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Moral Virtues
virtues acquired through human effort and with the help of God's grace
Natural Law
unchangeable and universal - part of our human nature. Present in the hearts and minds of all men and women. Human Reason>>>>gives access to the moral law>>>>informs conscience
Divine/Eternal Law
combines Natural and Revealed(moral) law
-Word of God found in OT and NT
OT- Torah and 10 commandments
NT- new law and Beatitudes
Moral Law
Divine Wisdom; biblical meaning can be defined as fatherly instruction. Gives humankind the way and rules of conduct that lead to happiness and away from evil. For the Common Good. Reveal in scripture: new and old testaments
A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing
Civil Law
Legal system which establishes rules of conduct by competent authority for the sake of the common good.1). Establish Order 2) Protect Rights and responsibilities 3) creates consequences for violations of the rule or law 4)Has roots in the natural law and at times the Moral law.
Respecting the rights of others and giving them what is rightfully theirs
the act of judging based one's knowledge of right and wrong based on reason. Voice of God, Gift from God, Is present at the heart of every person; it informs our choices, and approves good decisions and denounces evil.
Conversion, Common Good
turning around one's life toward God and trying to live holier lives according to the Gospel
Informed Conscience
a conscience that is educated and developed through constant use and examination. CCC: "In the formation of conscience the Word of God is the light of our path."
The Church's living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the Pope.
Uninformed Conscience
Not adequately taken into consideration. The evidence, data, and information upon which a good judgement may be made
A type of prayer used to become aware of good and bad judgements practiced by relaxing and focusing on your day and praying for God's forgiveness
Lax Conscience
When a person doe not face or think about the morality of the actions that he or she performs. When you see no sin where there actually is sin.
St. Thomas More
chancellor/Advisor of England under Henry VIII; refused to recognize Henry as the head of the Church in England and disagreed with his divorce with his wife and refused to take the oaths that led to his arrests.; martyred (beheaded)
Erroneous Conscience
A conscience that judges an act good, even though it is in reality bad/evil. Caused by one's ignorance.
Summa Theologiae
Written by St. Thomas Aquinas, summarized Christian teachings and showed how they were logical and reasonable in accordance to natural law.
Dr. Martin Luther King
An African-American Civil Right's Activist who was peaceful. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his cause. He was assassinated in 1968. Love is Supreme unifying principle of life.
A Greek Philosopher, taught Alexander the Great, started a famous school, studied with Plato
CCC on Law
"A rule of law established by competent authority for the common good"
Reason and Intellect
The divine gift that gives us the ability to see and understand the order of things that God places within creation and to know and understand God through the created order. Need to understand Natural Law.
King Solomon
son of King David, the King that expanded the government and army and encouraged trade
Constitution on the Church in the Modern World no.16
In the depths of his conscience, man detects a law which he does not impose upon himself, but which holds him to obedience. Always summoning him to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience when necessary speaks to his heart: do this, shun that.
An ancient Greek philosophy based on the natural laws, founded by Zeno around 300 B.C.
honesty, decency; Doing the right thing even when no on one is looking.
founder of Stoicism; taught that the "good of life' must be moral, lived only by conforming to the laws that we can discern from nature.
Sigmund Freud
Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis. Religion accepts his idea of super-ego
"I am formed by nature for my own good" (Greek)
Psalm 119:105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
a word used to describe a person who is very determined and disciplined.
Ignorance of Christ
people that don't have knowledge of Christ are still able to make moral decisions
A Roman philosopher, taught that people must live in harmony with the law given in nature; The true law is right reason; immutable and eternal.
the ability to desire and choose the good. Frees us from lies and cover ups
St. Thomas Aquinas on the natural law
taught that through honoring the natural law the human person participates in the eternal law of God
Jesus' parables
-invite his listeners to reflect on the laws of nature in order to gain an understanding of the mysteries of faith that he was revealing
-appeal to and open up the meaning of the natural law- what people can know by listening with good reason to their own hearts
Sin of omission
a sin that is the result of a failure to do something required by God's moral law
Function of Conscience
seek to know and do what is good, and avoid what is evil
Seek reliable sources/guidance for making decisions
seek to know what God wants me to do
Seek to make up one's mind for oneself about what ought to be done - for oneself, not by oneself
seek to be authentic, protect dignity, done freely
Formation of Conscience
Reflect upon and study the word of God (a light for our path)
Practice our decision making in light of the community and common good
Train in light of the wisdom and guidance of moral heroes
Fr. Kavanaugh
Wrote the article of "Uniformed Conscience". Believed that to form our consciences we must listen to both sides of an argument and not to be ignorant.
to be awake, alert, aware of one's surroundings
the ability to know and be aware of your responsibilities, to act on those responsibilities and awareness of the needs of others.
ones reason and self control ( your practical, "grown up" self)
super ego
the set of instructions from major authority figures in our lives where by we were not given freedom and opportunity to learn how to act responsibly.
one's primal desires, basic nature (your wild child)
St. Paul
"God's law is visible in things he has created."
St. Thomas Aquinas
Dominican and church's greatest theologian, formed Catholics understanding of natural law. " The most fundamental principle of the natural law is to do what is good and avoid what is evil."
Voice of Conscience
Good? True? Beautiful (harmony)?
Roman Empire
Based entirely on the idea of "rule of law"
A system of rules that a community recognizes as regulating behavior of its members, where penalties or consequences can result from violations.
Divine Wisdom
A gift from God; fatherly instruction
Lenten Disciplines
Pray -> God
Fast - Ash Wednesday, Good Friday (18-59 years old) 1 full meal and 2 small meals, no snacks or food in between meals.
Almsgiving - giving to others - poor.
Abstain - All Fridays and Ash Wednesday abstain from meat (14 years old and older)
Why use Ashes on Ash Wednesday?
Ashes are a symbol of Repentance
Where do the ashes come from?
They are burnt palms from the previous years Palm Sunday.
When does Lent start and end?
Starts Ash Wednesday and ends Holy Saturday (46 days)
How many days is Lent?
40 days not including Sundays
'lengthening day', 'spring'; the preparatory period before Easter, lasting 40 days
Goal of Lent
Remind ourselves of Jesus' call to follow him and to be transformed and metanoia (change of mind and heart).