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Indian Ocean Basin
Trading point in Indian Ocean, benefited South Asia
How did the spread of Islam impact Indian Ocean trade?
Connected more cities in East Africa, East and Southeast Asia, South Asia, Muslim Persians and Arabs were dominant seafarers and transported goods to port cities
Calicut and Cambay
Cities in west India, traded with East Africa and Southwest Asia
How did Calicut prosper?
Became primary spot for spices, Chinese and Arab merchants were welcomed and exchanged goods, brought wealth and prosperity
What did India export?
Fabrics (cotton), carpets, high-carbon steel, tanned leather, artisan-crafted stonework, pepper
What did md Malaysia and Indonesia export?
Spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, called Spice Islands
What did Swahili coastal cities like Mombasa, Mogadishu, and Sofala export?
Slaves, ivory, gold
What did Southwest Asia export?
Horses, figs, dates
Indian Ocean slave trade
Sold to buyers in Northern Africa, Middle East, India, sometimes to islands like Madagascar, reached peak in 18th/19th centuries, worked in shipping, household servants, and as sailors or soldiers
Compare slaves in the Americas and slaves in the Indian Ocean
IO had more opportunities than in Americas, Islamic communities gave them rights
Mixing of cultures in IO slave trade
African words, musical styles, customs found in Oman, India, etc
Lateen sails
Catch winds coming from different directions, Arab sailors debated to have invented them
Stern rudder
Made ships more stable and maneuverable, Chinese sailors invented during classical period
Used for fishing and trade, dominated post-classical era, used by Arab and Indian sailors
Shows how far north/south you are from the equator, improved by Muslims in 12th century
Monsoon winds
Merchants planned voyages around them, winter: northeast winds, spring/summer: southwest winds
Md Malaysia, extended to Sumatra and Malay peninsula in 1400s; gained wealth by building navy and charging ships that passed through Strait of Malacca, prosperity was based on trade rather than agriculture
How did Malacca fall?
Conquered by Portuguese in 1511 -> wanted wealth, gained some wealth but caused nearby conflicts so merchants used other routes
Settlements of people away from homeland, people would wait for favorable winds and interact with local culture of region
How was Islam spread to South Asia using trade?
Arab and East African merchants would stay and marry in Indian port cities,brought Islam to South Asia through intermarriage, Arab and persian merchants also settled in East Africa
Muslim diaspora
Region: China, Indian Ocean Basin, Europe; products: silk, paper, porcelain, spices, gems, woods, gold, salt, amber, furs
Sogdian (Samarkand) diaspora
Region: main caravan merchants along Silk Road, China; products: silk, gold, wine, linens
Jewish diaspora
Region: China, India, Europe; products: glass beads, linens, dyes, spices
Malay diaspora
Region: Sri Lanka; products: nutmeg, pepper, cloves
Respond to increased demand
Caused trade to expand
How did trade effect states?
Needed to be more efficient with crops, textiles, iron, etc, would tax imported goods and use of seaports
How was Gujarat effected by trade?
Go-between for trade in east and west, got revenue from customs (taxes on imports), more wealthy than some European states, Rajput Kingdom in India
Swahili City-states
Means "coasters," on East coast of Africa, Kolwa, Mombasa (Kenya today), Zanzibar (Tanzania today), Zanj Coast
Zanj Coast
Sold ivory, gold, slaves, tortoise shells, peacock feathers, rhino horns to Arab merchants
Zanj Coast imports
Chinese porcelain, Indian cotton, manufactured ironwork
Indian Ocean trade brought wealth
Buildings originally made of mud, but at height of IO trade mosques and homes were made from stone/coral
Zheng He
Muslim admiral in Ming Dynasty China, 1371-1433
What were Zheng He's 7 voyages
Indonesia, Ceylon, coastal cities on Indian Ocean, Arabia, east coast of Africa, Cape of Good Hope
What were the purpose, fleet, and effects of Zheng He's voyages?
Display might of Ming Dynasty, receive tribute; 300 ships carrying 28,000 people; won presitge for Chinese government, opened new markets, showed world beyond China, inspired immigration, temporarily stopped pirates
What was the controversy of Zheng He's voyages?
Scholars thought interaction with foreign cultures threatens stability of Chinese empire, some thought other cultures were inferior, some thought voyages were too expensive, Zhu Gaozhi (son of Emperor Yongle) did not want people to sail away from China, Gaozhi made building a sail with 2 masts a punishable offense