HSC SOR I Revision Christianity

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John XXIII impacted Christianity by being an Advocate

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John XXIII impacted Christianity by being an Advocate

for Social Justice

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John XXIII impacted Christianity through Promotion

of Peace

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John XXIII impacted Christianity through Aggiornamento

(updating) of the Church

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John XXIII impacted Christianity through his Encouragement

of Ecumenism

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John XXIII impacted Christianity by being a Model

of Interfaith Dialogue

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Evidence of John XXIII being an Advocate for Social Justice

'Mater et Magistra', meaning Mother and Teacher.

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A definition of 'Mater et Magistra' (Mother and Teacher)

An encyclical letter written by John XXIII dealing with Christian teaching on modern social questions that laid down the principles for Catholics in many areas of social justice, especially the rich nations toward the poorest.

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Quotes from 'Mater et Magistra (Mother and Teacher)

"to destroy or squander goods that other people need in order to live is to offend against justice and humanity" and "It is necessary that public authorities have a correct understanding of the common good".

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Impact of 'Mater et Magistra' (Mother and Teacher)

Highlights the responsibility of Christians to care for their fellow humans and united all denominations under a humanitarian banner

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Evidence of John XXIII Promoting Peace

'Pacem in Terris', meaning Peace on Earth.

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A definition of 'Pacem in Terris' (Peace on Earth)

An encyclical letter written by John XXIII addressed to "all men of good will" acknowledged as an encyclical on international peace which based its teachings on the right of each individual to be treated with respect, given dignity, equal rights for men and women and respect for minorities.

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Quotes from 'Pacem in Terris' (Peace on Earth)

"the common good is chiefly guaranteed when personal rights and duties are maintained" and "Every person have the right to life, to bodily integrity" and Time Magazine (1965) "one of the most profound and significant documents of our age".

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Impact of 'Pacem in Terris' (Peace on Earth)

Demonstrated that everyone is equal and a creation of God, reducing the judgment between people who may have different faiths, cultures and beliefs, encouraged peaceful communities as he promoted religions to get along in peace and highlighted the importance of greater relations between nations in order to maintain communication and peace.

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Evidence of John XXIII's Aggiornamento (updating) of the Church

The Second Vatican Council (vatican II)

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A definition of Vatican II

1962-1965 gathering of over 2500 Bishops from around the world, as well as other authorised delegates, where John XXIII wanted "The Church must respond to the signs of the times in light of the Gospel". Vatican II initiated a range of practical changes as well as developing key documents which clarified the Church's standpoint and role in the modern world.

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Changes to the Liturgy as a result of Vatican II

The Mass celebrated in the vernacular (local language), the priest was to face the people during Mass and lay people (including women) were to be more involved in the ministries

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Changes to the role of the Laity as a result of Vatican II

All people were encouraged to work for peace and unity as well as to evangelise and do other works of charity, all people were encouraged to read the Scripture and all the baptised share in the Church's universal call to holiness (not just priests and nuns, as was previously believed)

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Quotes from John XXIII relating to Vatican II

"But at the same time she must look to the present, to new conditions and the new forms of life introduced into the modern world" and "What is needed at the present time is a new enthusiasm, a new joy and serenity of mind in the unreserved acceptance by all of the entire Christian faith"

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The explicit, philosophical and/or religious reflection on moral beliefs and practices. Its purpose is to clarify what is right and wrong and what humans should freely do or refrain from doing

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a science that sets a system of medical and environmental priorities for acceptable survival. It is a branch of ethics concerned with the relationship between medicine and life. Examples include: Abortion, Euthanasia and Organ Donation.

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Core Elements of Baptism across all denominations

Baptism with water & Profession of Faith

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Water is a key element in baptisms as it

represents the death of the old sinful self and rebirth into a new life as an adherent of Jesus Christ.

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White Garment is a key element in baptisms as it

signify arrival into the Church and symbolic of the purity of baptism

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Baptismal Candle is a reminder that

Christ has enlightened the believer and the believer is to become the light of the world

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Significance of Baptism for the Individual

Initiates them into the whole Christian life., introduces them to life guided by the Holy Spirit , gives them access to other rites or sacraments offered by their particular church and frees them from sin and allows them to be reborn as a son/daughter of God.

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Baptism is

the ordinary Rite of Initiation for most Christians (not Salvation Army and Quakers)

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Common Beliefs about Baptism

Faith/belief in 1 God and having a relationship with this God and can only be fully realized in a community of Believers

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1st Difference is who can be Baptised and results in 2 types of Baptism

Believer (adult) Baptism (must have faith/belief- eg Baptists) and Non- believer (infant) Baptism (will grow in the faith eg Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, most protestant churches)

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2nd difference- Effect of Baptism- ie what happens which results in 2 distinct beliefs about Baptism

Baptism is a Sacrament- belief and action- Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican (Augustine 4th Century- We are saved when we choose to be be Baptised- Nicene Creed- I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins) and Baptism is a symbol- faith only- shows us what God has already done- Protestant (Luther, calvin and others- we are saved by faith alone- not the action of Baptism)

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Chriustian Ethical teaching- The preservation of

human life ("Then he sent them out to tell everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick." Luke 9:2)

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Chriustian Ethical teaching- Honouring God's

image ("Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us." Genesis 1:26)

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Chriustian Ethical teaching- Prevention of unnecessary

Suffering (Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character and hope. Romans 5:3)

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Chriustian Ethical teaching- The sanctity or holiness

of life ("Thou shall not kill". Exodus 20:13)

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Chriustian Ethical teaching- God has a purpose

for every person ("For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11)

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