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the greatest buffer against many of these ills
Wrote The Ecclesiastical History of the English People
biographies of saints
Unity of Ideas
ensures a poem’s main idea is clear
Unity of imagery
provides emphasis and attractive symmetry
signifies that a poem develops its ideas in a way that develops logically and coherently
Anglo-Saxon Riddles
a form of guessing game present in most cultures’ folklore since ancient times in which a speaker presents a series of images or scenarios describing a person, place, object, or event
Medieval Songs
one of the most common forms of literature in medieval culture was song lyrics
Folk Ballads
narrative poems of folk origin, intended to be sung and consisting of simple stanzas usually with a refrain
a line, part of a line, or group of lines repeated throughout a poem
Ballad Stanzas
quatrains; the first and third lines contain our stresses and no rhyme while the second and fourth have three stresses as well as rhyme
Folk Ballads
must be a narrative
Julian of Norwich
First women to write a book in English; given name is unknown
Devotional Literature
main purpose is not to expound doctrines, but to encourage individuals to deepen their devotion to God
descriptions based on sense perceptions
Signal words
verbal cues that guide the reader through the writer’s train of thought
Ecclesiastical History
What worked to preserve English’s identity
Riddles, ballads, songs
What 3 popular genres tended to create shared experiences
What filled both functions of affirming cultural identity and strengthening a sense of community bonds
Revelations of Divine Love
What helped strengthen the literature’s community’s worldview
The Ecclesiastical History of the English People
What did Bede wrote
Unity and progression
What are the two principles of aesthetics
Emphasis and attractive symmetry
What does Unity of imagery provide
What is Caedmon's hymn purpose
What is the author or speaker of popular genres
Brief and concentrated
What 2 characteristics are genres
What did popular genres use
What was Julian of Norwich referred to as
Clothing and hazel nut
What are the images of Revelations of divine love
Liturgical drama
What did the church began using to each its mostly illiterate flock
Liturgical Drama
short scene of key biblical or historical Church events acted out with very little dialogue
Miracle Play
portrayed stories about the lives of saints
Mystery Play
cycles of short plays depicting Biblical stories and meant to be performed together
Morality Play
told allegorical stories representing a spiritual theme or truth
a type of broad, highly exaggerated comedy
What did miracle play portrayed stories about who’s life
Biblical stories
What did Mystery play depict
What stories did Morality Plays tell
Pageant wagon
What movable stage was each play enacted on