BIO 047
Corrugator supercilii (action only)
Draw eyebrows together and inferiorly for frowning
Orbicularis oculi (action only)
Closes eyes
Zygomaticus, major and minor (action only)
Prime mover for smiling
Risorius (action only)
Draws corners of mouth laterally
Depressor anguli oris (action only)
Draws corners of lips downward
Orbicular oris (action only)
Closes lips
Buccinator (action only)
Compresses cheek
Platysma (action only)
Tenses skin of the neck
Masseter (O, I, and action)
O - Zygomatic bone and arch
I - Mandible
Action - Elevates mandible for jaw closure
Temporalis (O, I, and action)
O - Temporal fossa
I - Mandible
Action - Elevates mandible for jaw closure
Medial pterygoid (action only)
Side-to-side jaw movement
Lateral pterygoid (action only)
Side-to-side movement
Superior, middle, & inferior pharyngeal constrictors (action only)
Squeeze food into the esophagus
Sternocleidomastoid (O, I, and action)
O - Manubrium & clavicle
I - Mastoid process of temporal bone
Action - prime mover for head flexion
Scalenes (O, I, and action)
O - Vertebrae
I - Ribs 1 & 2
Action - Synergists for inspiration
Splenius, capitis & cervicis (action only)
Extends head
Iliocostalis (action only)
Trunk extension
Longissimus (action only)
Trunk extension
Spinalis (action only)
Trunk extension
Quadratus lumborum (action only)
Lateral flexion
External intercostals (action only)
Synergists for inspiration
Internal intercostals (action only)
Synergists for expiration
Diaphragm (action only)
Prime mover for inspiration
External oblique (action only)
Flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal wall
Internal oblique (action only)
Flexes vertebral column & compresses abdominal wall
Transversus abdominis (action only)
Compresses abdominal contents
Rectus abdominis
Flex & rotate lumbar region
Levator ani (action only)
Supports pelvic viscera & elevates the anus superiorly
Coccygeus (action only)
Supports pelvis viscera
Pectoralis minor (O, I, and action)
O - Ribs
I - Coracoid process of scapula
Action - Depresses the shoulder
Serratus anterior (O, I, and action)
O - Ribs
I - Scapula
Action - Abduction/protraction, depression, & upward rotation of scapula
Trapezius (O, I, and action)
O - Occipital bone, vertebrae
I - Scapula, clavicle
Action - Elevation of scapula, depression of the shoulder
Levator scapulae (O, I, and action)
O - Vertebrae
I - Scapula
Action - Prime mover for elevation of scapula
Rhomboids, major and minor (O, I, and action)
O - Vertebrae
I - Scapula
Action - Downward rotation, elevation of scapula
Pectoralis major (O, I, and action)
O - Axial skeleton
I - Greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Prime mover for arm flexion & arm adduction
Deltoid (O, I, and action)
O - Pectoral girdle
I - Deltoid tuberosity
Action - PM of arm abduction
Latissimum dorsi (O, I, and action)
O - Axial skeleton
I - Humerus
Action - PM for arm extension, arm adduction
Teres major (O, I, and action)
O - Pectoral girdle
I - Humerus
Action - Synergist of arm extension & arm adduction
Teres minor (O, I, and action)
O - Lateral border of scapula
I - Greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Stabilize the glenohumeral joint
Subscapularis (O, I, and action)
O - Subscapular fossa
I - Lesser tubercle of humerus
Action - Stabilize the glenohumeral joint
Supraspinatus (O, I, and action)
O - Supraspinous fossa
I - Greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Stabilize the glenohumeral joint
Infraspinatus (O, I, and action)
O - infraspinous fossa
I - Greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Stabilize the glenohumeral joint
Triceps brachii (O, I, and action)
O - Scapula & humerus
