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reconstruction fatigue
panic of 1873, scotus rulings, financial weariness, north white supremacy
william graham sumner
yale professor who supported laissez fair economy and agreed with social darwinism. says thgat those who are rich were meant to/ deserve to succeed. if the government reid to help those poor losers, then they halt progress and civilisation would go bad
edward bellamy
wrote book called looking backward. offered utopian socialist solutions to the problems facing the rapidly industrialising us. capitalism and power inequality have led to corporate tyranny. small entrepreneurs and anyone else cannot survuve unless you are connected. there is no check on the power which is concentrated in the hands of a few people.
andrew carnegie
gospel of wealth-1889
charity is bad. only thr worthy are deseriving of money, rest just want to get rich by doing nothign and are unworthy. aware of people hating the rich and saya when the rich dies, he wont be remembered fondly. must give back but not through philanthrophy, through creating facilities from which everyone benefits.
henry lloyd
critique of wealth 1894
journalist, abolition of child labour and wanted women voting rights
these men who are power hugny and have amassed that thropugh their corporations are ruinign society. says this kind of business, especially with monopolies is similar to slavery. say that people think wealth is good, so they assume wealthy are also good but that is not true.
noble order of knights of labour
all workers were welcome because all their interests may be different but still not as different as workers and employers. wanted 8 hour workday, no child labour, women equal pay.
haymarket square
foreign boarn, mostly germans protesting there against police violence.
american federation of labour
omnly skilled and mostly white male workers. better wages and hours
homestead strike
carnegie cut costs and installed machines, resulting in lay offs of unskilled particularly
knew it would result in strike and went to scotland.
pullman strike
railway 20% cut so strike. got in emergency troops etc to run railways
american railway union
head was eugene debs
industrial workers of the world
more radical organisation, had both skilled and unskilled, did strikes and mob style work instead of collective bargaining etc
patronms of hubsandry/grangers
for farmers. tried politics, didnt work out and went back to social and cutlutral practices. after this, the other alliance that formed was farmers alliance
graduated income tax-higher tax for richer peopke
8 hour workday
immigrant restriction\
women suffrage
george pullamn
testimony before congress
talks about how has establishe cities with everything that people need and is not harmful for them to succeed has been provided. has cut wages but hasnt cut down the rent etc that they pay, even though is making profit, just slighlty lesser profit than earlier
aru head eugene debs
if stockholders of the company are actigng as one, then why cant the people. thought thsat if workers were organised and wnated the same thing then organisers would give it to them. understood socialism in prison throyugh pamphlets etc
jennie curtis- testimony befor congress about pullman strike
head of the girls union under aru. seasmstress talks about how women werent paid equally, if there was a strike, there wages were also cut. have to pay rent/board but that is more expensive than the salary that they are gettibng so will be in debt
govt on chicago strike
says happened because neither govt nor people has taken adequate measures to comntrol monopolies. corporations dont protect their workers and address their mistakes
israel zangwill
melting pot- play
everyone asismilates into being american
fusion of all races (european)
favorable view for assimilation
alfred schultz
mongrelization of america 1908
the mixing of races produced a mongrelcivilization and inevitably led to the decay of a nation. says northern races are superior to southern ones. makjes it sound scientific, says that education cannot make a “mongrel’ or someone from an inferior race or a mix of races american, since they are biologicallky worthless and unequal
randolphe bourne
trnasnational america-1916
immigrants retained the best of their cultural identities within the larger democratic American society.
remained more English than the English, petrified and unchanging, while in England law developed to meet the needs of the changing times. It is just this English-American conservatism that has been our chief obstacle to social advance
richard cain
free black hor south carolina
ask for 1 mil loan from govt to give land to bl;acks
if land, then freedom, make them feel responsible like a man of the nation
willis bocock
sharecropping agreements
were partial to white and benefitted them alot more
took advantage of the fact that the blacks were illitierate
also that they have to pay landowners first and then get their own money
leads to debt peonage
ellen porton
kkk violence on black women
thomas nast
colored rule in reconstructed state
painter who used to be sympathetic, then got the northern viewpoint and thought reconst was just corruption and giving out money to the worthless. if white people behave like this (empathise with black), then they should be given back seats/not seats
james cavanaugh-1868
minnesota democrat to hor
prefer dead indian , only good one is dead
not civilised
do scalping and chase after you in a war torn craze
pro eradication
helen hunt-1881
book- challenges to indian policy, 1981
assimilate, teaching them how to be american through white christian schools
thomast nast
native sympathiser
made painting patience until the idnian is cuvilised-so to speak
gertrude bonnin/zitkala sa
life at an indian boarding school, 1921
boarding school-wear english, cut hair, ordered
chief joseph of nez perce
good words, broken promises
treat equally
trying to convince them to return tribal land to tribals
wants same laws for everyone