Involves uncontrolled growth of abnormals cells, which form a tumour
Metastasized when abnormal cells spread from original site to others of the body
Leading cause of death worldwide and in Canada
Diagnosis response may be denial or perception as death sentence
Patients have to cope with aggressive treatments and unpleasant side effects
Stigma (Blame the victim)
Economic Burden
Pain management is a major challenge. More than 90% of pain can be controlled by current treatment but tends to be underused
Patients' attitudes and behaviour are a major influence -Fear drug tolerance or addiction, so hesitant to seek treatment -Believe pain must be tolerated, so hesitant to report pain
Depression and Anxiety are common
Negative consequences of depression include: Poorer quality of life, reduced adherence, longer hospital stays, higher mortality rates, greater reported pain
Removal of Considerable amount of normal tissue -Can impact appearance and autonomy (Radical breast mastectomy)
Side effects of chemo and radiation do harm to healthy cells -Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, pain, increase risk of infection that can last years -Fatigue can be treated with physical activity (better than pharmacological options) -Anticipatory nausea
Provide empathy, knowledge from shared experiences
Survivors may report post-traumatic growth
Affects ~5% of Canadians
Treatment may include insulin injections, controlled diet, blood sugar monitoring
Fear and Depression
Fear may relate to long-term consequences, self-testing and self-injection
May lead to decrease self-efficacy, affecting disease management
Depression 3x in Type I and 2x in Type II
Depression and blood sugar linked bidirectionally -Low blood sugar worsen depression -Depression impacts disease management
Ensure compliance
Treat psychological distress
Education and Support Groups
Support from social network
Every 7min someone dies
Myocardial Infarction (HA) 2.Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Bypass Surgery)
Angioplasty (Surgery to open a blocked artery)
Anxiety and fear of future attacks
Cardiac Invalidism: limited activity leading to negative life quality and sedentary lifestyle
Depression is common (40%) -Increase risk for future cardiac problems and death -Worth for women and people over 65
1.Social Network 2. Holistic Rehab Program - Peak Benefit at 9 Months 3. Psychotherapy - Cognitive reappraisal & restructuring to promote anger management 4. Sometimes antidepress
Population with greater risks:
Men who have sex with men
People who use injection drugs
Receive blood and use blood products
No cure
Social stigma
Myths of infectivity
Personal responsibility or guilt
Rejection and alienation
Anxiety about uncertain future
Antiretrovirals and protease inhibitors (Many adverse side effects)
Social support often lacking due to stigma
Antidepress. may worsen symptoms
Group therapy found to be effective
Impact of symptoms and treatment on physical, social, cognitive and emotional functioning
Treatment may alleviate symptoms but negatively impact other areas of life
Tradeoff between duration and quality of life may be recognized
Phenomenologically, according to patient own report, therefore patient must be involved in all decision-making
1.Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
1.Friend and family must cope with bereavement 2.Grief: Psychological response to bereavement
Bereaved are a High Risk Group:
High suicide rate
Higher incidence of depression and substance abuse
More medical problems