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explicit cost
costs that involve an outlay of money
made up of fixed and variable costs to business
Implicit costs
does not involve an outlay of money
measured by the opportunity cost/normal rate of return
accounting profit
consists of total revenue minus explicit cost and depreciation
economic profit
consists of total revenue minus explicit cost and implicit cost
determines whenever or not you stay in business and do something else—find better alternative use for resources
economic profit is typically is greater than accounting profit
economic profit
total revenue > explicit cost + implicit cost
economic loss
total revenue < explicit cost and implicit cost
Normal rate of return
when TR=EC+IC
ie: profit=0
normal profit
profit maximizing rule
produce at the level of output where the marginal revenue of the last unit produced is equal to marginal cost (not necessarily the same value in graph/chart)
AKA: optimal output tule
focus of all firms
produce largest quantity at MR>MC (when MC switches to being less than MR)
marginal revenue
change in total revenue generated by an additional unit of output
when _____ is consistent for every output level = perfectly competitively market
marginal cost
change in total cost per additional unit of output
profit is maximized
minimized loss
marginal cost curve
shows how the cost of producing one more unit depending on the quantity that has already been produced
represents the supply curve for the firm
marginal revenue curve
shows how total revenue varies as output varies
horizontal line
in a perfectly competive market, MR (D) is a _____, perfectly demand elastic
when MR>MC, this indicates that the firm should produce ___ goods
when MR<MC produce ____ goods
P maximized/optimized OP
when MR=MC, it is ____
increasing; elastic
When MR +, total revenue ___ and demand is ____
decreasing; inelastic
when MR is - , total revenue is ___ and demand is ___
maximized; unitary
when MR=0 total revenue is ____ and demand is ____
socially efficient
when MC and MR intersect, the point is called the _____ point
minimum efficiency scale
quantity where average total cost is at its lowest point (most efficient)
U shaped
the ATC is _____, because it has both characteristics of AVC and AFC
Fixed cost
costs that do not depend on quantity of output, costs of FI
EX; interest on company issued bonds, real estate taxes, executive salaries, insurance premiums, rental payments
Variable cost
costs that depend on quantity of output level
Ex: advertising expenditures, fuel, shipping charges, payments for raw materials, wage payments, salex taxes
fixed cost
cost that does not change no matter how much quantity is produced
TC at 0=
spreading effect
the larger the output, the greater the quantity of output over which the fixed cost is spread, leading to a lower average fixed cost
powerful at low levels of output
diminishing returns effect
the larger the output, the greater the amount of the variable input is required to produced additional units, leading to a higher average variable cost
powerful at high levels of output
production function
shows the relationship between inputs into the production process and the quantity of output produced
fixed inputs
inputs that cannot be varied
EX: buildings, factories, office space,
variable inputs
inputs can be varied overtime
EX: Labor, machinery
long run
time period in which all inputs can be vaied
short run
time period in which at least one input is fixed
total product curve
shows the product function graphically of how the quantity of output depends on the quantity of variable input for a given quantity of fixed input
greater; increases; added
as the TPC increases, the ____ the output ___as inputs are ___
as TPC gets flatter, MP ____
marginal product
additional quantity of output produced by using one more unit of that input
what relationship does MP and MC have?
diminishing returns to an input
increase in quantity of input, all other inputs are fixed leads to a decrease in marginal product of that input
result of redundancy and congestion
marginal product ___ when more FI to work with
When MP>AP, AP is ___
Falling; diminishing returns
when MP< AP, AP is ___ demonstrating___
when MP=AP, AP is ___
when MP=0, TP is ___
sunk cost
refers to the cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered
ignored when making a decision
EX: staff training and education, product research, advertising, speciality equipment
the SRSC in a firm cost curve is when MC lies ____ AVC
where MC is below the ATC, it is the ____ for the firm
Exit point
where MC intersects the lowest point of the ATC in the long run
shut down point
in the short run when the MC interesects the AVC, indicates to no produce additional goods
Long run average total cost curve
shows the relationship between output and average total cost when fixed cost has been chosen to minimize the ATC for each level of output
how to minimize loss
increases price
lower ATC
economies of scale
when long run ATC decreases as output increases
constant returns to scale
when output increases directly in proportion to an increase in all inputs
diseconomies of scale
long run ATC increases as output increases
indicate coordination and communication problems
increasing returns to scale
when output increases more than in proportion to an increase in all inputs
deceasing returns to scale
output increases less in proportion to an increase in all inputs
minimum efficiency scale
smallest quantity at which a firms long run ATC is minimized
A firm has market power when they have the ability to set prices (above marginal cost)
anti-trust laws
prevent monopolies
Long run average cost
planning curve for the firm
made up of a series of SRAC curves
in the short run when output is low, fixed costs are ____
behavior of firms
perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive, oligopoly, and monopoly
price taking firm
a firm whose actions have no effect on the market price of the good or service it sells
perfectly competitive market
many firms
firms are price takers, no control over price= market sets price
has a standardized product (commodity), homogenous, not differentiated
no barriers of entry
no LR profit, returns to normal rate of return
-MR/D is horizontal
one producer
control price
no close substitutes, no differentiated
lots of barriers of entry
can have LR profit
few firms
can either have product differentiation or not
imperfect competition
varied control, depends on interdependence
some barriers of entry
can profit in LR
-price leadership
-kinked DC
-game theory
Monopolistic competitive
large number of competing firms
firms are price makers
few barrier to entry
free entry and exit
-small market share
MP>AP, AP ___
MP<AP, AP ___
MP=AP, AP is ___
MP=0, TP is ___
when MP is increasing, TP is ____
when MP decreases, TP is ____
add variable inputs; Decrease, increase; increase
continuing to ____ to increase production, the firms will start to experience diminishing returns, and have less efficiency and MP will ___, MC ___, ATC ___
another SRAC
to create more efficiency, allow for more fixed inputs to now take on the additional variable inputs
above; below
when you are overproducing, you are ___ the MES, for underproducing, you are ___ the MES
you can calculate to check too
when the demand is ___ sloping, firms have the ability to set the price
market power
when a firm is in the long run, P=ATC=Profit is 0=
barrier to entry
prevents other firms from entering the industry
to earn economic profits, protects
allows monopoly to persist
Natural monopoly
a monopoly created and sustained by economies of scale
allowed by government as the single provided, highly regulated
provides a large cost advantage (large fixed cost) to a single firm that produces all of an industr’s input
gives an inventor the sole right to make, use or sell that invention for a period of time (16-20yrs)
ex: drugs and devices
copy right
gives holder sole right to profit from that work (lifetime)
government created barriers
patents and copyright—temporary monopolies
price leadership
one firm is dominant, rest follow and compete through advertising
have higher demand
less quanitity than Socially effenct point
creates DWL
imperfect competition
when no one firm has a monopoly, but producers nonetheless realize that they can affect market prices
No; yes and up
does increasing fixed costs change the marginal cost curve? how about the average total cost curve?
average fixed costs ____ as output increases
2 factors that shift cost curves
change in technology
change in the price of a factor of production