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Critical Thinking
Hindsight Bias
“i knew it all along” after the outcome, you believe you ALWAYS knew the outcome
Peer Reviewers
to ensure the quality and validity of a study by having experts in the same field critically evaluating the research methods, data analysis and conclusions
an explanation that organizes and predicts behavior or events
testable prediction; you can accept, reject or revise it
can be proven false through observation or experiment
Operational Definition
both independent and dependent variable must be specific and detailed (necessary for experiment replication)
repeating the essence of a research study, usually the different participant in different situations, to see whether the basic finding can be reproduced
Case Study
detailed ( an observation/ interview technique in which one person is studies in depth in hope of traveling universal principles
pros; collect a lot of info, suggests hypothesis for future, and can ask questions
cons; VERY time consuming, an atypical subject, and results may be inconclusive
Naturalistic Observation
observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate the situation
pros; act as they usually—own time, and can further investigate (if necessary)
cons; cannot interact, time consuming, and potentially dangerous
a technique for learning the self-reported attitude or behaviors of people, usually by questioning a representative, random sample of them
pros; tons of data, cheap, easy, fast, and anonymous
cons; uninterested subjects subject bias, and can’t gather further info
Social Desirability Bias
subjects respond in ways they presume a researcher expects or wishes
Self-Report Bias
subjects report their behavior inaccurately
Sampling Bias
when some members of a populations are more likely to be chosen in a sample than others
Random Sample
all of the people in a group, from which samples may be drawn for a study
Correlation Coefficient
Illusory Correlation
you see a relationship that does not exist or perception of a stranger relationship than actually exists
Regression toward the Mean
tendency for extremes of unusual scores or events to regress toward the average; occurs as more data is collected
manipulate independent variable and keeping the other variables constant
Experimental Group
the group that is exposed to the independent variable
Control Group
the group that is NOT exposed to the independent variable; they serve as comparison from evaluating the other effect of the independent variable
Random Assignment
a smaller sample/ group that fairly represents a population (each member has an equal chance of inclusion)
Single-Blind Procedure
subjects are “blind” to the treatment being used; they don’t know if they are in the experimental or control group
Double-Blind Procedure
BOTH the subjects and the researcher are ignorant (blind) about who has the independent variable or the placebo
Placebo effect
inert/fake substance o condition that may be given to the control group; ____ gives the ____effect
Independent Variable
the factor that is manipulated the variable whose effects is being studied
Dependent Variable
the factor that is being measured many change n response to the independent variable
Experimenter Bias
researchers expectation unintentionally influence an experiment
Confounding Variable
any variable not controlled for that could impact the dependent variable; should be no other differences between groups
Qualitative Research
interpretations/ descriptions of non-numerical data more subjected; can be interpreted from interview sessions, discussions with focus groups (quality)
Quantitative Research
interpretation of numbers, statistics
computing, using numbers, solid data surveys
Informed Consent
at the end, the researcher explains the purpose of the study, explains any deception used