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Collections of seals and character known as "Salomon's Net."
Image Description: Looks like a series of letters and symbols on a page.
A figure of Eshu, Nigeria, 1958
A shrine to Esu, Nigeria, 1977
Osayin, New York City, 1980's
Circle of stone on patio of Egwi shrine to sit, Ejagham people , Nigeria, 2016
Kongo sword of authority (mbele alulendo, Angola-D.R.C., XIX century
Description of Image: long swore with little frills around hilt.
Ibibio, Nigeria Calabash interior pyro-engraved with Nsibidi script.
A mother holding a child who is lying on her crossed legs ('mother and child'), represents abundance and ensured the protection of the new generation.
Theodore de Bry, 1590. After Thomas Hariot's book of 1588. A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia.
The figure shows an archer with bow and arrow, around 5500B.C. - 3500 B.C. Pastoral Period.
Engraved hands. Fezzan
The goddess of truth and justice. She is identified as a woman with an ostrich plume in her headband.
Vase decorated with hunting scene, predynastic, Amratian, c.3800-3600 BC, fired Nile silt
Thutmose, Nefertiti, from Tell el-Amarna, Dynasty XVIII, c.1353-1335 BC, painted limestone
Tomb statue of Heted, XII dynasty, reign ofAmenemhat I (1985-1955 BC) grano-diorite
Musician and dancers, detail of a fresco from the tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, XVIII dynasty, c. 1400-1350 BC
The Opa Oranmiyan, or staff of Oranmiyan, is agranite monolith standing over eighteen feet tall that commemorates a legendary warrior, ruler, and progenitor
Head of an Oba, 16th century (ca. 1550) Nigeria; Edo peoples, court of Benin
Throne and footstool of Nsangu, king of Bamum. c. 1870
Fragment of a pillar representing the King Fonyonga II (1870)
Piece of ocher with a geometric decoration, South Africa, and at least 65,000 years old.
The Ishango bone, the oldest mathematical object, 6,500BC- 9000BC
San Art, Namibia and South Africa, it dates around 25,500- 27,500 years ago
A two-horse chariot driven by a man wearing a skirt and holding two sets of reins. Although the horses are depicted in profile, the chariot is seen from an angle so that both wheels and the standing platform are visible.
Image Description: two horses and a guy in a chariot.
Hairdressing in the Akakus Mountains. This painted scene of a seated man working on the hair of a figure crouching before him, 6,000 years ago.
Body painting, Nuba art
Panela (Lip Pot) of Cabinda, Angola, XX century
Kongo funeral mannequin Niombo, D.R.C., XIX-XX centuries
*Also has the Kongo sword of authority
Jean Baptiste Debret, BlackWitchdoctor, Brazil, 1836
Image Description: Black man in powdered wig and Victorian looking clothing with a sword.
Calabash. Oyo. 19th century.
He Yoruba conceived of the cosmos as consisting of two distinct yet inseparable realms, aye and orun.
Nnimm, Eja, Ngbe societies
*Image associated with these societies.
Kot a -Mweeky III sitting in state, Mushenge, D.R.C., 1971.
Ejagham people, Akporabong area. Tri-Facial sculpture, late XIX century
Image Description: Mask with three faces attached.
Januwa Moja, Infinity Dress, 1990, Washington, DC
Detail of an N'kisi Nkondi, D.R.C., XIX century
Image Description: Mask with facial structure with nail-like structures in the neck.
A mother suckling her newborn child with her left breast ('nursing mother'), represents protection from sterility and promoted the continuity of the lineage.
Image Description: Similar to the mother holding her child sculpture.
Mosque, Nando, Mali
Face mask, (kanaga), Dogon peoples, Mali Mosque, Nando, Mali
(walu), Dogon peoples, Mali
Image Description: Mask that looks like it has bunny ears. Modeled after Friday Mosque, San, Mali.
Worke's Scroll I-II. Natural ink on paper and ballpoint pen and paper, before 1975.
Image Description: Red letters in page.
Constituent motif in the 'constellation
The expansion of the linear progression
The lattice, the chequerboard patter, the straight interlace
Lembeta Writing
Left: Luvo sign
Right: Dikenga cosmogram among Kuba people, D.R.C.
The two figures shows a real performance of Mayinda masquerade that represent Zemba initiation among Chokwe, Pende, and Ndembo. The drawing depicts a gigantic figure that will be hit by stars on its way to earth
Andres Sanchez Galque, Portrait of the Mulattos of Esmeraldas: Don Francisco de la Robe and His Sons Pedro and Domingo, 1599.
