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Marxists argue that crime is caused by inequality and conflict
Durkheim neglects the effects of crime on its victims
Durkheim ignores the role of the powerful in shaping or fixing the consensus about crime so that their activities are not defined as criminal
In the USA cultural insitutions socialise individuals into believing in the American dream
However he believed that this led to the poor experiencing anomie
fails to explain crimes that aren't economically motivated
underestimates the amount of crimes committed by the upper and middle classes
Valier: argues that Merton exaggerates the importance of monetary success in peoples lives
criminal subcultures: may be recruited into organisations
conflict subcultures: some inner city areas may be dominated by territorial street gangs
retreatist subcultures: "double failures" fail to become criminals and may form subcultures of drug use
attachment: people fear losing the love and respect of their partners and family
commitment: most people fear losing their jobs
fail to account for white collar or corporate crime
Marshall: argues that Cloward + Ohlin exaggerate criminal opportunities available to young people
these offences are hidden from public gaze - people may not realise that they've been a victim of corporate crime
white collar crime or corporate crime isn't feared in the same way as robbery or violence
these crimes are complex
it can be difficult to prove individual responsibility for particular corporate actions
economic crimes: crimes like mugging are an attempt to redistribute weatlth from the rich to the poor
vandalism: an attack on the capitalists obsession with poverty
drug use: indicates a rejection or contempt for the material values of capitalism
left realists critises new criminology for over-romanticising w/c criminals as "Robin Hood"
crimes such as DV
labelling doesn't explain why people offend in the first place
Lea and Young claim that labelling theory neglects victims of crimes
women are more likely to be victims
doesnt take into account factors such as social class
institutional racsim (Macpherson report found insititutional racism
Canteen culture which allows discrimination (Holdaway and BAME youth)
CJS may just reflect levels of discrimination towards BAME groups by police