Science 1.1 "What are Theories of Origins"

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the beginning

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the idea that God created the universe and all life

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informed interventionism

-a broader concept that also acknowledges God's intervention at other times in history -used instead of the word "creation" -came up by scientists

ex: the flood

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-life arose spontaneously from non-living matter many millions of years ago -made by T.H. Huxley in 1870 -people believed in the idea of it in 1600s by believing that meat made maggots

word = no life beginning or spontaneous generation

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-all present life forms descended from a simple one-celled organism -believed by only evolutionists -major changes over time -hasn't been proved

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spontaneous generation

the idea that life (living organisms) come from non-living matter

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primoridal soup

-hypothesized that at some previous time, oceans were filled with CO2, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water -term made by Alexander Oparin

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-a hypothesis that life began somewhere else such as comets and meteorites -term started when some scientists believed life was imossible to come from non-living matter

word = outside beginning

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fixity of species

people believed that life on Earth was exactly the same as what was created by God during creation week

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artificial selection

-breeders purposely selected plans or animals with desireable characteristics next generation -helps with the evolution theory

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natural selection

pattern of variation, greater survival, and successful reproduction

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-small changes of characteristics over time -involves the process of evolutionary changes within populations -leads to sorts of variation that we see within species -believed by scientists and evolutionists

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changes that occur when a gene is altered, damaged, or lost

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-suggests that life is widespread throughout the universe -some scientists believed in the hypothesis, others didn't because it still doesn't explain how life started

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intelligent design

-not creationism -doesn't describe origins from a religious pov -mostly relies on scientific evidence, not scripture -theory that states that living things + other features in the universe are best explained by a "_____ designer"

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Biblical worldview

-a theory of origin -viewing the world through the creation of God -informed intervention -can't be tested on scientifically -believed only in faith -many belief its a myth -many believe these accounts were borrowed from famous myths

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-collection of attitudes, values, stories, + expectations about the world around us -it informs our every action (influences us) -ex: all scientists are influenced by this

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Naturalistic worldview

-a theory of origin -belief in abiogenesis + evolution -doesn't believe that a higher being created the world

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study of origin

when scientists develop theories on how life began by looking through evidence

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-wide acceptance based on scientific evidence -proven to be true due to perfomed experiments by scientists

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scientific process

-observations that are made + experiments are performed -ex: helps scientists study how life began on earth

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Doctors Gerhard + Michael Hasel

who found out that myths: creation happened through struggle Bible: creation happened through love

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Francesco Redi

-Italian physician + biologist -experimented with abiogenesis in 1668

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Redi's experiment

-experimented to prove that abiogenesis is false -life doesn't start from non-living matter -the source of the maggots were from flies laying tiny eggs that we can't see

<p>-experimented to prove that abiogenesis is false -life doesn&apos;t start from non-living matter -the source of the maggots were from flies laying tiny eggs that we can&apos;t see</p>
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Louis Pasteur

-a scientist who later updated Redi's experiment with a special flask in the 1800s -even with enough oxygen, no live beings came out of the non-living matter

<p>-a scientist who later updated Redi&apos;s experiment with a special flask in the 1800s -even with enough oxygen, no live beings came out of the non-living matter</p>
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20th century

when scientists started investigating where molecules came from

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Alexander Oparin

-believed life came from the ocean

  • made the term "primordial soup" for it

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Stanley Miller + Harold Urey

-experimented on abiogenesis by sealing in a container: water, methane, ammonia, CO2, + hydrogen (to resemble earth's atmosphere) -the theory was true back then, but is now false

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Miller-Urey Experiment

experiment: -boiled water + several gases in a flask -sent electrical charges to it

results: -several types of amino acids in mix -its possible for molcules (organic model) -some amino formed weren't ones found in living organisms

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Miller-Urey Experiment issues

-some molecules created weren't useful in life -some processes broke down amino acids and molecules too fast -Earth's atmosphere may have been different back then -amino acids are only right hand or only left hand seperately (mirror images). the experiment showed both right hand + left hand acids.

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RNA world

-RNA = ribonucleic acid, found in living cells -some scientists believe theres an this type of world -suggests that life began with RNA formed molecules -false theory

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Carolus Linnaeus

botanist who observed plants could become hybrids + cross between 2 species

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-means: change over time -occurs in populations + groups, not individually

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Charles Darwin

naturalist who made a theory that the evolution of new species occured as the result of natural selection

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Points to Darwin's theory

-competition -variation -adaptation -selection

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when each species produces more offspring that can actually survive

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when each indicidual within a species is slightly different so there is a variety

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when some variations are more advantageous than others leading to certain individuals being able to survive better in their environment

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-when those that survive + reproduce pass characteristions on to their offspring, -making them better equipped to survive

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Microevolution examples

-differences in beaks of finches -length of a giraffe's neck over time -predominance of light or dark peppered moths

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two complex patterns of Intelligent Design

irreducible complexity + specified complexity

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irreducible complexity

-a complex pattern of Intelligent Design -system that doesn't work if one part is missing

ex: a mousetrap

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specified complexity

-a complex pattern of Intelligent Design -a system w/ a specific sequence to work

ex: a sentence - "esleap sasp eht eanmleond" = "please pass the lemonade"

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