Chapter 18 - Genetic Engineering, Reproductive Techniques

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Define "Assisted Reproductive Technology"

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Define "Assisted Reproductive Technology"

A fertility treatment used to achieve pregnancy.

Surgical manipulation of the eggs and sperm.

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Define "In Vitro Fertilization" (IVF)

Extract eggs after stimulation; fertilizing them in the lab; then put them back into uterus through cervix.

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Who was the first baby conceived through IVF?

Louise Joy Brown

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What should one consider before undergoing IVF?


If you've had multiple births


Reduced surgery


Survival rates

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What is the first step in IVF?

Stimulation/Super ovulation

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What is the second step in IVF?`

Egg Retrieval (Follicular aspiration)

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What is the third step in IVF?

Insemination & fertilization

- Insemination

- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

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What is the fourth and fifth step in IVF?

Embryo culture (Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis)

Embryo Transfer (to uterus)

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Define "Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer" (GIFT)

Uses "laparoscope" to guide unfertilized eggs and sperm (gametes) into fallopian tubes through abdomen.

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If a woman has at least one normal Fallopian tube, what ART method is used?

Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)

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Define "Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer" (ZIFT)

Fertilizes eggs in laboratory then uses laparoscope to guide them (zygotes) into fallopian tubes.

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Define "Surrogacy"

- A surrogate is a woman who agrees to become pregnant with the man's sperm and her own egg.

- The child will be genetically related to the surrogate and male partner.

- After birth, surrogate gives up baby for adoption by parents.

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Define "Gestational Carrier"

- For women with ovaries but no uterus.

- Woman uses her own egg, fertilized by man's sperm.

- The embryo is placed inside carrier's uterus.

- Carrier not related to baby and gives them to parent's at birth.

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What is Traditional Surrogacy?

Surrogate mother is artificially inseminated by the intended father or a donor

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What is Gestational Surrogacy?

Gestational mother is artificially inseminated with a fertilized egg or embryo

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What is Embryo Cryopreservation?

The process of storing frozen fertilized egg and sperm at extremely low temperatures for future use

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Define "Genetic Screening"

Used to determine whether a couple is at increased risk of having a baby with a hereditary genetic disorder.

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What is the genetic screening method "Family History Assessment"?

Doctors ask:

Family member disorders

Cause of death

Health of first/second degree relatives

Miscarriages, stillborn babies

Birth defects

Relative intermarriages

Ethnic background

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What is needed during Family History Assessment?

Infoformation on three generations

Sometimes doctors review medical records of relatives who have had a genetic disorder.

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What is the genetic screening method "Carrier Screening"?

Involves testing people who do not have symptoms but are at higher risk for carrying a recessive gene for a disorder.

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Carrier Screening is only done if..?

- The disorder is very debilitating/lethal

- A reliable screening test is available

- The fetus can be treated / reproductive options are available and acceptable to the parents.

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What is the genetic screening method "Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis"? (PGD)

Used to determine if genetic/chromosomal disorders are present in IVF embryos.

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What is the genetic screening method "Prenatal Screening"?

Involves testing pre-birth fetus to see if the fetus has certain abnormalities, like certain hereditary or spontaneous genetic disorders.

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What is the method of Ultrasonography?

- Non-Invasive

- Deep body structure imaging by recording echoes of ultrasonic pulse waves.

- Waves reflect off of tissue planes with different density.

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What is the method of Amniocentesis?

- Invasive

- A needle is passed through the mother's lower abdomen into the amniotic cavity inside the uterus

- Amniotic fluid is removed and analyzed.

- Performed at 15-20 weeks of gestation

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What is the method of Chorionic Villi Sampling?

A doctor removes a small sample of chorionic villi.

These are tiny projections making up part of the placenta.

- May be performed as early as 10-12 weeks of pregnancy

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What is involved in the method of Measurement of Markers/Quad screen?

Alpha Fetoprotein

- Protein made by a developing baby


- Placenta


- Liver

Inhibin A

- Used to check for Down Syndrome

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What is Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Sampling?

- Collect fetal blood from umbilical cord

- Used when rapid chromosome analysis is needed (towards end of pregnancy when ultrasound detects abnormalities)

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What are some risks in Percutaneous Umbilical Cord Sampling?

- Fetal loss

- Maternal Rh Sensitization

- Morbidity of the fetus

- Limb defects

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What is Newborn Screening?

- Collecting blood drops from newborn

- Performing biochemical testing to see if newborn has a heritable condition

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