Albert Eckhout, Congo woman with child, 1641
Albert Eckhout, Black from the Gold Coast of Africa, 1644
Thomas Cole, Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, 1827-8
Esteban Chartrand, Valle de Yumuru, 1874
Esteban Chartrand, Runaway Slaves (Cimarrones), 1875
Victor Patricio de Landaluze, Escaped Slave Fights with Hunting Dogs, ca 1880
Tarsila do Amaral, Anthropophagy, 1929
Tarsila do Amaral, Central Railway of Brazil, 1924
Eduardo Abela, The rumba's elation, 1928
Still image from the feature film, I Walked with a Zombie, 1943
Veve of Vodun, Haiti, 1956
Ponto Riscado (Drawn Point) is for Exu or Pemba (Mpenba), Umbanda, Brazil, 1976
Firma of Nzambi Mpungu (God), Cuba, 1989
Firma (signature) graphic writing system, Cuba, 1989.
A hunter, holds an arrow in his right hand and a heavy bow in the left. Pastoral Period. C. 7,200 -3,000BP.
A late Pastoral Period scene with cattle and featured people
Megaphallic animal-headed persons, in full frontal view with hand on hips.
Hairdressing in the Akakus Mountains.This painted scene of a seated man working on the hair of a figure crouching before him, 6,000 years ago.
An elephant from the Messak and two tiny hunters stand before the elephant, the upperone wielding a boomerang. Babalus (Bubbles) Period around 12,000 - 10,000 years ago
Therianthropes with the head of a canid (lycaon) and display stereotyped characteristics: big rounded ears, lips curled back exposing formidable teeth, a striped collar, belt and loincloth, and bracelets.
An engraving of a lion superimposing another of a hippopotamus in the Akakus Mountains, Babalus (Baubles) Period. C. 12,000 - 10,000 BP.
A detail of three people wearing dresses dancing and holding what may be gourd rattles in their left hand. Below, a figure wears a headdress with three plumes and hold a white object in the right hand.A carefully drawn ostrich stands between two of the dancers.A large shape, red enclosing white, appears to have a handle and decorated spout, meaning it maybe water container.Numerous chrome cattle with curved horns are painted below the dancers.Camel Period.C. 3,000 2,000 BP.
"Round Head" figure: Ta-n-Zumaitak,Tassili n' Ajjer
The masked man, TassiliN' Ajjer. C 8,000 BP.
Engraving of an elephant is from Tassili, and it belonging to the Cattle Period. Around 5500 B.C.
Hunter with bow. Jabbaren, Tassili N' Ajjer, Algeria. Cattle herdsmen period, c. 5th-4th millennium B.C..
Giant masked figure with superimpositions. Sefar,Tassili N' Ajjer. C. 7th-6th millennium B.C.
A two-horse chariot driven by a man wearing a skirt and holding two sets of reins. Although the horses are depicted in profile, the chariot is seen from an angle so that both wheels and the standing platform are visible.
Images and detail of a Shelter ceiling at AinDuwa, Awenat.
Image Description: Wall painting of herd of cows
Detail of the decoration of the shelter Gilf Kebir, including the so-called "swimmers."
An engraved figures with double triangle bodies, around 2,500 years old.
Image Description: Stick figure with thick thighs, and fingers.
An engraving of an armed man leading a horse. Horse Period
The dancing women, Bilma,Tuareg region
A massive red bull dominates a cattle scene with a herdsman painted on the outer wall of a cave. The silhouette paintings, executed in outline and filled in. Pastoral Period, 4500 years ago.
A red painted in eastern Chad of a camel with an armed rider superimposed by a white outline image of another camel. Below, a cow walks to the right. Around 2,000 years ago, Camel Period.
Decorative wall in the cave of wadi Sura
Ammit, or Ammut
Funerary deity, 'Devourer of the Dead'
A form of the sun god, is sometimes depicted as a sphinx or a human with the head of a hawk.
Jackal-headed deity who presided over the embalming process and accompanied dead kings in the afterworld.
Lord of the universe. Represents the king of Egypt, who wears the Double Crown of Egypt.
Cat-goddess who protects aspects of motherhood. Female body and cat head.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Female figurine, predynastic, Badarian, c. 4500-400 BC, Hippopotamus ivory
Mother and child, late predynastic/Naqada III. c.3100-3000 BC ivory
Female figurine, predynastic, Badarian, c.4500-4000BC, fired clay
Pig deity, predynastic period, end of 4th millennium BC, fired clay
Bearded male figure, predynastic, Amratian-Gerzean (Naqada I-IIb), c.3800-34000 BC, breccia.
Beard male figure, predynastic, Amratian-Gerzean (Naqada I-IIb), c.3800-3400 BC, schist.
Image Description: Figure with pointy beard made out of dark material.
Vase decorated with victory scene, predynastic, Amratian, c.3800-3600 BC, fired Nile silt
Decorated ostrich egg, predynastic, Gerzean, c.3600-3400 BC, ostrich egg
Reverse head of a woman, 4th dynasty, c. 2630-2224BC, limestone
Head of an Amarna princess, 18th dynasty, Amarna period (1332-1336 BC), brown quartzite
Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and the Royal Princesses: sunk relief fragment from Tell el-Amarna, ca. 1350 B.C. [DynastyXVIII]
Nefertari Making Offering to Isis, 1279-1212 BC, wall painting in tomb, Valley of the Queens