Microeconomics Chap 13 Monopolisitc competition + Oligopoly

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Legal protection granted to inventors that stimulates inventive activity by making research more attractive.

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A market structure with a small group of firms and substantial barriers to entry, allowing each firm to influence price and affect rival firms.

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Monopolistic competition

A market structure where firms have market power but no additional firms can enter and earn positive profits.

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A group of firms that explicitly agree to coordinate their activities, collectively earning monopoly profits.

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Laws against cartels

Antitrust laws and competition policies limit or forbid cartels, but some operate legally or believe they can avoid detection or face insignificant punishment.

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Reasons for cartel failure

Non-cartel members supplying large quantities of goods and each member having an incentive to cheat on the cartel agreement.

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Maintaining cartels

Techniques such as inspecting each other's books, dividing the market, using industry organizations, and enforcing agreements through contracts or government help.

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Barriers to entry

Limit the number of firms and help cartels detect and punish cheating.

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When firms cannot collude due to antitrust laws, they may try to merge instead.

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Cournot Oligopoly

Firms simultaneously choose quantities without colluding, considering imperfect information about rivals' output.

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Cournot equilibrium

A set of quantities chosen by firms where no firm can obtain a higher profit by choosing a different quantity, based on beliefs about rivals' output.

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Equilibrium, elasticity, and the number of firms

Price to consumers is lower if firms set output independently, and the Lerner Index depends on the elasticity of demand.

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Nonidentical firms

Costs and product differentiation affect firms' best-response functions and output in a Cournot equilibrium.

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Monopolistic competition

Markets without barriers to entry, where firms face downward-sloping residual demand curves and charge prices above marginal cost.

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Monopolistically competitive equilibrium

Marginal revenue equals marginal cost, price equals average cost, and firms make zero economic profit due to entry.

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Minimum efficient scale

The smallest quantity at which the average cost curve reaches its minimum, determining the firm's capacity.

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Number of firms in monopolistically competitive equilibrium

Depends on firms' costs, with larger fixed costs leading to fewer firms in equilibrium.

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