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The Canadian Criminal Justice System (CJS)
A formal system of social control
Network organizations including the police, courts, and corrections involved in law enforcement and administration of justice
5 components of the CJS
Laws and law-making (government legislation)
Policing and enforcement
Criminal court system
Release and re-entry into society
Important for reducing re-offending
History of the CJS
Created to address and control what we call “public evil”
Linked to ideas of social disorder and harm
How do we protect society?
Based on the British system
System is directed towards maintaining public order
6 Tenants of the Justice System
Justice for people who have been harmed
Does imprisonment stop people from committing crimes?
Public protection
Public rehabilitation
Becoming more important with young people
Looking at the root causes that lead someone into jail is the best way to protect society
Reintegration into society
Police have discretion which leads to different stop and arrest rates for different groups
They determine if a crime has occurred and to arrest someone
Community policing
Integrating officers into community problem solving
They used to be seen as the arm of the government
Police discretion: legal factors
Seriousness of the offence
Particularly with young people
Arrest records
Prior police contact
Doesn’t necessarily mean they have been in the system
Previous contact could have been as a victim
Prior convictions
Those who breach a probation order
Rules of the Criminal Code
Does define some instances where police have to respond in a certain way
Police discretion: extralegal (social) factors
The social positioning of individuals
Certain neighbourhoods, race
A suspect’s behaviour, attitude, and appearance determines the outcome
May lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of interactions with police
Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles of Policing
Prevent crime and disorder
Recognize that power of policing depends on public approval
Recognize public approval and cooperation are linked
Recognize when public cooperation is secured, the need for force is reduced
Must demonstrate impartial service to the law
Force is a last resort
Police are part of the public community and vice versa
Strict adherence to executive functions
The reduction of crime and disorder is a test of efficiency
Community policing
Key focus is prevention, intervention, and crime/harm reduction
These are ways of bringing police into the community
Social system tapestry
Police organizations are influenced by the social environment and have an interdependent relationship with other systems
Public attitudes towards “tough on crime” vs “soft on crime” practices influence the work of policing
Rethinking the “thin blue line” idea
Policing in Canada
Standards of community policing
Growing reliance on “community based crime prevention” through education, neighbourhood watch, etc.
Reorientation of patrol from emergency response to proactive policies
Increased police accountability
Decentralization of command and authority which allows more discretion
Police culture (Tator and Henry 2006)
Police exist within the dominant culture as a subculture
Problems in society are reflected in police departments
Police organizational culture is not monolithic
There is a lot of diversity
Police are increasingly responsible to many other organizations
As police move back towards the government, they’re less involved in the community
The relationship between the police and the public is complicated
Police culture
It is insular and perpetuates itself
Criminal profiling as a police practice can lead to other concerns
Socialization into the culture leaves little room for question or dissent
Social isolation is one of the main features of police culture as police view themselves as outsiders
They trust neither the public they serve nor the managers that oversee them
Young recruits tend to have a degree beforehand and have new/different ideas, but then they enter a culture where those ideas are disagreed with
The result of police culture
“Protect yourself”
Going against higher officers is strongly discouraged
Happens globally
The Justice System - Courts
Courts have discretion, but are overloaded
Prosecutors will only charge someone if they think they can win the case
Inherently an adversarial/accusatorial process
The goal is to find and present facts
Mainly to get the jury on your side rather than wholly present the truth
The place where laws are interpreted and enacted
Courts can only hold a small number of cases at a time
Sentence reduction for a guilty plea
Can be an oppressive or inadequate sentence
Jury trials
The law entitles those charged with an offence for which they can receive imprisonment for longer than 5 years a jury trial
Citizens have the duty to serve on a jury
Two kinds of challenges can be brought against a potential juror
A preemptory challenge (no reason)
A challenge for cause (potential for bias)
Happens after conviction
Formally referred to as dispositions
Various kinds outlined in the Criminal Code
While they are prescriptive in terms of a response to conviction, there are a few questions that go along with them
Questions around sentencing
What is the goal of sentencing?
Punishment? Protection of society? Justice to the victim?
How do we weight punishment?
What does proportionality mean?
Should judges have judicial discretion?
Principles of sentencing
To denounce awful conduct
To deter the offender and other persons from committing offences
To seperate offenders from society where necessary
To assist in rehabilitating offenders
To provide reparations for harm done
Promote a sense of responsibility in offenders
Restorative justice
Focuses on reparing the harm caused by crime by holding moderated meetings of victims, offenders, and other affected by crime, which can be used at different sites in the justice system
Can be a diversion from court, a pre-sentencing option, and after release from prison
Self-fulfilling prophecy and policing
People who have a negative perception of the police are more likely to have a negative interaction with them, which may lead to harsher punishment
Durlauf and Nagin’s 2011 review of research (Prison as a deterrent?)
Longer prison sentences harm the individual and society
Imprisonment may increase the rates of reoffending
Sykes 1996 (Prison as a deterrent?)
Long-term prisoners suffer a loss of individuality/ownership
Experience other losses
This increases people’s likelihood to reoffend