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Cattells approach to traits
relatively permanent part of the personality that Account for behavior and situations
16 source Traits. Main traits that make up everyone in someway
Common versus unique traits
common. Everyone shares concentrates to some degree measure of intelligence or of extroversion. Some might be high or low on scale.
Unique. Distinguish us as individuals. For example A liking for politics, or an interest in baseball.
Ability versus temperament versus dynamic traits
Ability. Our skills and abilities determine how well we can work toward our goals.
Temperament. Our emotions and feelings help determine how we react to the people and situations in our environment. Example, easy-going person go with the flow.
Dynamic. Motivating traits, motivations and drive are behavior.
Surface versus source traits
surface. Weak only apply to you in certain times.
Source. More on your behavior.
constitutional versus Environmental-mold traits
these go under source traits
constitutional. Biological origins genetics or chemicals consumed like alcohol.
Environmental, mold. Environmental origins, influence of our friends.
Role of heredity Cattell
influences of heredity And environment in shaping personality
He compared twins and siblings in different rearing situations
1/3 of personality is genetically based
2/3 is determined by social and environmental influences
stages of personality development Cattell
infancy. Birth to six. Weaning, toilet training formation of ego which is attitudes.
Childhood. 6 to 14. Independence from parents and identification with peers gaining Independent personality
Adolescence. 14 to 23. About independence . sex equals Sexuality shape you and what you want to do
Maturity. 23 to 50. Satisfaction with career, marriage and family. Major goals. Focus can affect what you do.
Late Maturity. 50 to 65. Personality changes in response to physical and social circumstances.
Old age. 65+. Meant to loss of friends career status.
assessment and personality
Four things
L data. LIFE Observed in real life situations seeing how people act in a situation
Q data. QUESTIONNAIRE. So report one’s characteristics attitudes and interest
T data.TESTS. Instead of asking, ask about a situation, not as direct, less obvious of question.
16 PF Personality test. To assess personality for research clinical diagnosis and job success prediction in tea data.
Cattells research methods
clinical approach. Subjective not science.
Bivariate approach. Independent variable is manipulated to determine the effect on the dependent variable. Deals with limited aspects of personality
Multi variant approach. Multiple independent variables.R Technique collecting data from a group of people. P Technique collecting data from single subject over a long period of time
Cattell Contributions
Father of the personality trait approach
Cattell criticisms
potential for subjectivity errors in factor analytic approach exist. The 16 could have been a different number.
Difficult to replicate
Eysenck Three main dimensions of personality
E. extroversion versus introversion
N. neuroticism versus emotional stability
P. Psychoticism versus impulse control
Extraversion and introversion traits
E. Sociable, carefree, dominant outgoing.
Biological. Lower base level of cortisol arousal, being alone is bad. Need to be around people.
I. Shy away from excitement react strongly to stimulation, be lonesome, not necessarily shy
biological. cortisol arousal levels are already high, going out gets too much and is exhausting
Neuroticism Traits
High Scores. Anxious, shy, moody
Low scores. Sympathetic nervous system overreacts to mild stressors this is genetic.
Psychoticism traits
High scores. Aggressive, cold egocentric(Only care about themselves) Antisocial(Acting against the world, Fight fighting) Tough minded. Have problems with alcohol, drug and violent criminal behavior
Have controlling parents, more environmental
Eysenck role of heredity
treats and dimensions were determined by heredity
Compared identical to fraternal twins
Identical, twins were more similar than fraternal
Costa and McCrae five factor model
Help develop the new personality inventory, which test the five factors
what are the five factors? Remember ocean.
Five factor characteristics
High. Original independent, creative, daring.
low. Move in routine go to restaurant order the same thing.
high. Careful organized
Low. In own heads, less reliable.
High. sociable talkative, fun, loving, affectionate
Low. Introverts retreat away from society.
Neuroticism. Emotionally Stability
high. Worried, insecure, nervous, high, strong
Low. Not insecure.
Emotional correlation to the five factors
High extraversion, low neuroticism, high agreeableness and conscientiousness
Social support have someone to lean on. Likable, Introverts shy away.
Negative outcomes lead to lesser things of well-being depression
Behavioral correlation to the five factors
High. Better grades and responsible at work, increased health,
low, score leads to use of alcohol and illegal drug
Fever behavior problems
Various interest, try new things, seek challenges
Extra version.
More social relationships
HEXACO. What are the six factors? What’s different about this versus the five factors?
honesty/humility H
Emotionality E
Extroversion X
Agreeableness A
Conscientiousness C
Openness to experience O
They added honesty, which is high Insincere, honesty, and faithfulness. Low is greedy, trustworthy
The E is emotionality high emotional oversensitive. low self-assured
Paulhus and Williams Dark Triad
Extreme level of selfishness, very arrogant think they are the best
Deceitful, manipulate others
Coldness,don’t care about others, don’t feel guilty, take advantage, charming, but violent
Dirty dozen scale
self rating test developed as a quick assessment of the dark triad
We did this in class had 12 questions.