________ analyzes the relationship between religion, state, and capitalist development in his work The Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism, whose texts were published between 1904 and 1905.
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Calvinism considers the doctrine of predestination: human beings would already be predestined to be condemned or saved in eternal life after death.
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Frenchman John Calvin
The Frenchman John Calvin (1509- 1564) was another great exponent of the Protestant Reformation.
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Benjamin Franklin
In trying to explain the spirit of capitalism, Weber presents some ideas, such as those attributed to ________ (1706- 1790), a political philosopher and American diplomat.
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processes of bureaucratization
The processes of bureaucratization became an inseparable part of societies, especially in the context of European modernity
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The Catholic Church, in the past, condemned this practice, called usury
it did not see money as a productive good and a generator of value
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Calvinism considers the doctrine of predestination
human beings would already be predestined to be condemned or saved in eternal life after death
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There is little by little a revolution of mentality
many begin to consider only rational and material content and criticize religion and metaphysical philosophy
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For Max
The modern state was accompanied by the development of a bureaucracy