What school/college was founded in 1440 by Henry VI?
Name an educational institution founded by Henry VI
King’s College, Cambridge (1441)
What did the Pope award Henry VI for his piety?
The Golden Rose
How much was the crown debt in 1450?
How much was Richard, Duke of York owed?
What was Margaret of Anjou dubbed?
The 10 Mark Queen
Which treaty arranged the marriage of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou? (and who was responsible for it?)
Treaty of Tours (1444), arranged by the Duke of Suffolk
What was sold in 1448 in an attempt to ease the debts?
Crown Jewels
How many exemptions did Henry VI make to the Act of Resumption in 1450?
What were the numbers of troops gathered for both sides at Dartford?
York: 20,000 - Henry: 25,000
How did the Duke of Suffolk die?
On a boat, going into exile, decapitated by a rusty axe
Who replaced Richard, Duke of York as Lieutenant of France?
Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset
Which land was lost in summer of 1453?
How many bills did Margaret submit to parliament when requesting the regency, during Henry’s illness?
When was Prince Edward born?
October 1453
When Richard, Duke of York was made Protector, what action did he take against Somerset?
Put him in the Tower of London
How did Richard affect Margaret of Anjou’s power during his protectorate?
He reduced her household from 120 to 38 people, and then ordered her to leave London
Who did Cade’s rebels execute?
Lord Saye + Sherrif Crowmer
Give one piece of evidence to show Cade’s Rebellion was organised.
Wrote and issued a Manifesto, used church bells for announcements
Where was the main fighting during Cade’s Rebellion?
London Bridge
Where was the council held before Albans that spooked York, Warwick and Salisbury? Why?
Leicester - they weren’t invited, and the same thing had happened to Gloucester earlier and he was killed for treason
How was Henry VI harmed and protected during Cade’s rebellion, on whose orders?
He was shot in the soldier and taken to the Abbey on York’s orders
How many troops were involved at Albans?
8000 ish
Give two reasons Charles VII was in a stronger position against Henry VI in France, in 1450
Better taxation, had a standing army
Where was Henry VI during Cade’s rebellion?
Kenilworth Castle
How was Richard treated immediately after Dartford?
As a prisoner - walked in the front during the crown wearing ceremony
What was the area of Ireland called that Richard governed? What was unusual about his term?
The Pale, term set at 10 years (rather than 5)
Where and how was Somerset killed at St. Albans?
He hid in a pub and was killed with an axe
Who was executed BEFORE the rebellion started for explaining soldiers would not be paid?
Bishop Adam Moleyns
Which castle did the Nevilles and Percys have conflict over in 1453?
Wressle Castle (ancestral Percy ties, due to be inherited by Nevilles through marriage)
Which castle did Henry VI award Somerset in 1453, despite Warwick being the named heir to it?
Glamorgan Castle