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Ar Normal Imperfect endings
Yo: Aba
Tu: Abas
La/El: Aba
Nos: Ábamos
Vos: Abais
Ellos: Aban
Ir/Er Normal Imperfect endings
Yo: ía
Tu: ías
La/El: ía
Nos: íamos
Vos: íasis
Ellos: ían
Ar normal Preterit endings
Yo: é
Tu: aste
La/El: ó
Nos: amos
Vos: ásteis
Ellos: aron
Ir/Er normal Preterit endings
Yo: í
Tu: iste
La/El: ió
Nos: imos
Vos: isteis
Ellos: ieron
Key phrases for imperfect
generally, in general, often, many times, sometimes, form time to time, everyday, always, never, frequently
When do you use the imperfect tense?
Continuous/repeated actions
When the exact time the action started/ended is not important
Ex: I use to eat, I was sleeping,
When do you use the preterit tense?
A specific instance / completed action
Actions that interrupt ongoing events
IR Verbs Stem Changes (Only in the El/Ella Group)
Preferir is normally prefer, now prefir
Repetir is normally repet, now repit
Dormir is normally dorm, now durm
Morir is normally mor, now mur
Ser and Ir Congegations
Yo: Fui
Tu: Fuiste
La/El: Fue
Nos: Fuimos
Vos: Fuisteis
Ellos: Fueron
Dar (to give) Conjugations
Yo: Di
Tu: Diste
La/El: Dio
Nos: Dimos
Vos: Disteis
Ellos: Dieron
Ver Conjugations
Yo: Vi
Tu: Viste
La/El: Vio
Nos: Vimos
Vos: Visteis
Ellos: Vieron
For Car, Gar, Zar Verbs what does it change to and when?
When: Yo form
Car → qué
Gar → gué
Zar → cé