________ used the extra funds in the Persian war treasury to build the Acropolis; Greek allies were furious that the funds were not returned to them.
________ made saltwater spring from the ground on the Acropolis.
________ are built with the post- and- lintel system in mind, the columns are never too widely set apart.
The ________ was a bowl for mixing water and wine because the Greeks never drank their wine straight.
He wrote a famous (no longer existing) book on the canon of human proportions
He wrote on the nature of ideal architecture
The fluid body movement and relaxed stance that was unknown in freestanding sculpture before this
a type of painting in which colors are added to hot wax to affix to a surface
a garment worn by women in ancient Greece, usually full length and tied at the waist
a body of rules or laws; in Greek art, the ideal mathematical proportion of a figure
the tradition of depicting heads of figures on the same level
Panathenaic Way
a ceremonial road for a procession built to honor Athena during a festival
ancient Greek goddess of victory
an upright stone slab used to mark a grave or a site
Greek goddess of war and wisdom; patron of Athens
King of the ancient Greek gods; known as Jupiter to the Romans; god of the sky and weather
a mythical ancient Greek war between the giants and the Olympian gods
the body of a column
a small relief sculpture on the façade of a Greek temple
a plain, unornamented lintel on the entablature
the upper story of a Greek temple
an entranceway to a building having columns supporting a roof
These are seated over the tops of columns, contain sculptures representing the heroic deeds of the god or goddess housed inside
It separates the upper and lower parts of a Greek temple
a public plaza in a Greek city where commercial, religious, and societal activities are conducted
a chamber used by a council of 500 citizens, called a boule, who was chosen by lot to serve for one year
a round structure manned by a group of senators 24 hours a day for emergency meetings; served as a dining hall where the prytaneis (executives) of the boule often met
Covered walkway with columns on one side and a wall on the other
the main room of a temple where the god is housed
having four columns in the front and four in the back
the model of a grieving mother; after boasting of her fourteen children, jealous gods killed them
a decoration using pieces of stone, marble, or colored glass, called tesserae, that are cemented to a wall or a floor
Peloponnesian War
The worst of these internal struggles happened during the _____ (431–404 B.C.E.) when Athens was crushed by Sparta.
Alexander the Great
Peloponnesian War did not end until the reign of __________, who, in the fourth century B.C.E., briefly united Macedonians and Greeks, by establishing a mighty empire that eventually toppled the Persians.
Greek sculpture is unafraid of _______.
Elaborate Greek temple complexes were placed on a high hill, or ____, overlooking the city.
Gateways, called ____, prepared the visitor for his or her entrance into the complex.
The introduction of columns carved as figures, the female version of which are called ____.
Temples are built with the post-and-lintel system in mind, the columns are never too widely set apart. The columns completely surround the temple core in a design called a _____.
A temple near the Parthenon, houses Poseidon's trident marks, the salt water well, and the sacred olive tree.
A ____, with its wide mouth and shallow dimensions, was a drinking cup, ideal for the display of scenes on the relatively flat bottom.
The portable _____ stored provisions like oil or wine with an opening large enough to admit a ladle.
black figure
In the Archaic period, artists painted in a style called _______, which emphasized large figures drawn in black on the red natural surface of the clay.
At the end of the Archaic period, red-figure vases were introduced by _______; in effect, they are the reversal of black figure-style pots.
Anavysos Kouros
Hair is knotted and falls in neatly braided rows down the back.
“Archaic smile” meant to enliven the sculpture.
Grave marker, replacing huge vases of the Geometric period.
Sponsored by an aristocratic family.
Not a real portrait but a general representation of the dead.
Anavysos Kouros is named after a young military hero ________.
Peplos Kore
Hand emerges into the viewer’s space
Breasts revealed beneath drapery; Indented waist.
Broken hand was fitted into the socket
she is the goddess, either Athena or Artemis
Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
A sculpture of Polykleitos
original: c. 450–440 B.C.E.
A Roman marble copy of a Greek bronze original,
Found in National Archaeological Museum, Naples
Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)
Represents Polykleitos’s ideal masculine figure.
Marble Roman copy of a bronze Greek original
Found in Pompeii in a place for athletic training
Helios, Horses, and Dionysus (Heracles?)
Figures seated in the left-hand corner of the east pediment of the Parthenon
contains figures who are present at the birth of Athena, which is the main topic at the center of pediment—now lost.
Part of the Parthenon sculptures, also called the Elgin Marbles.
Plaque of the Ergastines
Part of frieze from Parthenon
Scene from Panatenaic friend
first time in Greek art that human events are depicted on a temple.
contains a religious procession of women dressed in contemporary drapery and acting nobly
Victory adjusting her sandal
Part of the balustrade on the Temple of Athena Nike, a war monument.
One of many figures on the balustrade
Not a continuous narrative but a sequence of independent scenes.
Grave stele of Hegeso
Grave marker.
Use of contrapposto in the standing figure.
Text includes name of the deceased.
Erected in the Dipylon cemetery in Athens
Winged Victory of Samothrace
Large heroic figure of Nike placed above the marble prow of a naval vessel.
Monumental figure.
made to commemorate a naval victory in 191 B.C.E.
Found in 1863 in situ on Samothrace.
Athena, from the Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon
Describes the battle between the gods and the giants
The gods’ victory over the giants offers a parallel to Alexander the Great’s defeat of the Persians.
Also acts as an allegory of a Greek military victory by Eumenes II.
Seated Boxer
Rare surviving Hellenistic bronze.
Older man, past his prime, looks defeated.
May have been a good luck charm for athletes
Nude fighter; hands wrapped in leather bands
Athenian Agora
A plaza at the base of the Acropolis in Athens with commercial, civic, religious, and social buildings where ceremonies took place.
Architects: Iktinos
Interior built to house a massive statue of Athena
also included the treasure of the Delian League
Greek predilection for algebra and geometry is omnipresent in the design of this building
Constructed under the leadership of Pericles
Temple of Athena Nike
Architect: Kallikrates
Amphiprostyle | Ionic Temple
Built to commemorate the Greek victory over the Persians in the Battle of Marathon
Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon
Altar is on an elevated platform at the top of a dramatic flight of stairs.
A frieze 7.5 feet high and more than 400 feet long wraps around the monument.
Altar dedicated to Zeus and Athena
Niobides Krater
First time in vase painting that isocephalism
For ceremonial use
Called in that name because the killing of Niobe’s children is depicted on one side.
Alexander Mosaic
Extremely complex interweaving of figures; spatial illusionism through foreshortening, chiaroscuro, reflection in shield.
Use of tesserae instead of previously used pebbles.
A copy of a mural made by Piloxenos of Eretria for King Cassander.