carb and lipid metabolism via oxidation of glucose and fatty acids

  • heat is a consequence of increased metabolism, so thyroxin is released in response to decreased body temperature

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Secretion of leptin and target cells

  • secreted by adipose (fat tissue) and targets hypothalamus cells

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Functions of leptin

  • regulates appetite and metabolic activity, as well as fat stores

  • binds to receptors in the hypothalamus to inhibit appetite

  • overeating causes more adipose cells to from, hence more leptin is produced; inverse with starvation

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Uses of leptin therepeutically

  • cured obesity in a group of mice that genetically could not produce leptin

  • not applicable to humans, however, because most people do produce leptin, but are just desensitized to it and leptin resistance develops with age

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Secretion of melatonin and target cells

  • secreted by pineal glands in response to signalling from cells in the SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) in the hypothalamus when blue wavelengths are removed

  • target cells, many cells of the body and brain

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