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What is Cardiovascular exercise?
The ability of the heart, lungs, & blood vessels to deliver oxygen during continuous aerobic exercise.
How to prevent CHD
Cardiovascular exercise
Resistance exercise
Flexibility exercise
Training Rules of Thumb
ALWAYS warm up 5-8 min of low intensity aerobic exercise.
ALWAYS cool down after cardio exercise 2-3 min low intensity aerobic activity.
The risk of Coronary heart Disease (Major & Secondary)
High cholesterol
Poor eating habits
High blood fat lvls
Excessive alcohol consumption
Healthy Lifestyle Do’s
Exercise regularly
Follow a well balanced eating plan
Maintain healthy body weight
Avoid destructive habits
Get plenty of rest
Manage stress
(CMMFB) 5 Components of Physical Fitness
1) Cardiovascular exercise
2) Muscle Strength
3) Muscle Endurance
4) Flexibility
5) Body Composition/ Body Weight
(PEESSI) 6 Dimensions of Health
1) Physical
2) Emotional
3) Environmental
4) Social
5) Spiritual
6) Intellectual
What is Wellnes?
The ATTITUDE someone has for there health & well- being.
What is Lifestyle?
The choice one makes for there life has long term or short term effects.
Normal Blood Pressure Reading
120/80 mmHg
What is Coronary heart disease? (CHD)
When fats, plaque & cholesterol accumulate on the arterial wall resulting in a lack of blood flow to the heart. This lack causes for a lack of blood flow to the heart resulting in heart attack & stroke.
High blood Pressure Reading
140/90 mmHg
Benefits of Cardiovascular exercise
Health benefits
Quality of life
Change in Body Composition
Physiological Benefits
Uncontrollable risk Factors of CHD
What is Health?
The state of being physical, mental, & socially in well being & not being sick.