Effect of increasing temperature on rate of reaction
Increasing temperature → increased rate of reaction due to a higher proportion of particles having energy greater than the activation energy, leading to more successful collisions per second.
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Effect of increasing concentration/pressure on rate of reaction
Increased concentration/pressure → increased rate of reaction due to more particles in a given volume, resulting in more frequent successful collisions.
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Variables to monitor for rate of reaction
Concentration of reactant or product, Gas volume of products, Mass of substances formed.
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Calculating rate from concentration time graph
Draw a tangent and work out the gradient of the tangent using the equation Gradient = change in y / change in x.
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A substance which increases the rate of reaction but is not used up in the reaction.
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How catalysts work
They provide an alternate reaction pathway (with a lower activation energy), resulting in more particles having energy greater than activation energy, leading to more frequent successful collisions.
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Homogeneous catalyst
A catalyst that is in the same phase as the reactants, e.g., liquid catalyst mixed with liquid reactants.
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Heterogeneous catalyst
Catalyst used in the reaction is in a different phase to the reactants, e.g., gaseous reactants passed over solid catalyst.
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Catalytic converters
They are present in vehicles to reduce toxic emission and prevent photochemical smog.
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Activation energy
The minimum energy that particles must collide with for a reaction to occur.
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Features of Boltzmann distribution
Area under the curve = total number of molecules; Area under the curve does not change when conditions alter; The curve starts at the origin; Curve does not touch or cross the energy axis; Only the molecules with energy greater than activation energy can react.
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Axes in a Boltzmann distribution
X axis - energy; Y axis - number of molecules with a given energy.