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Useful guide points for radiographic positioning.
Topographical Landmarks
Specific anatomical points in the cervical region for radiographic reference.
Cervical Landmarks
Location of Mastoid Process (tip)
Level of C1, located about 1 inch below the external acoustic meatus (EAM).
Location of Gonion
Corresponds to the level of C3. Angle of Mandible
Location of Thyroid Cartilage (Adams apple)
Approximate level of C5, varying between C4-C5. CR for C-spine
Central Ray for C-Spine
Thyroid Cartilage (Adam’s apple)
location of Vertebra Prominens
Identified as C7 in cervical landmarks.
Key anatomical points for the thoracic region in radiography.
Thoracic Landmarks
Location of Jugular (suprasternal) Notch
Corresponds to T2 or T3, with T1 being 1.5 inches superior to the lvl of jugular notch
Sternal Angle Location
Located at T4 and T5, about 2 inches inferior to the manubrial notch.
Other name for Sternal Angle
Angle of Louis
Joint between manubrium and body of sternum
Sternal Angle (Manubriosternal Joint)
T7 Landmark
Positioned 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm) inferior to the jugular notch.
7-8 inches (18-20 cm) below vertebra prominent.
T7 Anterior Landmarks
1-2 inches from sternal angle
3-4 inches below jugular notch
Xiphoid Process Landmark
Corresponds to T9-10 in the thoracic region.
Located distal or inferiorly to sternum
Xiphoid Process
Key points for the lumbar and pelvic regions.
Lower Spine Landmarks
Location of Superior Margin of Symphysis Pubis
Corresponds to the prominence of the greater trochanter. This is where private part located
Where does the Superior Margin of Symphysis Pubis in Female is Located
Mons Pubis
Where does the CR located in Superior Margin of Symphysis Pubis
2 inches above
From iliac crest palpate anteriorly
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
Location of Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)
Aligns with the first or second sacral segment (S1-S2).
Location of Iliac Crest
Junction of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5). Common in L3
Location of Lowest Margin of Ribs
Corresponds to L2-L3.
Location of Xiphoid Tip
Key anatomical features of the skull for radiographic positioning.
Cranial Topography
True or False. Facial bones X-ray do not collimate whole head
Arch of bone above the eyes across forehead, important for cranial positioning.
Superciliary Ridge
Corresponds to the highest level of facial bone mass.
SOG (Supraorbital Groove)
Smooth area between the eyebrows, slightly superior to the bridge of the nose.
Junction of the nasal bones and frontal bone.
Small Cartilaginous flap covering the ear opening.
Refers to the superior attachment of the auricle, or the part where the side frames of eyeglasses rest. It also corresponds to the highest level of the petrous ridge.
TEA (Top of Ear Attachment)
Junctions of the upper and lower eyelids.
Canthi (plural)
Meeting point of the eyelids near the nose.
Inner Canthus (singular)
Lateral junction of the eyelids.
Outer Canthus
Upper or superior rim of the bony orbit.
SOM (Superior Orbital Margin)
True or False. IOM is more lateral than the Outer Canthus
Lower or inferior rim of the bony orbit. To know the correct depression of head.
IOM (Infraorbital Margin)
Portion of the lateral rim near the outer canthus.
Midlateral Orbital Margin
Angle Differences between OML, IOML, and GML for positioning adjustments.
Average 7° to 8° differences
Four divisions of the abdomen for anatomical reference.
Abdominal Quadrants
Nine specific areas for detailed anatomical study.
Abdominal Regions