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What are our attitudes about attractive individuals?
They are more positive
“What is beautiful is also good”
Evaluation of, orfeeling toward, a person, idea, or object that are typically positive or negative
Attribution Theory
Attribution: explanation for the cause of
behaviors or events
Dispositional/Internal Explanation:
personal characteristics
Situational/External Explanation:
environmental factors and demands.
Self-serving Bias
Dispositional Attribution: taking credit for our successes
Situational Attribution: externalizing our failures
Fundamental Attribution Error
Overestimate causes of others’ behavior by attributing to Dispositional
and not Situational factors.
Just World Phenomenon or Blame the Victim
False Consensus Effect
Belief that everybody thinks or acts the way that you do
attitudes/beliefs about characteristics of people in a group generalized to all group members
negative feelings associated with members of a group
negative behaviors directed at members of a group
a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority)
Sources of Prejudice
Cultural Learning
Group Competition
Bolster self-esteem
Mental Shortcut
viewed more positively than out-group, bolsters social identity
judged as less diverse and less favorably than in-group
Mental Shortcut
unconscious thought patterns that help people make quick decisions and judgments
changing behavior because of real or imagined group pressure
Reason for conformity
Need for approval and acceptance
Need for information and direction
We conform to people we like and
admire to be like them
Asch Experiment
• Participants were asked to select the line closest in length to X.
• Many participants conformed and agreed with incorrect choices.
any behavior intended to harm someone
Myths and Theories of Aggression
venting anger through catharsis lead
to lower levels of aggression
aggressive individuals, such as bullies,
have low levels of self-esteem
compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.
Implications of Milgram’s Study
Participants were told to shock the learner if they got a question wrong
The majority of “teachers” delivered highest level of shock to the “learners”
Group Processes:Deindividuation
Anonymity leads to less inhibition, self-consciousness, personal identity and responsibility
Group Processes:Social Loafing
We exert less effort in a group than when alone
Group Processes:Group Think
Impaired decision-making when group harmony is most important.
Group Processes:Social Facilitation
Presence of others improves one’s performance, but only for well-learned tasks.
Group Processes:Social Contagion
Imitative behavior spreads ideas, emotions and behaviors
actions designed to help others with no obvious benefit to the helper
Bystander Intervention
recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome