Busman unit 2 aos 1 revision

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business name

title that a business operates under

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exclusive right granted over unique aspect of business

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steps to follow when registering a business name

decide on business name, prepare your ABN, follow registration steps on ASICs website, begin operating under the registered business name and number

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website domain

website address that identifies a business's online site

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trade practice legislation

law that governs how a business interacts with customers and competitors

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governs business operations, enforces punishments

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business tax compliance

extent to which an individual, business meets tax obligations

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work safe insurance

compulsory insurance, assists employers to meet obligation, financially compensating and supporting employees who become injured or ill

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worksafe victoria

ensures business are providing a safe working environment for employees, enforcing OH&S laws

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workcover insurance

all businessnes that pay $7500 in wages per year, employees injured within workplace, assists employers to meet obligation financially supporting injured employees

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bank accounts

arrangement made with bank, business or individual can deposit, withdraw money

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financial control systems

processes and procedures, direct and monitor business finances

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record-keeping strategies

methods used to keep tack of financial transactions, over a period of time

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steps to opening a bank account

got to bank or visit online, agree to best interest rates and fees, provide personal business details to verify account, keep up to date with transactions in and out of account

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importance of establishing bank accounts

to separate personal and business income, expenses, saves time separating business, personal transactions, easier to monitor financial performance of business

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purpose of financial control systems

remove opportunities of fraud or theft to safeguard assets, avoid financial mismanagement, identify errors, mistakes, abnormalities, ensure accurate, reliable financial statements

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maintains accurate records related to business activities, time consuming, subject to human error, legal requirement to keep records of financial transactions

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consider how much suppliers will charge for resources, delivery

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quality of resources, materials, influence quality of business output

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select suppliers that deliver required quantity

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consider where suppliers are located

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socially responsible suppliers

business should review its CSR objectives when deciding which suppliers to source

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factors to consider when choosing suppliers

socially responsible suppliers, location, reliability, quality, price 

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written statements of processes, procedures, rules, regulations, outline expected performance behaviour of employees

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actions employees must follow to abide by business's policies

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types of legislation

equal opportunity act, privacy and data protection act, OH&S act, competition and consumer act

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types of policies

customer service policy, internet policy, social media policy, dress code, absence and time off policy

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policy statement

an explanation of why policy exists

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policy development process

identify an issue, research, analyse business environments, consult stakeholders, develop draft for review, revise policy, approve and distribute, monitor and evaluate

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why are policies and procedures necessary?

ensure consistency in business, respond to legal requirements, warning can be given to employees who dismiss policies

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advantages of policies and procedures

ensures employees are aware of and following necessary legislation, improve relationship between employees and management, save time on repeating rules

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disadvantages of policies and procedures

time consuming to find out which legislation applies for a business, business objectives may not be achieved if policies, procedures not communicated

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customer database

a collection of info about existing and potential customers

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overseas suppliers

individuals, businesses that sell raw materials or resources in a country overseas

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overseas retailers

individuals, businesses that sell good and services directly to customers overseas

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advantages of customer database

enables the business to predict desires of potential customers, quickly identifies customers, targets specific customers by special offers

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disadvantages of customer database

poor management could lead to privacy breach, time consuming to gather info, time consuming to train staff

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advantages of overseas suppliers

business has wide range of suppliers to choose from, reputation may improve, gain access resources not readily available

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disadvantages of overseas suppliers

cheaper inputs could be lower quality, challenging to maintain communication due to timezone, supplies can be damaged during delivery

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advantages of overseas retailers

enhance customer base and save time establishing a store overseas, minimise expenses establishing own store

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disadvantages of overseas retailers

customers may not receive the same service overseas, business may gain bad reputation if overseas retailers engage in unethical behaviour, may lose control of how marketing and how goods and services are perceived overseas

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manages, updates, analyses, and reports a business's financial info

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role of accountants

create financial reports, ensure legal compliance, create budgeted reports

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financial advisers

provides experts advice to individuals and businesses in relation to monetary matters, personal finances, and potential investments

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role of financial advisers

manage the business owner's personal finances, analyse feasibility of business financial goals, analyse and assist in the management and current business expenses

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ICT specialists

develops and maintains the technological systems that are used by businesses to store and retrieve data

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role of ICT specialists

set up and maintain a website and customer base, ensure legal compliance related to data management, provide training to employees regarding privacy issues

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legal advisers

provides expert advice to businesses regarding their legal responsibilities

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role of legal advisers

provide advice relating to the drafting of contacts, ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, protect a business's trademarks and patents

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marketing advisers

provides expert advice to businesses in relation to promoting and selling their products

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role of marketing advisers

develop appropriate advertising strategies, provide branding assistance, develop digital and social media marketing strategies

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