1604 -
Hampton Court Conference , January 1604
Set the direction for the future of the Church of England
Preparation of the authorised King James version of the bible (1611)
‘No bishop no King’
Treaty of London, April 1604
James I ends the Anglo Spanish War
Marked a shift from conflict between Catholic Spain and Protestant England - James wanted to be a peacemaker (rex pacificus)
Richard Bancroft becomes Archbishop of Canterbury, December 1604
enforced rules contained in Anglican prayer book
opposition to Puritanism
defence of hierarchy in the Church
1605 (boom!)
The Gunpowder Plot
Failed attempt to assassinate James I during the opening of Parliament in 1605
Aims? Kill Protestant king and establish catholic rule in England
Significance ?
Intensified Protestant suspicions of Catholics and led to the rigorous enforce of the recusancy law
King James I Bible
significant political vehicle which enforced the king’s authority
Abbott raised to the position of Archbishop of Canterbury
introduces a more moderate approach to Puritan concerns within the Church
Abbott had no objection to the widespread objection to the practice of lay impropriation.