Communist leaders in central and eastern Europe and the ________ adopted the term developed socialism (sometimes called "real existing socialism) "to describe the accomplishments of their societies.
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Everyday life
________ under developed socialism was defined by an uneasy mixture of outward conformity and private disengagement- or apathy.
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President Richard M Nixon
________ (r. 1969- 1974) sought to gradually disengage America from Vietnam once he took office.
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The undeclared war in ________, fought nightly on American television, eventually divided the nation.
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Václav Havel
In Czechoslovakia in 1977 a small group of citizens, including future Czechoslovak president ________ (1936- 2011), signed a manifesto that came to be known as Charter 77.
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Carnaby Street
________, the center of "swinging London "in the 1960s, was world famous for its clothing boutiques and record stores, revealing the inescapable connections between generational revolt and consumer culture.
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Political activism
________ erupted in 1968 in a series of protests and riots that circled the globe.
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In ________, Communist rule began to dissolve peacefully in November to December 1989.
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Second Vatican Council
At the ________, convened from 1962 to 1965, Catholic leaders agreed on a number of reforms meant to democratize and renew the church and broaden its appeal.
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________ also ignited demands for greater political and cultural autonomy and even national independence among non- Russian minorities living in the fifteen Soviet republics.
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long heritage
Feminists could draw on a(n) ________ of protest, stretching back to the French Revolution and the womens movements of the late nineteenth century.
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Right- wing political parties such as the National Front in ________, the Northern League in Italy, the Austrian Freedom Party, and the National Democratic Party in West Germany were founded or gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s.
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Over the years ________, the Arab- led Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, had watched the price of crude oil decline consistently compared with the rising price of Western manufactured goods.
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Counterculture protests
________ generated a great deal of excitement and trained a generation of activists.
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Margaret Thatcher
________ worked well with Reagan and was a forceful advocate for a revitalized Atlantic alliance, and under Helmut Kohl West Germany likewise worked with the United States to coordinate military and political policy toward the Soviet bloc.
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In August 1980 strikes broke out across ________; at the gigantic Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk (formerly known as Danzig) sixteen thousand workers laid down their tools and occupied the plant.
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Adam Smith
The new conservatives of the 1980s followed a philosophy that came to be known as neoliberalism because of its roots in the free market, laissez- faire policies favored by eighteenth- century liberal economists such as ________.
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effects of neoliberal policies
The ________ are best illustrated by events in Great Britain.
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________ also called for privatization- the sale of state- managed industries to private owners.
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dissolution of communism
The ________ in East Germany that began in 1989 reopened the "German question "and raised the threat of renewed Cold War conflict over Germany.
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collapse of Communist
The ________ rule in the Soviet satellite states surprised many Western commentators, who had expected Cold War divisions to persist for many years.
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Russian politicians
In February 1990, as competing ________ noisily presented their programs and nationalists in the non- Russian republics demanded autonomy or independence from the Soviet Union, the Communist Party suffered a stunning defeat in local elections throughout the country.
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Second Sex
The ________ inspired a generation of women intellectuals, and by the late 1960s and the 1970s "second- wave feminism "had spread through North America and Europe.
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Counterculture movements
________ in both Europe and the United States drew much inspiration from the American civil rights movement.
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Cold War
Though the ________ continued to rage outside Europe and generally defined relations between the Soviet Union and the United States, western European leaders took major steps to normalize relations with the East Bloc.
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gang of hardliners
In August 1991 a(n) ________ kidnapped him and his family in the Caucasus and tried to seize the Soviet government.
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widespread feminist
The 1970s marked the arrival of a diverse and ________ movement devoted to securing genuine gender equality and promoting the general interests of women.
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President Jimmy Carter
________ (r. 1977- 1981) tried to lead NATO beyond verbal condemnation of the Soviet Union and urged economic sanctions against it, but only Great Britain among the European allies supported the American initiative.