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 Values lower than the normal reference range means the patient is/has ___________.
Most common cause of anemia is
Globin deficiency
Porphyrin ring synthesis issues
composition of 1 hemoglobin
4 porphyrin rings
4 ferrous iron atoms
2 alpha and 2 non alpha chains
when glucose level is increased
extra glucose will attach to the end of the beta globin (hgb A1c for diabetes, looks at about three month average)
A1c is a re surgical screen because
predict which patients at more at-risk for post-op infections and levels of glucose can be tightly monitored.
oxy hemoglobin
tense form
relaxed form
what are the abnormal hemoglobins
caused by CO
reversed by O2
iron in the ferric hemoglobin (Fe3+)
causes cyanosis
can be given reducing agents to reverse
rusty blood
not reversible
caused by medications
green blood
cyan methohemoglobin
measure hemoglobin and measure in spectrophotometer
less light gets through = higher hemoglobin
more light= lower hemoglobin
falsley elevated hemoglobin
extremely high WBC (over 100)
Hemoglobin C or S (lyse resitant hemoglobin, sickle cell)
Abnormal proteins (multiple myeloma)
lipemia fix
replace plasma with equal amount of saline, remix and reanalyze
High WBC fix
centrifuge reaction mixture before reading to remove the WBC
Hgb C or Hgb S fix
mix 1:1 with water before performing analysis. Multiply x2
abn proteins
use KCO3 to make more alkaline and proteins won’t precipitate
 Hematocrit is the proportion of red cells as compared to a [________ ________] of blood
total amount (its a percent)
how to measure hematocrit
automated hematocrit
capillary tube
good for babies, problems, special reading cdevice
when reading hematocrit always read
under the buffy coat
make hematocrit high with the clot in the tube
low if the clot is too big for the tube
incomplete seal
hematocrit is low
read above the buffy coat
hematocrit is high
excess EDTA
hematocrit is lower
manual brake
false high hematocrit
allowed to sit in centrifuge
falsely high
clay not flat
false high or low depending on which side is baseline
centrifuge for too short a time
hematocrit false high
sedimentation rate
When RBC settle to the bottom of a tube, the speed of their fall in mm/hr
Sed raate of fall is inversely proportional to _____ viscosity and directly proportional to _____ mass.
someone who has more inflamation like rhematoid arthritis will have
heavy red blood cells so they settle faster
Someone who is sick with a disease has plasma that is ______ which ______ sed rate
Fewer cells in greater volume =
increased sed rate
slow rate of fall
temperature affect sed rate
increase temp= increase fall
sed rates older than 4 hrs
will rouleaux less readily han fresh blood
stacking of RBC
reading a sed rate before 60 min
results will be low
reading a sed rate after 60 min
results will be high
abnormal cells (sickle cells) sed rate
will be lower cause they can’t rouleaux
cold agglutinins can increase sed rates by
small aggregates
cold agglutinins can decrease sed rates by
large aggregates
increases in sed rates see in
acute and chronic infections
degenerative disorders