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Strategic Planning
Defining organizational strategy, or direction, and allocating resources toward its achievement
SWOT analysis
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
Intellectual capital; loyal, committed employees; innovative, adaptive employees; high-performance practices
Lack of skilled employees; Lack of leadership pipeline; outdated talent management practices
Market position; Unexplored markets; global expansion; technology advances
Legal mandates and restrictions; competition power; economic uncertainty; talent shortage
Managing a talent surplus
reduce employee work hours or compensation; attrition; hiring freezes; voluntary separation programs; workforce downsizing/reduction in force
Managing a Talent Shortage
increase employee work hours through overtime; outsource to a third party; implement alternative work arrangements; use contingent workers; reduce employee turnover
Balanced Scorecard
A framework organizations use to report on a diverse set of performance measures
HR metrics
Specific measures of HR practices
HR analytics
An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of quantitative tools and models
Job Design
Organizing tasks, duties, responsibilities, and other elements into a productive unit of work
Adult Learner
Ways in which adults learn differently than younger people do
Transfer of training occurs when trainees
Actually use information they learned in the training once on the job
Maintain use of the learned material over time
To increase the transfer of training
Offer trainees an overview of training content and process and how it links to the strategy of the organization
Ensure that the training mirrors the job context
External Training
Training provided for organizational members by persons or institutions outside the organization
internal training
Training provided for organizational members by persons or groups within the organization itself.
ADDIE model
Five-step instructional design process that governs the development of learning programs.
People's belief that they can successfully learn the training program content
Job Description
Identifies a job's tasks, duties, and responsibilities
job specifications
The knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) an individual needs to perform a job satisfactorily
Job Analysis
Gathering and analyzing information about the content, context, and the human requirements of jobs
Job Characteristics
skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback
skill variety
Work requires several activities for successful completion
Task identity
job includes a recognizable unit of work that is carried out from start to finish
task significance
impact the job has on other people
Individual freedom and discretion in the work and its scheduling
the amount of information employees receive about how well or how poorly they have performed
Part-time job
jobs requiring less than 35-40 hours a week, depending on the employer
Full-time employee
An employee that works 40 or more hours each week for their employer and is entitled to employment benefits, and possibly fringe benefits.
Benefits of Work Teams
- Improved Productivity
- Increased Employee Involvement
- Greater Co-worker Trust
- Widespread Individual learning
- Greater Employee Use of Knowledge Diversity
Grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that constitutes the total work assignment for an employee
Succession Planning
Process of identifying a lan for the orderly replacement of key employees; ensures high-quality talent will be available to carry out business strategies
the period of time a job lasts
The proportion of material retained (remembered).
Effective Training
- provides employees a forum to learn
- results in employees who are empowered and can be held accountable for their performance
Effective training efforts consider the following:
- Is there really a need for the training?
- Who needs to be trained?
- Who will do the training?
- What form will the training take?
- How will knowledge be transferred to the job? (Most important)
- How will the training be evaluated?
filled out when you are first hired used to verify that an employee is eligible to work in the US
Internal environment
-Quality and quantity of talent
-Organizational culture
-Talent pipeline and leadership bench strength
External environment
Economic, political, and competitive forces
Temporary employment separations; employees may be recalled to work, or the separation may become permanent