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Explicit memories
Facts and experiences we consciously know about.
Flashcard Term: Encoding
Definition: The process of transforming information into a format that can be stored in memory, requiring _______ and conscious effort to effectively retain and recall the information later
Implicit memories
Information stored unintentionally and without conscious effort.
Automatic processing example
Driving a familiar route to school or work becomes automatic, enabling focus on other thoughts or music due to learned behaviors and routines.
Sensory memory
Initial stage of memory that holds sensory information for a brief period.
Iconic memory
A type of sensory memory that holds visual images for a few seconds.
Echoic memory
A type of sensory memory for auditory information that lasts 3 to 4 seconds.
Short-term memory (STM)
The capacity to remember about 7 bits of information at a time.
Organizing information into familiar segments to enhance recall.
Memory aids that use vivid imagery and organizational devices.
Method of Loci
A mnemonic technique that involves associating information with familiar locations.
Organizing information into broad categories and subcategories to aid recall.
Spacing effect
The phenomenon where learning is more effective when spread out over time.
Massed practice
Cramming information into a single study session.
Testing effect
The improved retention of information through self-testing rather than rereading.
Shallow processing
Basic level encoding based on the structure or appearance of words.
Deep processing
Encoding based on the meaning of words, leading to better retention.
Serial postion effect
Are tendency to recall the last terms in a list in the first ones in a list after delay can’t recall middle