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Preferred genre subjects, leisure activities, entertainment, landscape, cityscape
Based on the practice of painting out of doors and spontaneously 'on the spot' rather than in a studio from sketches
Influence of Japanese woodblock prints, photography and the psychology of perception
The formal opposite of blurred edges—the silhouette—
is also an important feature of the Impressionist style.
Japanese woodblock tradition
A Bar at the Folies-Bergere
Edouard Manet
Colore not designio
Bit smoky from all the cigarettes
Nature of the space A Bar at the Folies-Bergere
Clustered in a way
Very large space
People in front of her (reflected on mirror behind lady)
Two levels
Shallow space
Cultural commentary being made (A Bar at the Folies-Bergere)
What’s in the mirror is not real in a way
Individualistic way of applying paint
Moulin de la Galette
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Oil on canvas
Montmartre dance hall but in the courtyard
Edgar Degas
Oil on canvas
Slice of life
Absinthe means 70% alcohol, popular among bohemians
Dancer with a Bouquet, Bowing
Edgar Degas
Chalk pastels & gouache
The flat orange triangles reflect the influence of
Japanese prints
The Boating Party
Mary Cassat
Oil on canvas
Foreshortening of the child’s face and the arm and legs of the rower
Compressed space
Impression: Sunrise
Claude Monet
Oil on canvas
Term Impressionism derived from a critic’s negative view of painting
Critic said work unfinished in appearance
Broken color technique
To show that the clear circle of orange sun is “broken” into individual brushstrokes when reflected in the water. The same is true of the dark, silhouetted boat.
Rouen Cathedral
Claude Monet
Oil on canvas
West Façade, Sunlight
The thinker
Auguste Rodin
How did Auguste Rodin make his sculptures?
Rodin built up forms in clay or wax before casting them
His characteristic medium was bronze, but he also made casts of plaster
Pouring a metal sculpture from a clay or plaster model
A small sketch sculpture
Why does he do fragmented bodies
He believed that it depicts the true essence of humanity
Incomplete sculpture of human body
Auguste Rodin
Plaster version (dynamic, experimental: giving
the appearance of being unfinished)
Commission from the French Society of Men of Letters but rejected
Honoré de Balzac
Novelist Wrote a lot
Novels on french life
Can be easily shaped, like clay
Corroded layer on bronze or copper
Expert, someone who appreciates art
Salon des Refusés
First authorized exhibition of artwork that had not been accepted into the official Salon in Paris (1863)