What was the relational model commonly adopted to build?
Both logical and internal data models
Ordered list of attribute values. This is the row of the table
How is a relational schema denoted?
Name(Attribute1, Attribute2, …AttributeN)
A set S of relation schemas that belong to the same database
Relational Database Scheme
T/F: All values in a tuple are considered atomic
Where must each value in a tuple be from?
The domain of the attribute for that column
What are the four types of constraints in the relational model?
Entity Integrity
Referential Integrity
When are integrity constraints specified
When relations are designed and created in DBMS
When are integrity constraints checked by the DBMS?
When relation status is changed
Constraint where every value in a tuple must be from the domain of its attribute
Domain Constraint
What is a key constraint
Each row(tuple) has a key that uniquely identifies that tuple in the table
Set of attributes of a relation where no two tuples will have the same value for the set of attributes
A ______ is a minimal superkey
What does a key being a “minimal” superkey mean
No two tuples of R have the same value for this set of attributes
If any attribute is removed from this set then it won’t be a superkey
T/F: not every key is also a superkey
False, any key is also a superkey but not every superkey is a key
Any set of attributes that ______ a key is a ________
contains, superkey
If a relation has several cadidate keys, one is chose to be the ________
Primary key
Constraint where the primary key attributes of each relation cannot have null values in any tuple
Entity integrity constraint
Constraint used to specify a relationship among tuples. All foreign key constraints are enforced
Referential Integrity Constraint
In a referential integrity constraint, what must the value in the foreign key be?
Either a value existing in the corresponding primary key or a null
How do you map a multivalued attribute to the relational schema?
It becomes a separate relation with a foreign key taken from the superior entity
virtual table in a relational database that presents data from one or more underlying tables
Underlying table whose value is really stored in the database
Base table
T/F: Views store data
What do views display
Only necessary information
What are the benefits of using views
Data abstraction: hides complexity of base tables and simplifies data access
Security: restricts access to sensitive data by allowing specific users to see it
Simplified queries: enables reuse of complex queries
Logical data independence: allows changes to database schema without affecting how others access the data
What is the goal of relational schema design
Avoid redundancy and anomalies
What are the four problems when relations are not well structured?
Redundant storage: some information stored repeatedly
Update Anomalies: if one copy of repeated data is updated, inconsistency occurs unless all copies are updated
Insertion Anomalies: adding new rows forces user to create duplicate data
Delete Anomalies: deleting rows can cause loss of data that would be needed for future rows
Relation that contains a minimal amount of redundancy, and allows users to insert, delete, and update tuples in a relation without errors or inconsistency
Well-structured relation
An effect where updating a value of an attribute, like its name, does not update anywhere else. This causes inconsistencies.
The value of one attribute determines the value of another attribute
Functional Dependency
When is a functional dependency a fully functional dependency
If removal of any attribute from X means that the dependency won’t hold anymore
 If X, A -> Y, and you remove A, X still determines Y.
Partial dependency
 If A -> B, and B -> C, then A -> C
Transitive dependency
What is the main technique for schema refinement
Systematic process of decomposing relations with anomalies to produce smaller, well-structured relations
What is normalization used for?
Used for evaluating and correcting relational schemas to minimize data redundancies
State of a particular relation determined based on functional dependencies
Normalization form
What are the normalization forms
1NF: First normal form
2NF: Second normal form
3NF: Third normal form
BCNF: Boyce-Codd normal form
4NF: Fourth normal form
What are the conditions for 1NF?
Every attribute is atomic and single
The relation has a relation name
What are the conditions for 2NF?
It is in 1NF
It includes no partial dependencies
T/F: it isn’t possible to exhibit transitive dependencies in 2NF
What do we have to do if the relation is not in 2NF
Decompose and set up new relation for each partial key together with its dependent attribute types
Keep a relation with the original primary key and any attributes that are fully functionally dependent on it
What are the steps for the normalization process to 2NF
Write each key component on a separate line
Create a relation per each key component and assign corresponding dependent attributes
What are the conditions for 3NF
it is a 2NF
it contains no transitive dependencies
What are the steps for the normalization process to 3NF
Identify each new determinant
Identify the dependent attributes and add them in a new table
Remove the dependent attributes of the transitive dependencies from the original table. All that should be left is the foreign key