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a scientific approach for establishing quantitative relations between physical and perceptual events
Magnitude Estimation
the subject rates an aspect of a stimulus (how bright something appears or how loud it sounds)
Magnitude Estimation Task
the subject rates an aspect of a stimulus (how bright something appears or how loud it sounds)
measures thresholds, the minimum that can be perceived
Method of Limits
starting from a high intensity, decrease intensity until the participant doesn't detect it, THEN vice versa
absolute threshold
smallest stimulus level that can just be detected (the stimulus is detected 50% of the time)
measure the limits of sensory systems (measures of minimums, means of crossovers)
Method of Adjustment
same as method of limits, but participants adjusts a knob
Method of Constant Stimuli
same as method of limits, but the levels and orders are randomized
overall tendency to report one option over another, regardless of the stimulus
forced choice task
present a stimulus on some trials, no stimulus on other trials; participant must respond on every trial either 'present' or 'absent'
false alarm rate
how often did the participant say 'present' when the stimulus was absent
Discrimination Task
the participant's task is to compare two stimuli and indicate which stimulus has a greater intensity (brighter, louder, etc.)
difference threshold
just noticeable difference (JND) - the smallest detectable difference
Weber's Law
simple, universal relationship between a stimulus level and the smallest difference that can be detected from that JND level
a constant proportion of the stimulus level; JND = kS
internal responses
responses that are variable and can be affected by internal variability, also called 'noise'
Internal variability
Explains why a person may make different responses on different trials even when the same stimulus is presented.
Intrinsic (dark) light
Spontaneous sense of dim light caused by residual retinal signals arising in the complete absence of light stimulation.
Signal Detection Theory (SDT)
Models how we detect a signal in noise.
d-prime (d')
Quantifies the separability of signal from noise; calculated as d'= distance/STD.
Criterion (c)
Quantifies the response required to say the signal is present; placed to the right indicates a more conservative criterion, while placed to the left indicates a more liberal criterion.
The ability to distinguish signal from noise.
Higher sensitivity results in
More correct answers (hits and correct rejections) and fewer incorrect answers (misses and false alarms).
Simple decision rule
Determines response based on the criterion; to the left reports absent, to the right reports present.
Criterion changes
More liberal criterion leads to more 'yes' responses and fewer 'no' responses.
Difference threshold
The minimum difference that must exist between two stimuli before we can tell the difference between them.
Weber fraction
Remains constant for a particular sense, but each type of sensory judgment has its own Weber fraction.
Response compression
Increase in perceived magnitude is smaller than the increase in stimulus intensity.
Response expansion
As intensity is increased, perceptual magnitude increases more than intensity.
Power functions
Relationship between intensity of a stimulus and perception of its magnitude.
Steven's power law
Equation: P=KS^n, where n=2 and k=constant of 1 results in P=100.
Response criterion
Each person has a different perception affecting their responses.
Signal detection approach
Used to take differing response criteria into account with multiple stimulus intensities.
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
Indicates a person's sensitivity; identical ROC curves imply equal sensitivities.
Signal Detection Theory
1. The percentage of hits and false alarms depends on a person's criterion. 2. A person's sensitivity to a stimulus is indicated by the shape of the person's ROC curve.
Stimulus presented to the person (tone).
All the other stimuli in the environment that can be mistaken for the signal.
False alarms
Caused by noise.
Neurons and Neural Coding
Perception is not a perfect copy of a stimulus due to variable internal responses.
Internal responses
Variable, making it difficult to distinguish signal from noise.
Brain composition
What is the brain made of?
Camillio Golgi
Believed the nervous system was a single network, not separate cells.
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
The idea that the nervous system is comprised of discrete cells.
Golgi stain
Labels a small subset of neurons to enable visualization.
Cajal drawing
Illustrates that the nervous system has discrete cells, which communicate in circuits.
A cell that is part of the nervous system.
The part of a neuron that serves as input.
The part of a neuron that serves as output.
Myelin sheath
Allows for signal transmission along the axon.
Stabbed within the cell membrane to find the electrical signal.
Reads out the voltage of the signal from the neuron.
Action potential
Depolarization (increase in voltage) that propagates down an axon.
Action potential measurement
Starts at around -70 millivolts, increases to +40, and back down to -70.
Electrical signal
Carried by Na+ and K+ ions during the action potential.
Propagation of action potential
Ions flow in and out of the cell membrane segment by segment.
Spontaneous activity
Neurons regularly fire at a low rate even when no stimulus is present.
Firing rates
Used by neurons to transmit information, increasing with stronger stimuli.
Properties of action potentials
They propagate down an axon, remain the same size regardless of stimulus intensity, and show spontaneous activity.
Neural responses
Variable and not identical every time, but with some common structure.
The gap between neurons through which information is transmitted.
Chemicals released by the presynaptic neuron to transmit information across the synapse.
Triggers voltage change in the post synaptic neuron
Ex. SSRIs causes serotonin to linger in the synapse
Excitatory neurotransmitters
Depolarize the neuron, increasing membrane potential making it more likely for the post synaptic neuron to fire.
Inhibitory neurotransmitters
Hyperpolarize the post synaptic neuron, decreasing the membrane potential, decreasing its likelihood of firing.
Action Potential (AP)
Occurs only when the membrane potential reaches a certain threshold level.
Synaptic transmission
Synapses can send different amounts of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.
Cancellation of inputs
Both excitatory and inhibitory inputs can cancel each other out.
Neural signaling flexibility
Synapses make neural signaling more flexible.
Amplification in synapses
Increase weak signals at the site of transmission.
Sign reversal in synapses
Lets neurons add and subtract, helping to integrate and summarize information from neurons.
Strengthens and weakens the connection between two neurons (continue to change)
Cortical neurons
Communicate by spikes; all spikes are pretty much the same.
Law of specific nerve energies
Allows us to know when neurons fire.
Neural code
The scheme that neurons use to carry information.
Specificity coding
A neural code where 1 neuron specifies a particular stimulus.
Sparse coding
A neural code where a few neurons specify a particular stimulus.
Population coding
A neural code where many neurons specify a particular stimulus.
Visible light
A form of electromagnetic radiation that ranges from 400-700nm.
The length of one cycle (from peak to peak).
Light focusing
Light rays reflect from nearby points on an object and contact a surface at corresponding nearby points.
Blurry image
Occurs when divergent light rays are not fully refocused.
Human eye
Built to form an image on the retina.
Convex lens
Bends light rays to converge on a focal point.
Focal point
Closer to the light source = farther focal point; farther light source = closer focal point.
Focal length
Depends on the lens strength.
Less convex lens
Light bends less, resulting in a farther focal point (for farther objects).
More convex lens
Light bends more, resulting in a closer focal point (for closer placed objects).
The lens can change its convexity to adjust the focal point depending on the distance to the object.
Correct focus.
Nearsightedness; failure to see farther away, fixed by concave lens.
Farsightedness; failure to see close, occurs when the eyeball is too short, fixed by convex lens.
Also known as 'old eye'; can't focus on nearby objects due to a stiff lens.
Blind spot
Where the optic nerve exits the eye; there are no cells to detect light in the blind spot.
Contains photoreceptors that transduce light into neural signals and retinal circuitry that processes images.
Retinal ganglion cells
Send output to the brain.
Light detecting cells in the retina that transduce light.
Molecules in the outer segments of photoreceptors that absorb light and generate a signal.
Converting light into neural signals.
Photoreceptors sensitive to dim light in the periphery that cannot support color vision.