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What are the inputs and outputs that help and affect human population size?
The inputs and Outputs that help and affect humem population size would be fertility and birth rates, immigration: for inputs. The Outputs Would be death rates, emigratic, factus such as natural disasters, or discases.
What are the factors that determine the TFR of developing and developed Countries?
Factars that determe the total fertility rate include access to good healthcare, contreceptives, Cultural/religous beliefs, govemment policies•
What are the factor that detenmine the life expectancy of developing and developed Countries?
Factors that determe life expectany would be access to healthcare, food Supply, Sanitation and Clean Water
Describe age structure. What does it heip predict?
Age stricture is the distriburien of difFerent age groups Withn a population. It helps predict size in the future.
Define demoarephic transition model. Describe haw a country can transitics and progress into different stages.
The democrephic transitien model describes how countries Change as they develop. The four Stages are pre-industrial, industrial period. mature industrial, post-industrial era. A country can transition and progress through stages because of factors such as education, economic growth, urbanization, and policies within the government.
Haw can human population slow down?
Human population can slow down because of women pursuing education, family planning , or economic development .