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Conducted every 10 yrs; valuable tool for understanding demographic changes; An "actual enumeration" of the population
The process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 yrs on the basis of Census results
Random Sampling
Operates on the principal everyone should have an equal probability of being selected for a sample; ensures sampling represents the larger population
Random Digit Sampling
Used by pollsters to place telephone calls randomly to both listed and unlisted numbers when conducting a survey
George Gallup
Father of modern day polling. He developed the Gallup Poll, which uses scientific sampling techniques to gauge public opinion.
Political Ideology
A coherent set of beliefs about public policy, politics, and public purpose which helps give meaning to political events
First Wave Immigration
Mostly consisted of Northwestern Europeans(English, Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians);Time - Early and mid19th Century
Second Wave Immigration
Mostly consisted of Southern and Eastern Europeans(Italians, Jewish ppl, Poles, Russians, ect); Time - late 19th century early 20th centuries
Recent Wave Immigration
Mostly consists of Hispanic ppl(Cuban, Mexican, and Central American) and Asian ppl (Vietnamese, Filipino, Korean, +more) Time - early 1960’s
First Restriction imposed on Immigration
Occurred in 1875 - Limited criminals and prostitutes from staying in the US and later ppl considered “lunatics” or ppl w diseases
First Geographical based restriction
Imposed in1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
Minority Majority
The idea that non-Hispanic White ppl will represent a minority of the US population and minority groups together will represent the majority
The Greying of America
As the number of old people in America increase pressure is added to the social security system to pay the elderly their benefits
Political Socialization
The process through which individuals in a society gain political attitudes, opinions, and knowledge, based off input from family, school, and media
Exit Poll
Public opinion surveys used by major media pollsters to predict electoral winners with speed and precision
Sampling Error
The level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll. The more people interviewed the more confident once can be of the results
Believe in peace through strength & want to maintain the status-qup
Want to create change of the status-quo
Civil Disobedience
A form of political participation based on a conscious decision to break a law believed to be unjust & suffer the consequences
What are some examples of Conventional Participation?
Voting, petition running, trying to persuade others
What are some examples of Unconventional Participation?
Civil disobedience, protesting