I - Olecranon process
Action - PM for elbow (or forearm) extension
Biceps brachii (O, I, and action)
O - Scapula
I - Radial tuberosity
Action - PM for elbow (or forearm) flexion, supinates the forearm
Brachialis (O, I, and action)
O - Humerus
I - Coranoid process
Action - PM of elbow (or forearm) flexion
Brachioradialis (O, I, and action)
O - Humerus
I - Radial styloid process
Action - Synergist for forearm flexion
Pronator teres (action only)
Synergist for pronating forearm
Flexor carpi radialis (action only)
Flexes wrist
Palmaris longus (action only)
Tenses skin
Flexor carpi ulnaris (action only)
Flexes wrist
Flexor digitorum superficialis (action only)
Flexes digits
Flexor digitorum profundus (action)
Flexes digits
Pronator quadratus (action only)
PM for pronating forearm
Extensor carpi radialis, longus & brevis (action only)
Extends wrist
Extensor digitorum (action only)
Extends digits
Extensor carpi ulnaris (action only)
Extends wrists
Iliopsoas; iliacus (O, I, and action)
O - Pelvis
I - Femur
Action - PM for thigh (or hip joint) flexion
Iliopsoas; psoas major (O, I, and action)
O - Vertebral column
I - Femur
Action - PM for thigh (or hip joint) flexion
Sartorius (O, I, and action)
O - Anterior superior iliac spine
I - Tibia
Action - Synergist for thigh (or hip joint) adduction
Adductor longus (O, I, and action)
O - Coxal bone
I - Femur
Action - Adduction & medial rotation of thigh
Adductor Magnus (O, I, and action)
O - Coxal bone
I - Femur
Action - Adduction & medial rotation of thigh
Gracilis (O, I, and action)
O - Coxal bone
I - Tibia
Action - Adduction & medial rotation of thigh
Rectus femoris (O, I, and action)
O - Femur
I - Patella & tibial tuberosity
Action - Synergist for thigh flexion, lateral rotation of thigh, PM for knee extension
Vastus lateralis (O, I, and action)
O - Femur
I - Patella & tibial tuberosity
Action - PM for knee extension
Vastus medialis (O, I, and action)
O - Femur
I - Patella & tibial tuberosity
Action - PM for knee extension
Vastus intermedius (O, I, and action)
O - Femur
I - Patella & tibial tuberosity
Action - PM for knee extension
Gluteus maximus (O, I, and action)
O - Pelvis
I - Femur
Action - PM for thigh extension, medial rotation of thigh
Gluteus medius (O, I, and action)
O - Ilium
I - Femur
Action - PM for thigh abduction, medial rotatoin of thigh
Piriformis (O, I, and action)
O - Sacrum
I - Femur
Action - Lateral rotation of thigh
Quadratus femoris (O, I, and action)
O - Ischium
I - Femur
Action - Lateral rotation of thigh
Biceps femoris (O, I, and action)
O - Ischium & femur
I - Tibia & fibula
Action - PM for thigh extension, leg/knee joint flexion
Semitendinosus (O, I, and action)
O - Ischium
I - Tbia
Action - PM for thigh extension, leg/knee joint flexion
Semimembranous (O, I, and action)
O - Ischium
I - Femur & tibia
Action - PM for thigh extension, leg/knee joint flexion
Tibialis anterior (O, I, and action)
O - Tibia
I - Metatarsal 1 & medial cuneiform
Action - PM for dorsiflexion
Extensor digitorum longus (O, I, and action)
O - Tibia & fibula
I - Phalanges
Action - PM for toe extension
Extensor hallucis longus (O, I, and action)
O - Fibula
I - Distal phalanx of great toe
Action - Great toe extension
Fibularis longus (O, I, and action)
O - Fibula
I - Metatarsal 1 & medial cuneiform
Action - Plantar flexion & foot eversion
Gastrocnemius (O, I, and action)
O - Femur
I - Calcaneus
Action - Plantar flexion
Soleus (O, I, and action)
O - Tibia & fibula
I - Calcaneus
Action - Plantar flexion
Popliteus (action only)
Knee flexion
Flexor digitorum longus (action only)
Toes flexion
Flexor hallucis longus (action only)
Great toe flexion
Tibialis posterior (action only)
Foot inversion