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Macro, Corporate, Individual
Levels of Business Ethics
Sole Proprietorship
Unincorporated business with one owner paying personal income tax on profits
Formal arrangement by two or more parties to manage and share profits
Limited Partnership (LP)
Partnership with a general partner overseeing the business
Legal entity separate from owners, with For-Profit and Not-For-Profit types
For-Profit Organization
entity whose main goal is to make money or generate profit
Not-For-Profit Organization
an organization with a purpose to further a social cause and provide a public benefit
Organization owned and run jointly by members sharing profits or benefits
Corporate Governance
System directing and controlling a firm
Business Owner, Management and Employees, Customer, Suppliers, Investor, Government, Community
Who are the Stakeholders
Business Owner
“shareholder”, wants fair return on investments
Management and Employees
wants fair compensation for work and proper safe workplace
wants good value of products and services
wants fair competition and good price
wants a reliable information and payment
wants a legal and ethical governance
wants social responsibility
Fairness, Accountability, Trasnparency
The core principles of good governance
each decision made requires balancing the interest of different stakeholders
acceptance of responsibility
quality of being easily seen through or understood
Direct Communication
individual speaks their mind clearly and honestly
Admitting Mistakes
someone takes responsibility for their actions and doesn't try to shift blame
Employee Conduct, Equal Opportunity, Attendance and Time Off, Computer Use, Non Competition, Finance and Accounting
Common practices in business organization
Rules or guidelines for organization and employees to achieve specific goals
Instructions on how a policy is followed
Employee Code of Conduct
Sets duties and responsibilities for employees
accounting policies deal with how money is handled in the company and how acquisitions and liabilities are recorded
well managed finance department should have a clear guidelines on purchase, petty cash disbursement and recording
Ethical Issue
a problem requiring evaluation of right or wrong actions
Conflict of Interest
Influence on business decisions for personal gain
Employee disclosure of illegal or unethical practices
Honesty and Integrity
telling the truth and adhering to deeply felt ethical principles in business decision
Loyalty vs Truth
business people expect employees to be loyal and truthful but ethical conflicts may arise
accepting money/ gifts in return for preferential treatment
Overreaching or Fraud
making profit at expense of client
Financial Interest in The Case
being financially involved in the litigation of the client
accepting more than nominal value
Intimate Relationship
dating current and probably former client
Sexual Harassment
unwanted sexual conduct and it can happen anywhere, at any time
Unwanted Flirting
pressing someone after being told to stop
Cat Calling
telling someone they have nice legs or to smile
Forced Overtime
generally, no one should be compelled to work overtime in excess of the mandatory eight hours on any given day against his/her well being
Business Ethics
the moral principles and business values that govern the way businesses and individuals engage in business activity
Corporate Culture
Shared values, attitudes, and beliefs in an organization
Sole Proprietorship, Partnership Corporation
Forms of Business Organization
principles or standards of behavior: one’s judgment if what is important in life
conviction or acceptance that something exists or is true, especially without proof
Team Oriented Culture
believes that if employees are happy, the more productive they become
Elite Culture
only hires qualified individuals who are meant to lead the way
Horizontal Culture
everyone gets to pitch their ideas or has a voice
Conventional Culture
they work in traditional manner and has a dress code
Code of Ethics
Sets company's mission, vision, objectives, and responsibilities
Mission Statement
description of company’s culture, values, and purpose.
Vision Statement
description of the desired future of for the company
team oriented culture
elite culture
horizontal culture
conventional culture
what are the corporate culture
Conflict of Interest: (examples)
overreaching or fraud
financial interest in the case
intimate relationship
Sexual Harassment: (examples)
unwanted flirting
cat calling
touching without consent
sexual favors
crude gestures or jokes
Forced Overtime
ethical challenges in doing the business