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Observational Learning
Observation allows people to learn without performing any behavior.
involves adding and subtracting from the observed behavior and generalizing from one observation to another
The Bobo Doll Experiment
a series of studies that demonstrated how children learn and imitate behaviors by observing others. In the experiment, children who watched an adult model aggressively interacting with a Bobo doll were more likely to mimic those aggressive behaviors compared to those who observed non-aggressive or no behavior
Chance Encounter and Fortuitous Events
enter the reciprocal determinism paradigm at the environment point, after which they influence behavior in much the same way as do planned events
Actions and Decisions
Internal Competencies; Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical
External Spaces, Laws, Objects
proactive commitment
ability to set goals
ability to monitor one’s progress
ability to monitor their own motives, values, and meaning of their life goals
Beliefs that they can or cannot exercise those behaviors necessary to bring about a desired consequence
Proxy Agency
People exercise some partial control over everyday living and need proxies
Collective Efficacy
Level of confidence that people have that their combined efforts will produce social change
Reflective thought
Mastery Experiences
Social Modeling
Observing someone of equal ability succeed or fail at a task
Social Persuasion
Listening to a trusted person’s encouraging words
Physical and Emotional States
Such as anxiety or fear, which usually lowers self-efficacy
The Modeling Therapy
is a behavioral therapy technique in which individuals learn new behaviors or overcome fears and anxieties by observing and imitating a model who demonstrates the desired behavior in a structured environment.
Self-control Therapy
1. Behavioral Charts
2. Environmental Planning
3. Self-contracts
that would manifest as superiority complex or delusions of grandeur
apathy, boredom, or depression
which can come in the form of drugs and alcohol, television fantasies, or even the ultimate escape which is suicide