IB biology 4: ecology

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Define ecology

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Define ecology

The study of the environment and how organisms interact with it

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Define community

Populations of different species living alongside each other and interacting with each other

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Define population

A group of organisms belonging to the same species inhabiting the same area at the same time

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Define species

A group of organisms that can potentially interbreed to produce fertile offspring

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Define ecosystem

A community and its abiotic environment

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Define biome

A biogeographical unit defined by the types of organisms present (eg. aquatic biome may contain marine ecosystems)

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Define biosphere

The region of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere that is inhabited by living things

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Define habitat

The environment in which a species usually lives

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Define niche

The match of a species to a specific environmental condition

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Define consumer

A heterotroph that feeds on other organisms via ingestion

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Define producer

An organism that synthesizes its own biomass from sunlight for other organisms to feed on

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Define autotroph

An organism (such as most plants) which creates its own biomass/energy, normally from sunlight

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Define heterotroph

An organism that obtains its biomass/energy from ingesting other organisms

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Define saprotroph

A heterotroph that obtains organic nutrients from dead organisms by external digestion (such as bracket fungus)

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Define detritivore

A heterotroph that obtains organic nutrients from detritus by internal digestion (such as woodlice)

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What is the difference between a decomposer and a detritivore?

  • Decomposers include bacteria and fungi

  • Detritivores are larger organisms such as earthworms and woodlice

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What is a carnivore?

An organism that eats animals/meat

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What is a herbivore?

An organism that eats plants

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What is an omnivore?

An organism that eats plants and animals

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What is a specialist feeder?

An organism that only eats one thing (eg. giant pandas eating only bamboo)

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What is a generalist feeder?

An organism that eats many different types of foods (eg. urban foxes scavenging)

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What is a mesocosm?

A small-scale investigation

Self-sustaining ecosystems

They provide sufficient biological complexity compared to the natural environment being modelled but allow more variables being controlled

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How do carbon compounds in dead organic matter become methane?

Anaerobic conversion by methanogenic Archaeans

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Which domain do methanogenic bacteria belong to?


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Name the process by which organic compounds in autotrophs are transferred to heterotrophs


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What does oxidation do to atmospheric methane?

It turns it into water and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

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