Looks like no one added any tags here yet for you.
What 2 code snippets can be used to increase the weight of a text's font to indicate that it is important?
what code snippet can be used to style a word in bold? Example, I love you. (with LOVE in bold)
what code snipped indicates quotation marks?
<p>She said,<q>Go take the garbage out</q></p>
what code snippet indicates a page break?
Radio Button
Which attribute is used by all form fields?
which image file supports transparency?
Which tag is optional when creating an HTML table?
What is true of container tags and empty tags?
Container tags come in pairs and empty tags stand alone
Which two attributes should be used within an image tag?
alt and src
Give an example of a semantic element
what tag does not apply a default format or style?
which tag should contain introductory content?
What is the way <a> tag can be used?
Linking to a specific location on the same page
Which pair of characteristics is true of XML?
Case sensitive and disallows errors
Which pair of characteristics differentiate HTML from XML?
HTML is static
XML is extensible
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
Is used by businesses to interchange web site data with many different types of applications
External CSS
Allows element style updates to multiple pages from a single location
Internal CSS
What echnique for implementing CSS in an HTML file is used for page-level style declarations?
Tag used to reference an external CSS sheet within an HTML document
Which style rule selects and formats every childless paragraph element?
p:empty {
Which CSS selector styles the first character of a sentence differently?
Which CSS selector represents the first-child pseudo-class selector?
Name a unit of absolute size
Which CSS selector is used to style general sibling elements?
What should be used to optimize a website for viewing across different devices and improve a user's experience?
Responsive design
What are two unique characteristics that define a polygon hot spot?
Begins and ends at the same pair of coordinates
Contains many pairs of coordinates
Site Map
Helps users find content throughout a website
Which pseudo-class changes the background color of the link on mouse-over?
Which pseudo-class can be used to change the default color of a link after it has been clicked by the user?
Which unit of measurement sets the text size of the <div> element to be double that of the <html> element?
Which two units make the size of an element responsive to screen size?
A website developer needs to create a website that looks suitable on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. Which type of web design should the developer use?
Responsive Design
Which CSS properties are used to specify the amount of space between grid columns and rows?
column-gap and row-gap
Which CSS rule should be used to create three columns of equal width?
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
What is the global setting in Bootstrap that affects the overall text appearance on a website?
Which Bootstrap installation option avoids bundling Bootstrap with the source code of a website?
Which type of Bootstrap library includes several symbols that can be used within a web page?
Which Firefox Developer Tools tab is used to view and edit cookies on a site?
Which Firefox Developer Tools tab displays how long a request took for each site resource type?
What can be used to instantly apply changes to applied styles?
Browser developer tools
A website developer identifies an issue with a CSS property value taking precedence over an element. Which Firefox Developer Tools tab should the developer access to review CSS declaration precedence?
Which Chrome DevTools tab is accessed to view logged JavaScript messages and run JavaScript?
Use the given HTML document to answer the following question:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1><header>This is the introduction statement</h1>
<p>This is the story I am telling</p>
Which error is present in this code?
The <header> tag should be to the left of the <h1> tag.
<li> ... </li>
Defines a list item
<ol> ... </ol>
Stands for ordered list. Creates a numbered list when used with the <Li>...</Li> tags.
A CSS property that provides the ability to change the bullet used in an unordered list and offers more numbering options in an ordered list.
Nested List
A list that is an element of another list. A list within a list
<table> ... </table>
An HTML structure that allows data to be organized in rows and columns.
a location within an HTML table structure at a specific row and column
<tr> ... </tr>
An HTML table row element; contains all the cells in a row
An HTML table header; creates a cell whose content is centered and bold. Typically used for column and row headings
Creates a table cell
<caption>... </caption>
An HTML table element that displays its content above and centered its associated table.
attribute to make a cell span many columns
attribute to make a cell span many rows
An optional table header element that defines the table header
An optional table body element that defines the table body
An optional table footer that defines the table footer
an HTML element that displays an image in webpage
A mandatory attribute for many HTML elements that specifies the URL of an image or other resource to display in a webpage.
A optional attribute to be used with the <img> element to support an alternative to displaying the image. It is a best practice to include this attribute.
Aspect Ratio
The ratio of an image width to the image height. It is written as width:height.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
Joint Photographic Experts Group - an image format commonly used for digital photographs.
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
Portable Network Graphics - an image format commonly used for line art, screenshots, or images requiring transparency.
Graphics Interchange Format - an image format commonly used for simple animated images.
Lossy Compression
Compression used by JPEG images. Some of the original picture information is lost when compressed.
Lossless Compression
Compression used by PNG and GIF images that does not lose quality. This type of compression works best when a large number of adjacent pixels are the same color.
True Color
24-bit color used by JPEG and PNG images, which is approximately 16 million different colors.
A small icon that identifies a website and typically displays in a browser tab.
Anchor Tag
defines a hyperlink in a web page
Specifies where other information is located and what action the web browser should perform when a user clicks the hyperlink.
hypertext reference (HREF) attribute
Specifies the hyperlink's URL
Hyperlink used to send requests and responses over the Internet without encryption.
file (hyperlink)
Hyperlink used to refer to a document on the same computer as the web browser.
Absolute URL
A complete URL that includes a scheme (http://, https://, etc.)
Relative URL
Specifies the relative path to the web resource with no scheme or hostname.
ID Attribute
Creates a fragment identifier, permitting URLs to link directly to the id's location in the document.
graphical hyperlink
Also known as an Image Link, uses an image inside a hyperlink instead of text.
target attribute
indicates how a browser should display the link when clicked
A mechanism for writing special characters or symbols in HTML
Non-breaking space HTML entity
the blueprint from which a website will be built
Any part of a web document body that has opening and closing tags.
Block element
An element that fills the width of the element's parent container and can contain other block elements, inline elements, and text.
A generic element for creating block containers to facilitate managing page content and is the only block element with no semantic meaning.
Inline Element
An HTML element that fills the minimum space possible in the element's parent container and can only text or other inline elements.
The generic element for creating inline containers to facilitate managing content on the page.
Allows the web browser to submit information form the user to the server.
Action Attribute
Indicates the URL where the form data should be sent.
Method Attribute
Indicates the HTTP request type the browser will use to communicate with the server.
get method
A technique used by a web browser to submit information to a web server by altering the URL of the HTTP request.
post method
A technique used by a web browser to submit information to a web server by sending the information in the HTTP request body.
enctype attribute
Used with a value of "multipart/form-data" indicates the web browser should split a POST request into multiple parts, where each input field is sent as a separate part of the HTTP request message.
interactive graphical component used to interact with a user
Type attribute, Name attribute, id attribute, placeholder attribute, value attribute- all associated with widget's functionality
displays descriptive text associated with a specific widget
A widget specified by opening and closing tags that allows users to enter multiple lines of text.
Allows users to select one of several predefined values. Requires <option>...</option> elements for each predefined value.
Drop-Down Menu
A CSS rule that may be used on a style declaration to override other declarations and disregard specificity.
A scripting language used to provide interactivity within a webpage