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Greek for “one who is sent
are the successors to the Apostles
a non-Jewish person
12, working class men, breathed holy spirit into then and gave them power to continue his mission
How many apostles were there and what did they do?
Fisher on men
What was St. Peter called?
Who was the first pope?
• Speaks at the Transfiguration (Lk 9:28-36)
• First Apostle to see the Risen Christ (Lk 24:33-34)
• Jesus tells Peter to “feed My sheep” (Jn 21:15-19)
• Boldly Preaches the Sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41)
What are the keys to the kingdom?
Acts of the Apostles Chp. 15
• ‘Apostles and Elders’ (Bishops) were present
• Declared followers of Christ were:
• not required to follow all Jewish rituals
(i.e., circumcision) and dietary laws
• required to refrain from meat sacrificed to
idols at pagan temples
What was the first council of ecumenical?
Blinded by Christ who asks
“Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
• Brought to Damascus – healed and
baptized by an elder of the Church
• The Apostles accept him as ‘one who is sent’
by Christ Jesus
• Reluctantly at first
• Becomes greatest missionary in Church History
How was converted on the road to Damascus and how?
Asia Minor, Greece and Macedonia
What 3 missionary jounreys were outlined the acts of apostles?
Church Fathers tell us Paul is beheaded just outside of Rome
• Between 60-67 AD
• Nero blamed him for the fires that destroyed Rome
What was the possible 4th missionary journey?
St. Paul because he changed method of delivering the message from audience to audience
Who was known as the greatest evangelist and why?
Focused on the old testament, how Jesus life death and resurrection fulfilled the prophecies in Jewish scripture
What was St. Pauls methodology?
the altar of the “unknown god
Greek word for “witness,” to die
rather than deny faith in Jesus Chris
The seed of christianity
What are the blood of martys symbolic of?
Speaking, acting, or thinking
about God in a way that is irreverent,
mocking, or offensive
Religious - Christians refused to
participate in idolatry of pagan worship
2.Political – Refusal of the civic worship
of the Emperor as the Son of God was
treasonous and punishable by death.
3.Economic - St. Paul taught that
idols were futile and worthless,
undermining Temple commerce and
derailing the Empire’s economic system
How did Roman persecution threaten the early church
Physical torture and death
• Christians are the most persecuted religious
group in the world today
What is red martyodm?
A life of heroic devotion to God, enduring
mocking, hatred, and persecution at
school/work, or denial of religious freedom
What is white martydom?