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Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidaglo
Treaty ending the Mexican-American War, Established the boundary of Texas at the Rio Grande River, acquired California and the Mexican session for $15 and settled American claims on the Mexican Government
Navigation Acts
Pass by the English parliament in 1651 to limit colonial trade to only Great Britain, these laws enforced mercantilism in the British Colonies
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty signed two weeks before the Battle of New Orleans in 1814. Ended the War of 1812, clear sound negotiated in Belgium ending the war with England.
Treaty of Paris
Treaty was officially ended the war for independence and gave the United States the land from the Ohio River Valley to the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River in 1783
Intolerable Acts
Also known as the coercive acts they were passed following the Boston Tea Party imposed martial law on Boston and closed Boston Harbor stopping all trades
Naturalization Act
Passed by the Federalist in 1798 lengthened the period of time for immigrants to become US citizens and imposed finds and prison terms for speech or acts opposing the Federalist president Adams
Pickney’s Treaty
Sign with the Spanish in 1795 secured American use of the Mississippi River and write a deposit in New Orleans for Western Farmers negotiated by Pickney
Monroe Doctrine
Policy established in 1823 that the United States would not allow European interference in South American Affairs gave recognition initiated trade relations with a newly independent nations of South America
Compromise of 1850
Famous compromise reach between North and South that allowed California to enter the Union as a free state established a harsh Fugitive Slave Law and allow the question of slavery in the New Mexico territory is to be cited by popular sovereignty.
Adams-Onis Treaty
Agreement with Spain in 1819 they gave control of Florida to United States for 5 million dollars negotiated by John Quincy Adams.
Indian Proclamation Line
Act in 1763 by the British Parliament that prohibited American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains after the Seven Years War
Northwest Ordinance
Created by the Articles of Confederation government established the process by which territories could become new States
Treaty of Paris
Treaty signed in 1763 between Great Britain and France officially ended the French Indian War and removed France as a contender for control of North America
Stamp Act
Passed by the British Parliament in 1765 it laid attacks on all printed materials and encourage the colonists to unite against the crown for the first time
Virginia and Kentuky Resolution
Argue that a state canullify a federal government law it determined that law to be unconstitutional passing 1798 in opposition of the alien Sedition Acts and with the strong support of Jefferson and Madison
Missouri Compromise
Agreement of 1820 that admitted that established the 36 parallel line prohibiting slavery to the worth and admitted Missouri as a slave State and Maine as a free
Transcontinental Railroad
Turn for the first rural line that cross the nation from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Homestead Act
Act in 1862 that promised 160 acres of land to anyone who agreed to farm in the west and improve their land for 5 years
“Fifty Forty or Fight”
Slogan used by President Polk to end a longstanding dispute over who controlled Oregon by giving the United States all Oregon Territory below the 49th parallel in 1846
Maryland Toleration Act
Actin 1649 the guaranteed freedom of worship in Maryland for all Christians