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What superclass are amphibians in?
What class are amphibians in?
What subclass are amphibians in?
What order are salamanders in?
What family are Mole Salamanders in?
What is the species name for the Tiger Salamander?
Ambystoma tigrinum
What is the species name for the Mole Salamander?
Ambystoma talpoideum
What family are Sirens found in?
What is the species name for the Lesser Siren?
Siren intermedia
What family are amphiumas found in?
What is the species name for the Two-toed Amphiuma?
Amphiuma means
What family are Mudpuppies and Waterdogs found in?
What is the species name for the Mudpuppy?
Necturus maculosus
What family are Hellbenders found in?
What is the species name for the hellbender?
crytobranchus alleganiensis
What family are Newts found in?
What is the species name for the Red-spotted Newt?
Notophthalmus viridescens
What family are lungless salamanders found in?
What is the species name for the Southern Two-lined Salamander?
Eurycea cirrigera
What is the species name for the Spotted Dusky Salamander?
Desmognathus fuscus
What order are frogs and toads found in?
What family are true toads found in?
What is the species name for the American Toad?
anaxyrus americanus
What is the species name for the Fowler's Toad?
anaxyrus fowleri
What family are spadefoot toads found in?
What is the species name for the Eastern Spadefoot Toad?
Scaphiopus holbrookii
What family are narrowmouth toads found in?
What is the species name for the Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad?
Gastrophryne carolinensis
What family are true frogs in?
What is the species name for the American Bullfrog?
lithobates catesbeiana
What is the species name for the Southern Leopard Frog?
lithobates sphenocephala
What family are tree frogs in?
What is the species name for Cope's Gray Treefrog?
Hyla chrysoscelis
What is the species name for the Green Treefrog?
Hyla cinerea
What is the species name for the Northern Cricket Frog?
Acris crepitans
What is the species name for the Spring Peeper
Pseudacris crucifer