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Open ended questions
allows respondents to answer any way they like
forced choice-questions
people give their opinion by picking the best of two or more options, often used in political polls
Likert scale
survey questions format in a rating scale using specific term ( strongly agree, agree, neither etc)
Likert-type scale
similar to Likert- scale however it does not follow the exact format or labels are different from original Likert labels
semantic differential format
response scale whose number anchor with contrasting adjectives
leading questions
words lead people to particular response
doubled- barreled questions
wording of the questions is so complicated , respondents have trouble answering based on their opinions
negatively worded questions
negative phrased statements that make it confusing or complicated
response set
type of shortcut people take when answering survey questions.
when people say yes or strongly agree to every item
what is the term that means playing it safe by answering the middle of the scale
fence sitting
Faking good vs Faking bad
giving answers to make one look better then they actually are ( faking good) giving answers to make one look worse then they actually are ( faking bad)
observer effect
change in participants behavior to match observer expectations
masked design
observers are unaware of the purpose of the study and the conditions of which the participants have been assigned
change in behavior when study participants know another person is watching