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Give a fundamentalist Christian view about the creation of the universe
Literal interpretation, God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh
Give a liberal Christian view about the creation of the universe
Genesis might be seen as a parable or symbolic
Give a Buddhist view about the creation of the universe
Buddhism does not teach that the universe has any origin: unanswerable question
Explain the teaching of the poisoned arrow
A man shot with a poisoned arrow would only survive it if was removed quickly enough, but rather than removing it, he sought out answers about the shooter and arrow. He dies before the man could find the answer to these questions.
Give the scientific view about the creation of the universe
The Big Bang theory is the leading scientific explanation
Provide a definition of 'awe'
A feeling of devout respect, mixed with fear and wonder
What is stewardship?
Believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
Provide a quote to support the view that Christians should be stewards
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it" Genesis 2:15
What is dominion?
Dominance or power over something
Provide a quote to support the view that Christians should be dominions
"fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground" Genesis 1:28
What is a natural resource?
Materials found in nature - such as oils and trees - that can be used by people
Give two examples of renewable energy resources
Wind, wave, sun
Give two things that a Christian can do to help the planet
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Give a Buddhist reason for protecting the environment
Dependent arising: animals and plants depend on a healthy planet. Second noble truth is that everything is caused by greed: people should practice contentment, taking too much from the environment goes against this teaching.
What is the Holy Isle Project?
A Tibetan Buddhist centre in Scotland, built with a focus on the environment
What are the main types if pollution? (Give 3)
Air, Land, Water
Give a quote to support the claim that Christians can eat meat
"Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you" Genesis 9:3
What is the Buddhist attitude towards animals?
Loving-kindness (metta)
Provide one reasons Buddhists believe we should care for animals
They may be reborn as animals. The first moral precept says that we should not harm or kill living beings. Treating animals cruelly is unskilful and will lead to suffering.
What is the sanctity of life?
Life is a sacred, precious and God-given blessing
Provide a quote to support the sanctity of life
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" Jeremiah 1:5
What is 'quality of life'
The extent to which a person can enjoy their life
What is the catholic view on abortion?
It is always wrong unless the mother's life is at risk
What is the law on abortion (if no extenuating circumstances)
If two doctors agree, a person can have an abortion before 24 weeks
Give one reason why a person could have an abortion after 24 weeks
Mother's life is at risk, or possibility of severe physical/mental illness, or the baby might be born with a serious disability
Give a pro-choice argument about abortion
Bodily rights: women have a right to choose what happens to their body, the foetus is part of their body, therefore, women have a right to choose what happens to the foetus
Give a pro-life argument about abortion
Potential futures: killing humans is wrong because you take away their potential future life. A foetus also has a potential future life. Therefore it is wrong to abort a foetus.
Give a Christian quote against abortion
"It does not matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth. In both instances, destruction is murder". Tertullian
Based on the first moral precept, what might a Buddhist say about abortion?
Killing any living being is always wrong, therefore abortion is wrong
Why is the question of when life begins relevant to the debate on abortion?
If a person believes life begins at conception, they will believe that terminating a pregnancy at any point is ending a life
Give one reason why a Buddhist might be pro-choice
They believe in certain situations, it might be the most compassionate thing to do
What is euthanasia?
A good death: ending the life of someone who is in serious pain
What is the difference between passive and active euthanasia?
Active involved steps to take away the life, passive involves stopping treatment
True or false: "Euthanasia is legal in the UK"
Give a Christian view against euthanasia
Taking a life is interfering with God's plan
Why might a Christian support euthanasia?
It might be seen as the compassionate or merciful thing to do
Give a Buddhist view against euthanasia
The first moral precept says that Buddhists should not kill or harm any living being
Why might a Christian support euthanasia?
Compassion or personal choice
What do Christians believe happens after death?
God judges whether the person will spend eternity in heaven or hell
What do Buddhists believe happens after death?
Death is a process of transition of consciousness into a new physical body